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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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This is really peak Republican bull****. They gas light this country, construct an alternate reality and get away with it because this country refuses to punish this garbage.

1 hour ago, nonniey said:

Ah yes Professor Popper here is a better likeness of him (Problem is the broad application that defines anything you don't believe in as intolerant - which is what Tucker what's his face is doing in the linked above article - which No Excuses thought was spot on). image.png.737768adc60b6c64506404fc4f16c8a6.png




The Republican Party is openly racist, bigoted and xenophobic. You have to be blind as a ****ing bat or a complete hack to deny this. But yeah, we’re the Stalinists for not putting up and tolerating your bull****.

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We should be intolerant of wrong ideas and falsehoods.  We can utilize magical tools like logic and facts to root out which ideas are wrong and which assertions are false.  


If you hide behind "you're being intolerant of my idea/belief/opinion" without employing persuasive tools to defend it, it's just another way of saying "I'm stupid and I can't defend what I just said". 

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53 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:


From the article... I’ve been saying this since before inauguration! If only they had listened to me, their 2018 prospects might not be so bad.


The congressman continued that “they just might pull the trigger if the President fires Mueller,” and that “**** will hit the fan if that happens and I’d vote to impeach him myself.”

“Most of us [Republicans] would, I think,” he added. “If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the mother****er. Take him out with us and let Mike [Pence] take over. At least then we could sleep well at night.”

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4 hours ago, No Excuses said:


It is a fairly spot on article. There is no reason to tolerate a political movement that is deeply rooted in racism, bigotry, anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and a disdain for the poor. 


Liberals should be intolerant towards 

the absolute cesspool that is modern day mainstream conservatism. Heck, there are plenty of right leaning voters who feel this way too if you look at recent election results in suburbs that have traditionally been right leaning. 


I understand your disdain for the conservatives, but the same claims you make against them are similar in ways the conservatives view minorities - not sophisticated politically, uneducated, full of angst, etc.  


I've come around on the liberal agenda in recent years and might even consider voting that way in the future but the constant condescending way they view anyone who doesn't agree with them makes them absolutely insufferable to me.  I realize the conservatives are condescending too but the liberal elitism bugs the **** out of me.  No wonder Trump's base got so stirred up enough to elect him, they got tired of being called dumb and ignorant from people who constantly act like they know best.  I can't blame them.  Watch out, it could happen again in 2020. 


Speaking of insufferable, the insufferable Matt Taibbi wrote about this very topic after the 2016 election:



And the whole time, The People, whose intentions we were wondering so hard about, were all around us, listening to themselves being talked about like some wild, illiterate beast.


When 60 Minutes did its election-eve story about the mood of the electorate, they had to call up a familiar Beltway figure, pollster Frank Luntz, to put together a focus group. Luntz's purpose was to take the white-hot rage and disgust hurled at him by voters on both sides of the aisle during the "focus group" portion, and translate it all into a media-speak during the sit-down. Luntz did his job and gave Steve Kroft his sound-bite diagnosis of The People's temperature. "That's not blowing off steam," he said. "That is a deep-seated resentment."


Deep-seated resentment. There was a catchy, succinct line, over which we could all collectively stroke our chins in quiet contemplation. That's as opposed to what the voters intended, which was to sock us all so hard for our snobbism and intellectual myopia that those very chins of ours would get driven straight through the backs of our skulls.


There was a great deal of talk in this campaign about the inability of the "low-information" voter to understand the rhetoric of candidates who spoke above a sixth-grade language level. We were told by academics and analysts that Trump's public addresses rated among the most simplistic political rhetoric ever recorded.





Taibbi nails it, it's a great read.  Came out only days after the election but yet somehow had enough hindsight to understand what happened.  He admits to being part of the problem (and then predictably has gone back to being the elitist know-it-all douche he's always been).


I don't really get it, to be honest.  Constantly calling people dumb, low class, part of a cesspool, etc.  It's the same way conservatives talk about minorities behind their backs (and sometimes, unfortunately, to their faces).  No wonder the liberals have a hard time attracting flies, they're spraying vinegar all over the place instead of honey.


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3 hours ago, No Excuses said:


This is really peak Republican bull****. They gas light this country, construct an alternate reality and get away with it because this country refuses to punish this garbage.


The Republican Party is openly racist, bigoted and xenophobic. You have to be blind as a ****ing bat or a complete hack to deny this. But yeah, we’re the Stalinists for not putting up and tolerating your bull****.


I'm convinced a lot of people don't kreally understand the differences between Liberal and Conservative anyway, we're past that now.

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56 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

They might sleep well at night with Pence as president, but I won't, dude's a straight up Dominionist. Think Christian Sharia.

I understand completely where you are coming from. I think the comment is valid that we will be (exponentially) less likely to be flash fried in nuclear blast. 


Sorry, if it was a mutually exclusive decision, I'd take that for two years in a heart beat. And trust me, it PAINS me to say that. 



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7 hours ago, No Excuses said:



Not one dime of the commonly used number for the national debt is from Social Security. 


I’m pretty sure the same is true for Medicare A&B. That both programs are completely funded by their respective, dedicated, taxes. (And premiums, in the case on Medicare B ). 


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10 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I understand your disdain for the conservatives, but the same claims you make against them are similar in ways the conservatives view minorities - not sophisticated politically, uneducated, full of angst, etc.  



I literally don't use the words "uneducated, unsophisticated, full of agnst" anywhere in my post. But they are pretty spot on too. I am correct in calling the Republican Party as one chalk full of racists and bigots, because that is how they operate.


Here is a story on how they have been trashing Muslims in the US. Nothing even remotely similar is done by liberals to white, Christians, if we are drawing some kind of equivalency. 





A state lawmaker in Oklahoma refused to meet with Muslim constituents unless they replied to a questionnaire asking if they beat their wives. A Nebraska state senator suggested that any Muslim wanting to enter the United States be forced to eat pork first. And a Rhode Island legislator advocated herding Syrian refugees into a camp, writing in an email that Muslims seek “to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non-Muslim.”



In 2016, New Hampshire lawmaker Kenneth Weyler said giving public benefits to “any person or family that practices Islam is aiding and abetting the enemy.” Also in 2016, Jason Rapert, a state senator in Arkansas, said on Facebook that Muslims “wait for every opportunity to convert Americans to Islam or kill the infidels — that is what their holy book the Koran instructs them to do.” In the same year, Florida lawmaker Tom Goodson asked a CAIR official who’d been lobbying against a bill aimed at refugees whether it was safe to ride the elevator with her. Goodson later said he was joking, but the CAIR official, Laila Abdelaziz, wrote on Facebook that the encounter was “not funny. It hurt.”


Please feel free to read the entire thing.


And this is just one example of their bull****.


I am not even that left leaning, particularly on economic issues. I am staunchly pro-capitalism, self-employed and a small business owner. At the grassroots level, conservatism has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with social discontent in relation to minorities, secularists and women.


I mean the RNC literally ran and supported a credibly accused pedophile to run for the Senate less than a year ago, because apparently better to be a pedophile than a liberal.


If pointing out that conservatism today is socially, morally and ethically abhorrent makes me an uppity liberal, I am ok with that. It's better than denying reality.

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16 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


I literally don't use the words "uneducated, unsophisticated, full of agnst" anywhere in my post. But they are pretty spot on too. I am correct in calling the Republican Party as one chalk full of racists and bigots, because that is how they operate.


Here is a story on how they have been trashing Muslims in the US. Nothing even remotely similar is done by liberals to white, Christians, if we are drawing some kind of equivalency. 






Please feel free to read the entire thing.


And this is just one example of their bull****.


I am not even that left leaning, particularly on economic issues. I am staunchly pro-capitalism, self-employed and a small business owner. At the grassroots level, conservatism has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with social discontent in relation to minorities, secularists and women.


I mean the RNC literally ran and supported a credibly accused pedophile to run for the Senate less than a year ago, because apparently better to be a pedophile than a liberal.


If pointing out that conservatism today is socially, morally and ethically abhorrent makes me an uppity liberal, I am ok with that. It's better than denying reality.

Conservatism has become an idol to many in church.

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11 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I don't really get it, to be honest.  Constantly calling people dumb, low class, part of a cesspool, etc.  It's the same way conservatives talk about minorities behind their backs (and sometimes, unfortunately, to their faces).  No wonder the liberals have a hard time attracting flies, they're spraying vinegar all over the place instead of honey.


Do you understand the difference between judging people for their actual behavior and the choices they make versus judging someone on their skin color and ethnicity?

In this country we have a group of people, who resent being repudiated and rejected for racism and hypocrisy and bigotry. They don't self-reflect and take responsibility, they deflect and project their failings onto others. They are victim-blamers and shamers of women dealing with sexual assault while having the biggest persecution complex of all, for the flimsiest of reasons. 

That is all BEHAVIOR that is being rejected and scorned. And when we do, they call us uppity. How dare those "elites" have standards and desires for a progressive world. How dare they resist behaviors and choices that degrade the integrity and character of our society.

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