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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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Folks just a reminder this thread is about the news of the specific mass killing. We have a general thread on gun control.



I'm as guilty of this as anyone - its difficult to talk about specific incidents without drifting in the general debate. Again.


Let's at least try to stay on topic :-)

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36 minutes ago, MartinC said:

There was no shortage of guns in private hands in Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany for that matter. Both regimes were enabled by their control of and support by their military and internal security police. If any rouge US Government in the future could count on the support of the US military and law enforcement then would any number of guns in private hands make a blind bit of difference?


Of course it would make a difference, i would point to Afghanistan.  I would also wager there is not an army on earth who could conventionally sieze and subdue texas

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1 minute ago, zoony said:


Of course it would make a difference, i would point to Afghanistan.  I would also wager there is not an army on earth who could conventionally sieze and subdue texas


Stalin could probably do it.  80% of Afghanistan or Texas may die in the process, but could probably pull it off.  The Kim dynasty in NK aren't staying in power because North Koreans lack guns.  NK military is starving.  I'm sure they got a few fellas with guns who aren't too happy with the regime.

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Just now, bearrock said:


Stalin could probably do it.  80% of Afghanistan or Texas may die in the process, but could probably pull it off.  The Kim dynasty in NK aren't staying in power because North Koreans lack guns.  NK military is starving.  I'm sure they got a few fellas with guns who aren't too happy with the regime.


Every single piece of smuggled footage i have seen from north korea shows a military that is unarmed, wandering around the countryside


The regime is incredibly selective with who they arm

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1 minute ago, zoony said:


Of course it would make a difference, i would point to Afghanistan.  I would also wager there is not an army on earth who could conventionally sieze and subdue texas


Afghanistan is an example of a guerilla war fought against external forces. Very different to a Country under a totalitarian regime - like Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany and (arguably) modern Russia. Note there is very low 'legal' private gun ownership in modern Russia but millions of illegal guns, estimates say about 10% of the population own a firearm but most are not registered. 


There might not be a foreign army that could subdue Texas - but any Army that could first subdue the US military could certainly seize the property of any Good Old Boy it choose. But I would certainly wager that the US Army and law enforcement could subdue Texas - just in the same way the Russian armed forces and police subdue the wilder parts of Russia.

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9 minutes ago, zoony said:


Every single piece of smuggled footage i have seen from north korea shows a military that is unarmed, wandering around the countryside


The regime is incredibly selective with who they arm


What percentage of the population will die before Texas kneels before a Tyrant?  Stalin killed anywhere between 3 to 50 million depending on the historian.  Soviet population at the time was 150 million, give or take.  So he could have killed as much as 25% of the population.  A tyrant with a willing military could pretty much wipe out every single private citizen in US if they wanted to (not like US didn't nearly do it to Native Americans before).  You really think John Q. Public is gonna continue to stand there with a AR15 slung over his shoulder after a few strafing run from the US military?  How about a few drop of the A-Bomb?  Only way a militia doesn't get stomped into the ground is if the tyrant or the military decides not to do it. 

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45 minutes ago, twa said:


FWIH it fears remote deactivation by the govt ......or the Russians.


Not sure what you mean about politicians restricting it(besides the Jersey thing which does not prevent you buying it elsewhere AFAIK)

A quick google of "new jersey smart gun law" brought up a ton of rticles,, piuck whichever source you'd like.  It did put the poison in that said if a smart weapon was sold anywhere, then Jersey would convert to them entirely.


The reason i said the politicians is because they let the lobby writev the law and just slapped their names on it and sent it through. 


As to the gov. fear,,  again we get paralyzed because of the terror that even the slightest move sets off The Worst Thing Imaginable. And besides, if Johnny Paranoia doesn't want to be vulnerable to that, well,
A/ If you live in New Jersey, throw rocks at the politicians who let the NRA write it and then subsequently passed it, and completely ****ed you by holding you hostage in front of the rest of the country..  and
B/ if you're NOT, buy a non-smart gun.


We are literally like a tiny little rodent, constantly terrified,convinced that if it moves even a muscle, it will be vulnerable.


**** that.



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30 minutes ago, MartinC said:

Folks just a reminder this thread is about the news of the specific mass killing. We have a general thread on gun control.



I'm as guilty of this as anyone - its difficult to talk about specific incidents without drifting in the general debate. Again.


Let's at least try to stay on topic :-)

I hear ya, but I'm actually heartened by the fact that people actually want to talk about the real issues and not skirt around the events.

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13 minutes ago, twa said:

Somebody missed the 'conventional" stipulation.


now back to the shooting.


I dare say a mass of private militia rising up against the domestic military is hardly conventional.  I concede that we'll never amend the 2nd.  But let's not pretend that it's for that worst case scenario when we need it to resist a tyrannical government or perhaps take on a foreign power that defeats the US military.  


By all means, yes let's get back to the shooting. 

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3 hours ago, Sticksboi05 said:


We just didn't have the same level of information access that we do now so we hear about everything now and it makes us think the country is more dangerous than it was in the past.


I'm pretty certain that our country never had people walking into elementary schools and killing more than a dozen children, until the last decade.  


If nothing else, if it had been common, 30 years ago, twa would be telling us about it.  


3 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

The murdering of kindergaden children at Sandy Hook didn’t change anything. If we can kill small children with no changes then there isn’t much that’ll change things. 


Want to know why?

Because the policy makers know that they won’t pay a price for doing nothing, and in fact they will pay a greater price if they do something. All because their contituients are those represented here and are willing to sacrifice our children for their false religious divine right to own firearms.




If a measure to close the "gun show loophole" actually comes up for a vote, every Republican in Congress will have to choose between voting against a bill that's supported by 80% of NRA members, or voting against the NRA.  


But if it just never comes up for a vote at all?  He doesn't get primaried, and the voters won't punish him in the general.  


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