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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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11 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Speaking as someone who's middle of the road, I'm scared to get demonized by one side for voting for the other.  The fringe ain't scared, they're going to vote who they're going to vote for and be proud of it.  I'm glad I didn't vote for Trump, but that doesn't make me a raging liberal like some would make it out to be.  For those of us who should feel comfortable in the middle it can be a scary place when people crawl up your ass for not being on their side 100%.

I feel your pain.


The GOP/Trump people I am friends with call me a stupid Liberal.  The Lefty's I know call me all the names they use for the GOP/Trumper's.  It's frustrating.  


Take Gun Control for example.  I want to close the "gun show loophole" (though my hate for that term is well documented).  I wouldn't mind a basic mandatory training to be a gun owner.  I even don't mind some form of registry for gun owners.  After all, if the government decides they are coming for everyone's guns, we have bigger problems than they know you have one.  To most Rightwingers, this makes me a commie liberal.  I also want a national concealed carry card that isn't terribly difficult to get.  This way I can carry anywhere in the US and not have to worry about all the weird laws in every county line I cross.  I don't want AR's banned.  To liberals, this means I want to see dead kids in the street everyday on my way to work.


Not trying to debate gun control here.  More using that issue to highlight the point about about being homeless in today's political system. 

Edited by TheGreatBuzz
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34 minutes ago, tshile said:

People like to label everyone because they’re lazy and it makes arguing with them easier. 


So so if you don’t agree with the person, you become one of “them”




Welcome to the tailgate :)

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Well you had said it doesn't matter who they nominate.  But here it sounds like you think it does matter at least some.

It doesn't matter who the dems nominate as far as the GOP is concerned. They will make up unending amounts of bull**** about whoever it is.


It matters I guess to some degree if the individual energizes the democratic base. But let's not pretend that people stayed home for Hillary. She only received 70,000 less votes than Obama did. The reason that Trump won is because the GOP base couldn't wait to get out and vote for his ignorant, bigoted, ass.

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2 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

It doesn't matter who the dems nominate as far as the GOP is concerned. They will make up unending amounts of bull**** about whoever it is.


It matters I guess to some degree if the individual energizes the democratic base. But let's not pretend that people stayed home for Hillary. She only received 70,000 less votes than Obama did. The reason that Trump won is because the GOP base couldn't wait to get out and vote for his ignorant, bigoted, ass.

Only 70,000 less votes yet there was roughly 20,000,000 more people in the country at the time of each election.  But whatever.


I believe trump won for two reasons.  One, you mentioned above.  Two, the Left wasn't as excited as it could have been.  Now consider how much the Left base was MORE excited to vote for the first female president.  Yet they were still less excited than for Obama.  I really think this was because of how the primaries were handled.  Hillary had the nomination before primaries even started.  Do you think that had anything to do with it?  Or was it that the GOP was just so excited to be racist?  The answer from the Left (not saying you) on this question will really determine their chances in 2020.

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5 minutes ago, c slag said:

His supporters seem to focus on three things:

1-anti abortion 

2-anti same sex marriage 

3-pro gun

I admit that I only watch Trump in small doses, but has he mentioned your 1 and 2 much?  I haven't seen it.


I think the three would be (in no particular order):


1-pro gun

2-anti immigration

3-anti foreign trade (because they are stupid and don't understand how it works)

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15 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I admit that I only watch Trump in small doses, but has he mentioned your 1 and 2 much?  I haven't seen it.


I think the three would be (in no particular order):


1-pro gun

2-anti immigration

3-anti foreign trade (because they are stupid and don't understand how it works)

You are probably correct on his three points here

I was more in the ballpark of conservatives in general 

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3 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


Im sorry...but that is a position of pure and complete ignorance.  it has not reduced ANY burden to stop collecting money to pay the bills (no spending was decreased it was actually increased.)


 As long as people are stupid enough to continue to believe that THIS is reducing burden, rather than INCREASING a burden that will still have to paid, the longer we will have corrupt assholes like Trump bilking us all.   



My personal position is that taxes need to be raised on everyone AND spending needs to be cut... to balance the budget.

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6 minutes ago, Springfield said:


My personal position is that taxes need to be raised on everyone AND spending needs to be cut... to balance the budget.


that is my position too.... but that is not what you said!

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11 hours ago, No Excuses said:

You are never going to have a meaningful conversation with people who live in the Info Wars/Breitbart ecosystem.


You are never going to have a meaningful conversation with people who believed as an overwhelming majority that Barrack Obama was a Kenyan Muslim.


You are never going to have a meaningful conversation with people who as a majority believe that 3-5 million people voted illegally in the past election.


You are never going to have a meaningful conversation with people who are simply absorbing bull**** at a rate we have never seen before in this country



Or people who believe that the earth is only 5,000 years old and dinosaurs never existed 

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17 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:


that is my position too.... but that is not what you said!


Well, I gotta speak for the unspoken in here too.  It’s not the governments money.  People (or corporations, who are apparently also people) earn it.  Then the government takes it.  They just voted for a guy who wanted to take less.  They accomplished that by the way.  Not that I agree.  I just feel it’s disingenuous to assume it’s the government’s money to begin with.


plus, I’ve been drinking.

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#1 reason Hillary lost, she was a lousy candidate and let her arrogance rule the campaign.  It's not like Trump won a landslide.

His margin victory in the states that gave him his electoral win was less than 2%.  A better candidate would've beat Trump, despite his popularity. A better candidate would've gotten that margin of victory in the states needed to get the Electoral college victory.


Who cares about understanding Trump voters, they will be with him forever.  You'll just have to wait until they die off.

Ones kids employing their kids. Ha.   They won't have the intelligence to be employed nor will they be drug free.



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4 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Only 70,000 less votes yet there was roughly 20,000,000 more people in the country at the time of each election.  But whatever.

True dat.


4 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Do you think that had anything to do with it?  Or was it that the GOP was just so excited to be racist?

Well at the beginning of June 2016, Trump was in 8th place in primary polling and in mid-June he gave his "Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers" speech and in the first poll of July, he had shot up to first place. Take from that what you will.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Want to understand the mind of a Trump supporter? Look no further than Franklin Graham.

On this thing with Stormy Daniels and so forth: This stuff happened 12 years ago. This isn’t behavior that has taken place since he’s been president.These things happened long before he became president. That doesn’t make it right. And I don’t defend those kinds of relationships he had. But the country knew the kind of person he was back then, and they still made the decision to make him the president of the United States.


Yet for Bill Clinton...

If he will lie to or mislead his wife and daughter, those with whom he is most intimate, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public?

Private conduct does have public consequences.
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13 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I think she should win if she did. I know it would give people like you an excuse to support Trump again but you were likely going to do it anyway. 

Hey now! Don’t go slandering @twa he clearly stated that he DID NOT vote for Trump he only voted straight ticket Republican...there’s a difference somehow.


For added dramatic effect that last bit should be read in the voice of Sofia Vergara.


Edited by AsburySkinsFan
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27 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I think she should win if she did. 


You all just don’t learn. The bubble you live in is fascinating . 


She couldn’t beat trump but in less than 2 years you think she could win ? Wow

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I don’t think Clinton would beat Trump. I agree with @tshile on this one that it’s a little bit of a bubble mentality. 

It does make a difference who the Dem candidate is. To think otherwise is to let Trump have a legit chance to win again

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:


You all just don’t learn. The bubble you live in is fascinating . 


She couldn’t beat trump but in less than 2 years you think she could win ? Wow


You made a lot of assumptions about me really quick but that aside, yes, I do think most libs and moderates would have learned thier "he can't win she doesn't need my vote" lesson by now. 


I didn't vote for her then. And I sure as hell would now faced with the same choice. My thing was I didnt need to being in MD. That was my excuse. I wouldn't make that excuse a second time. 


As a side, have you always been like this or is this some new persona you are trying out? The jilted republican thing you have been doing in the last week is interesting but honestly a bit annoying. I know you are smart enough to get my point AND see validity in it. You just can't get that conservtisim out of your blood, though. 

Edited by Llevron
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