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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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24 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


Deep down inside, conservatives like you are ok with Trump because of exactly this. 


Legitimize sexual abuse, mocking of the disabled, racism, xenophobia and all sorts of awful things so you can enforce your religious views on others.


It only took the most vile person in modern political history of this country to achieve your policy goals. That should tell you something about the moral views you adhere to.

I absolutely despise President Trump and all those things you list. My son is disabled! I only know of one thing he has done that I support and it had to do with naming a park in honor of MLK. You shouldn't be lecturing anybody on morals, when you've supported ripping babies from mother's wombs for 40+ years. #keepfamiliestogether applies to abortion too. At least be consistent.

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not only has this thread become an abortion thread, but one that's even more ugly and personal that typical.  


Perhaps if the thread gets more on topic, it will get less ugly, too?  


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10 minutes ago, Larry said:



not only has this thread become an abortion thread, but one that's even more ugly and personal that typical.  


Perhaps if the thread gets more on topic, it will get less ugly, too?  


Thank you Larry for the calming voice of reason. Sorry if my response a few minutes ago was toxic. I try hard to restrain myself from blasting, but sometimes I feel about abortion the way another poster feels about racial injustice and it gets the better of my good sense. Back on topic.

Edited by Zguy28
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36 minutes ago, Larry said:



not only has this thread become an abortion thread, but one that's even more ugly and personal that typical.  


Perhaps if the thread gets more on topic, it will get less ugly, too?  



Good point Larry, thanks.  I can't seem to find any thread on specifically on abortion but this one seems the closest




I'm gonna move my discussions over there.

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Trump has been the unfiltered voice for right-wing policies the GOP has needed.  Their policies are not popular, so they've always had to wordsmith their way to convincing people it'd be good for them.  Then Trump comes along and he just says things from the hip and repeats it over and over and over, with no shame, until people start to repeat them.  Trump is literally endorsing policies that have failed over and over in the past, but he doesn't care.  I actually think the GOP is a bit shocked at how effective Trump has been on messaging and they are going along for the ride.

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I said I was leaving this board but I just had to come back to enjoy all this leftist caterwauling.   Reading this thread is even more entertaining than rewatching 2016 election night coverage on youtube.  I don't know what strict constructionist President Trump should or will select but I think it would be amusing if he goes with Judge Amy Barrett.




The -----crats would be in the interesting position of having to attack an affable Catholic mother of 7 when they are desperate to peel off white women voters and increase their percentage of the highly Catholic Hispanic vote.  In any case, the Republicans have the votes to confirm her without a single -----crat vote but watching the 8-9 Red State -----crat Senators up for election squirm in a no-win situation will be delightful.  I shouldn't get my hopes up President Trump may go with someone else.


By the way, I thought President Trump looked very pleased today at the groundbreaking of the new 10 billion Foxconn in Wisconsin.  The plant that is expected to employ 13,000 or so and will be up and running by 2020 when Trump wins Wisconsin again! MAGA!

Edited by Veryoldschool
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32 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

blah blah blah

So are mods going to ban this misogynistic racist already or does he get to waltz back in and out of the tailgate to **** with people? He contributes nothing and damn near derails every thread he comes into.

What's the deal? I'm seriously trying to understand what the rules are here. Are there different sets of rules for different people?

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5 minutes ago, Fresh8686 said:

So are mods going to ban this misogynistic racist already or does he get to waltz back in and out of the tailgate to **** with people? He contributes nothing and damn near derails every thread he comes into.

What's the deal? I'm seriously trying to understand what the rules are here. Are there different sets of rules for different people?

If they arent going to ban someone who started a thread with an article titled "white people are cowards" then I don't know if they can really banned this dude either.  I am guessing the mods are giving people more slack because of the way the world is right now.  Not sure how I feel about it.

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14 minutes ago, Fresh8686 said:

So are mods going to ban this misogynistic racist already or does he get to waltz back in and out of the tailgate to **** with people? He contributes nothing and damn near derails every thread he comes into.

What's the deal? I'm seriously trying to understand what the rules are here. Are there different sets of rules for different people?


You know what,  how come all the people outraged by Benning are not as outraged by this guy?  This guy has been spouting White Nationalist BS for a long time.  The only people who have been outraged have been minorities from what I can tell.

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13 hours ago, Zguy28 said:

Thank you Larry for the calming voice of reason. Sorry if my response a few minutes ago was toxic. I try hard to restrain myself from blasting, but sometimes I feel about abortion the way another poster feels about racial injustice and it gets the better of my good sense. Back on topic.


You can't stop abortion. Women will get it if they are desperate enough and sadly some people think if they are sexually assaulted they should still be forced to have that child as if that will ever be a healthy situation.


The last thing we need is people going to back alleys to do incredibly inhumane and risky procedures. States can already ban it after 3 months, I don't see how that's not already a compromise. Even the most pro-choice people would probably agree aborting a kid at 6 months is highly questionable.

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1 hour ago, Sticksboi05 said:


You can't stop abortion. Women will get it if they are desperate enough and sadly some people think if they are sexually assaulted they should still be forced to have that child as if that will ever be a healthy situation.


The last thing we need is people going to back alleys to do incredibly inhumane and risky procedures. States can already ban it after 3 months, I don't see how that's not already a compromise. Even the most pro-choice people would probably agree aborting a kid at 6 months is highly questionable.


Not to mention "Pro-Life" politicians will still pay to have their female family members and mistresses flown to wherever they need to in order to have an abortion.   

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1 hour ago, Sticksboi05 said:

Even the most pro-choice people would probably agree aborting a kid at 6 months is highly questionable.

That might be true for people who don't know anyone has told them of the third trimester abortion they went through. Most people i know against them are against the mythical third trimester abortion happening in an otherwise healthy pregnancy because every woman would go through 6 months of pregnancy before getting around to ending it. I mean who wouldn't want massive hormone levels, weight gain, massive social stigma if anyone finds out, etc. That is plausible in most people's minds?


The two women i met who had them were like the stories in numerous papers. One had one when the baby inside her was already dead, and the other was told her baby would only draw a few painful breaths before dieing. These families had names picked out and plans for their families including these new comers.  Somehow these abortions are demonized more than the ones performed by women multiple times in multiple pregnancies in months 1-5? 


Why don't we just stop pretending we aren't projecting our absolutes into situations with which we are likely unfamiliar? Our a absolutes lead us down dark alleys like separation of kids from parents in the name of taking an absolute stand against illegal immigration. Maybe i am crazy, but i tend to shy away from absolutes when talking about right and wrong especially without context.


So yes, i worry what our Supreme Court will look like going forward and whether we will lose the wider view to allow us to avoid ethical deadends.

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4 hours ago, redskins59 said:


You know what,  how come all the people outraged by Benning are not as outraged by this guy?  This guy has been spouting White Nationalist BS for a long time.  The only people who have been outraged have been minorities from what I can tell.

If we are going to be 100% honest, they are cowards and aren't that interest in seeing society progress and are fine with @Veryoldschool as he probably reminds them of friends or family they know or are cool with.


Cant wait for @tshile to laugh at this one.




I have a fear that we aren't going to see a vote for a Supreme Court Justice to replace Kennedy as someone may act out in violence to stop it because of the ramifications. Just so I have to be clear for the thickheaded, I do not want that to happen.

Edited by BenningRoadSkin
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