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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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On 5/6/2018 at 10:24 AM, tshile said:


I stand by what I said. If you think simply running Clinton now, or in two years, would produce different results then you live in a bubble. 



1) i wouldn't advocate for CLinton to run again in the next election


2) if we DID end up with Clinton vs Trump round 2... i think she would win (but i thought she would win last time, also)


3)  I think she would be a fine  (technocrat, bland) president, if she was elected.



NONE of those points comport, align, or have anything whatsoever to do with the stick you have permanently up your butt:   the pinkos want to ram Hillary for President down everyone's throats, yet again  :)


Edited by mcsluggo
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I don't want to see Hillary run again and again be castigated. 


I do want to see younger people run. Fresh blood and hopefully run the platform and run against all the evil that the Trump administration and Republicans are doing against our Planet and People.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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When "try to understand them" type questions come up, I think there is a stark difference between trying to understand their anger, grievances etc etc and why they think a candidate like Donald Trump is the one who cares about them/wants to help them, Those are two separate things to understand about Trump supporters. 



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2 hours ago, Bang said:


Unfortunately, all too often when they do, this does not lead to any sort of introspection or self examination. It leads to the same thing lesser intellects and self centered people always resort to, pointing fingers and blaming everything else, and never entertaining the possibility that the flaw may lie in their ideology..





if only people did this....

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Nobody likes to be told that they are being used, but it's the truth. And Trump and the Republicans know from past elections that they can't win the popular vote so they have to game the system by voter suppression tactics, campaign propaganda that panders to their fear and hatred of anyone not white, or heterosexual, or their religion. And unfortunately, they've bought the lie that these Republicans are on their side with jobs and increased wages when all Republicans do since Reagan practice trickle down economics where the only winners are the rich and corporations, and are doing everything they can to pollute our air and water and denude our national parks of assets going to the rich and corporations, fully bypassing the same to benefit our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on.


All for short term wealth creation for their own.


And frankly it's disgusting.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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16 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I don't think anyone was saying Bernie would have won.




On 5/6/2018 at 10:48 AM, Llevron said:


For sure our biggest mistake was running with Clinton. I think almsot anyone else could have beaten trump.



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1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:

NONE of those points comport, align, or have anything whatsoever to do with the stick you have permanently up your butt:   the pinkos want to ram Hillary for President down everyone's throats, yet again  :)



Oh god I hope not. If the dems manage to screw up 2020 i'll lose any ability to have respect for them ever again. 2016 was bad, but that would be so much worse...

Edited by tshile
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I'll add.  If we don't have a recession and there's not like solid hard core proof that he (not his campaign, not Jeff Sessions, not Don Jr. etc) did collude with the Russians, I think there's a good chance that Trump will win again.  I don't think almost anybody can beat him.


Being able to lie without impunity is a big advantage in a political campaign, and ~40% of the electorate is going to vote for him no matter.  Currently, there doesn't appear to be a person the Democrats can win with that kind of built in advantage.


And it isn't just the little lies.  It is the big policy lies.   He was going to pull out of the Iran deal and label China a currency manipulator day one.  His supporters don't care.  We've never been in a situation (to my knowledge) where so many people's votes are so divorced from reality.


The Democrats are going to need somebody that can get on a stage with him and simultaneously call him out for what he is, a bully, hold his feet to the fire on issues, and not get pulled down into the garbage of whether he's an honest or good person or an adulterer or etc..


That's not something politicians normally do, and I don't see anybody in their party that can do it.


(Though if I were his side, I'd be attempted to refuse to do any debates (while often and frequently claiming it was the other sides fault)


(If there is no recession, no hard core proof that he colluded with the Russians and doesn't make a fool of himself (which isn't likely to happen outside of something like an unscripted debate), I don't think he'll lose.)

Edited by PeterMP
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2 hours ago, tshile said:


Oh god I hope not. If the dems manage to screw up 2020 i'll lose any ability to have respect for them ever again. 2016 was bad, but that would be so much worse...


never underestimate the Democratic Party's ability to politic itself into a hole



(the party that had THIS guy as their candidate....)

See the source image

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:



The Democrats are going to need somebody that can get on a stage with him and simultaneously call him out for what he is, a bully, hold his feet to the fire on issues, and not get pulled down into the garbage of whether he's an honest or good person or an adulterer or etc..


That's not something politicians normally do, and I don't see anybody in their party that can do it.




It sucks that Alan Grayson went down due to some scandal (I think?)  he is an alpha personality who is quick on his feet and could return fire rather easily.


People forget how Trump neutered Chris Christie before our very eyes on national TV.  Christie who everyone thought was the alpha male on the stage was emaciated.  And the b*tch of it all is that Trump doesn't do it with policy and/or knowledge of anything, it is all just faux-bravado.  He knows nothing, yet gives off the confidence aura anyway.  People buy into it.

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28 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

How about someone who is a former DA of a major city and former AG of the biggest state in the US? I would think she would know how to handle a sociopath...and how to handle him legally. 


Who is that?  Based off just those two jobs, I would not say that person is hugely qualified.

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On 5/5/2018 at 10:58 PM, Kilmer17 said:

 Clinton got far less votes than Obama is the counties and states that mattered.  


She cleaned up in CA and NY though

I think you mean she cleaned up in SF, LA, SD, and NYC...


Upstate NY...not so much

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As much as I hate to say it, I think the Dems need to nominate a white man around 50 years of age for president, and a woman for vice president. A woman presidential candidate will not pull the vote because some have said they will never vote for a woman. Both need to be moderate, and publicize the platform positively. And key in what the Republicans have done to them.

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17 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

As much as I hate to say it, I think the Dems need to nominate a white man around 50 years of age for president, and a woman for vice president. A woman presidential candidate will not pull the vote because some have said they will never vote for a woman. Both need to be moderate, and publicize the platform positively. And key in what the Republicans have done to them.

I disagree...Clinton losing had nothing to do with her being a woman...it had to do with people sick and tired of the same ol same ol politicians. 

It had to do with people being tired of feeling neglected...being told what to say, what to think. Its physics actually...every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

I will just thrown this out there...if Trump doesn't win...you dont have the metoo movement. Why? Because people wouldn't have been outraged....action/reaction

Just now, Llevron said:

There is no Dem Republicans will vote for lets be serious. 

Disagree...not all Republicans vote party line...

I'm a NY republican... I would have voted for Sanders

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51 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

As much as I hate to say it, I think the Dems need to nominate a white man around 50 years of age for president, and a woman for vice president. A woman presidential candidate will not pull the vote because some have said they will never vote for a woman. Both need to be moderate, and publicize the platform positively. And key in what the Republicans have done to them.

Are these Dems that are saying this?  I have trouble believing there are that many Dems so closed minded as to think this.

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7 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

You know that their are Dems all along the political spectrum, not all are flaming liberals. The big tent you know. 


I am aware of that.  I just have never met a Dem who I could see having that point of view.  Though I haven't asked each one of them.

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