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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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11 hours ago, twa said:

This seems to fit here


Summary of new research: A college education seems to make people more tolerant of demographic diversity, but LESS tolerant of political diversity. Relevant to the debate over whether there is a speech problem on campus: https://heterodoxacademy.org/research-summary-education-ideological-prejudice/ 


Educated people aren’t less tolerant of political diversity. Educated people are less tolerant of the ****stain GOP.


That’s what happens when people use their brains.

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2 hours ago, Xameil said:

I disagree...Clinton losing had nothing to do with her being a woman...it had to do with people sick and tired of the same ol same ol politicians. 

It had to do with people being tired of feeling neglected...being told what to say, what to think. Its physics actually...every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

You’re giving Trump supporters too much credit.

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7 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

As much as I hate to say it, I think the Dems need to nominate a white man around 50 years of age for president, and a woman for vice president. A woman presidential candidate will not pull the vote because some have said they will never vote for a woman. Both need to be moderate, and publicize the platform positively. And key in what the Republicans have done to them.

I mentioned somewhere that I don't think a woman or minority candidate could beat Trump, with the exception of their being a recession during election season 2020.


I don't see any female candidate that could beat Trump to get the 270 EVs.  Same thing goes with a minority candidate.



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8 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

You’re giving Trump supporters too much credit.

Lol no...I'm giving you a fact of life. Whether they know it or not. 

You just cant escape physics...

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13 hours ago, Llevron said:

There is no Dem Republicans will vote for lets be serious. 

Said this earlier. Run a pro-life Democrat. They don't have to say they will over turn Roe, just that they are don't agree with it and abortion is wrong. Landslide.

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17 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Said this earlier. Run a pro-life Democrat. They don't have to say they will over turn Roe, just that they are don't agree with it and abortion is wrong. Landslide.


I haven't done a survey, but I would bet that over 90% of current Democrat politician's positions on abortion is "I wouldn't get one, but I think it should be legal".  


Not good enough.  Anything short of declaring that the moment in which the sperm enters an egg is a divine miracle in which two things which are neither human nor alive, merge to create a fully rights-endowed human is immediately labeled as "pro abortion".  


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10 hours ago, twa said:


I voted for Rick Perry and Reagan....once they saw the light :)






Wow, there’s a collection of Conservative...nope that’s not right, ummmm

Oh yeah, massive fricking hypocrites...yup there it is.

It’s unbelievable that people can even call these guys conservatives with a straight face. 

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38 minutes ago, Larry said:


I haven't done a survey, but I would bet that over 90% of current Democrat politician's positions on abortion is "I wouldn't get one, but I think it should be legal".  


Not good enough.  Anything short of declaring that the moment in which the sperm enters an egg is a divine miracle in which two things which are neither human nor alive, merge to create a fully rights-endowed human is immediately labeled as "pro abortion".  


No no, remember, now they are using the idea that since finding a single cell organism on Mars would be proof of extra-terrestrial life then why isn’t an embryo life? 

But I’ll take that farther, spilling your seed is against God’s will and therefore a sin. And guess what? I can back it up with the Bible too.

59 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Said this earlier. Run a pro-life Democrat. They don't have to say they will over turn Roe, just that they are don't agree with it and abortion is wrong. Landslide.

Why? The Right has been running Pro-Choice (in action) Republicans and you’ve been voting for them for decades. They just strap on the Pro-Life label so they can get the Evangelical support for corporate welfare and abuse of the poor.

6 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

I mentioned somewhere that I don't think a woman or minority candidate could beat Trump, with the exception of their being a recession during election season 2020.


I don't see any female candidate that could beat Trump to get the 270 EVs.  Same thing goes with a minority candidate.



Agreed, those stalwarts aren’t going to allow a cleft crotch into the White House unless she is standing next to a man. 

We used to joke behind closed doors, that there was no problem in a church that a couple funerals wouldn’t solve.

Edited by AsburySkinsFan
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41 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:






Wow, there’s a collection of Conservative...nope that’s not right, ummmm

Oh yeah, massive fricking hypocrites...yup there it is.

It’s unbelievable that people can even call these guys conservatives with a straight face. 


I tried to tell ya I was a liberal :chair:


Ya left out Ron Paul.

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58 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:






Wow, there’s a collection of Conservative...nope that’s not right, ummmm

Oh yeah, massive fricking hypocrites...yup there it is.

It’s unbelievable that people can even call these guys conservatives with a straight face. 

So a liberal is responsible for the failure that is trickle down economics? Noted.

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1 hour ago, Zguy28 said:

So a liberal is responsible for the failure that is trickle down economics? Noted.

LoL! That’s funny that you think that “Trickle Down Economics” was ever intended to work for the middle and lower classes. I think Trickle Down Economics worked PERFECTLY as planned. 

But if you want to look at deficit spending from these “so called” Conservatives then by all means lets do that.

1 hour ago, twa said:


I tried to tell ya I was a liberal :chair:


Ya left out Ron Paul.

Too bad Rand isn’t more like his father, at least Ron had a backbone.

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So if they aren't "conservatives" they must be "liberals"


You guys and your labels.

they are not conservatives. Their policies are not conservative. They are whores, sellouts, duplicitous silver tongued devils. They are bought and serve special interests. Wrapped in the flag, thumping bibles, and fleecing us all.

When there is such a fundamental inability to recognize hypocrisy without justifying it by pointing at someone else.. , and there exists such a fundamental ability to adjust "facts" to fit thinking, to be so enamored of labels that everything must boil down to A or B, then i am certain there is no way out in this country except fire.

Conservatives stand for personal responsibility.

None of the current crop of GOP understands this. everything is someone else's fault, your dear leader spends his morning pushing out big mac turds and screaming accusations at everyone for the things he is doing. He's a filthy degenerate, period. He rips up every one of your values and ****s all over them and hands you a ****ing spoon.

And you clowns eat it and pretend to be 'conservative".. and astonishingly, manage to do so without shame.




Edited by Bang
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42 minutes ago, Bang said:

So if they aren't "conservatives" they must be "liberals"


You guys and your labels.

they are not conservatives. Their policies are not conservative. They are whores, sellouts, duplicitous silver tongued devils. They are bought and serve special interests. Wrapped in the flag, thumping bibles, and fleecing us all.

When there is such a fundamental inability to recognize hypocrisy without justifying it by pointing at someone else.. , and there exists such a fundamental ability to adjust "facts" to fit thinking, to be so enamored of labels that everything must boil down to A or B, then i am certain there is no way out in this country except fire.

Conservatives stand for personal responsibility.

None of the current crop of GOP understands this. everything is someone else's fault, your dear leader spends his morning pushing out big mac turds and screaming accusations at everyone for the things he is doing. He's a filthy degenerate, period. He rips up every one of your values and ****s all over them and hands you a ****ing spoon.

And you clowns eat it and pretend to be 'conservative".. and astonishingly, manage to do so without shame.




I hope you know it was not serious and I was messing with him. I know that the the "us and them" mentality is flawed. Its what I might hate most about politics in America. I label myself a moderate conservative. For instance, I don't agree with trickle down economics and support Gov. Hogan's new community college initiative to set aside public money for tuition grants. I think its reasonable and not irresponsible fiscally. So all that, I hear you, but trust me, I was joking at the expense of our antagonistic & hyper-polarized political discourse. 

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38 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

I hope you know it was not serious and I was messing with him. I know that the the "us and them" mentality is flawed. Its what I might hate most about politics in America. I label myself a moderate conservative. For instance, I don't agree with trickle down economics and support Gov. Hogan's new community college initiative to set aside public money for tuition grants. I think its reasonable and not irresponsible fiscally. So all that, I hear you, but trust me, I was joking at the expense of our antagonistic & hyper-polarized political discourse. 

Yeah, i do.. i know i make generalizations, but i know who among us are decent folk..  sometimes it's just the comment that is the catalyst, and nothing really to do with the poster. Unfortunateoly, a lot of people do fall into the attitudes you were lampooning.

i wish folks were as levelheaded as you on these issues.



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1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:


Too bad Rand isn’t more like his father, at least Ron had a backbone.


Rand is more pragmatic....I thought you people liked that? :P

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4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

It’s been said here before, “Trump is the price we paid for a black President.”

Obama didn't even have the normal black experience.  


He was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia, not the typical life for an African American.   I remember early in the 08 race, people wasn't even sure Barrack would get the black vote; since he wasn't black enough for some.  Well, we know how that turned out.


His election woke up every single racist in the country and they were determined to make him fail.


The GOP's #1 goal was to make sure Obama was a 1 term president.  That was decided on quickly after the 08 election.



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3 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Obama didn't even have the normal black experience.  


He was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia, not the typical life for an African American.   I remember early in the 08 race, people wasn't even sure Barrack would get the black vote; since he wasn't black enough for some.  Well, we know how that turned out.


His election woke up every single racist in the country and they were determined to make him fail.


The GOP's #1 goal was to make sure Obama was a 1 term president.  That was decided on quickly after the 08 election.



Totally agree..... I remember all the bull**** about the deficit and him being the worst president of our lives.... Freaking bull****, and they elect the moron in chief, who basically blows up the deficit in a year.... Crickets from the GOP.... Keep voting for the moron though

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5 hours ago, twa said:


Rand is more pragmatic....I thought you people liked that? :P

Rand isn’t pragmatic, he’s a limp reed who throws temper tantrums to get on tv then falls right in line with the party. He only issues a protest vote when he knows it’ll make no difference.

But yeah, keep making him a hero.


Oh, and I can only imagine how betrayed you must have felt when Trump strong armed Cruz into writing a love letter to Trump. You man of integrity wilted like a Spring flowers in the Summer sun.

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11 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Cruz did pathetically bend over and smile like a donut for Trump. No two ways about it. You just know that Trump loooooooved it too. Emasculating his opponents is what gets him to wadded up tissue time.

You know Kasich didn't.


Trump wanted him as VP and was willing to let Kasich do all the work and Trump just be the front man.  Kasich was smart enough to resist those overtures from Trump's people. Kasich didn't even attend the GOP convention, which was in his own state.   He's been critical of Trump.


He's probably running in 2020; though if he does it as a Republican' he's fooling himself.  A third party run would be the way to go.  No, he won't win but it would provide a real alternative to the GOP other than the Dems and set the stage for something other than the GOP in the future.

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