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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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1 hour ago, visionary said:


I watched the interview this morning that was about 15 minutes long with the brother.  He was pretty speechless.  Kept saying, "He's just a guy!  No religion, no politics, just a guy!  Owned some condos, sold some condos...just a guy!" 

And reporters can be such dingbats sometimes...one asked him how he was feeling and his response was, "My brother just killed 50 people out of the clear blue!  How do you think I'm feeling?"


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36 minutes ago, visionary said:
19 rifles


19 rifles seems to support my crazy theory that this was not planned at all. He was there early for the gun show and planned on selling or trading them. there is no tactical reason for 19 rifles. it makes no sense.

I swear. I think he came to town for the gun show. He came early to gamble, party, and take in the concert. Something happened to make him snap. I'll bet he was at the concert the night or nights before and something set him off. Maybe something as simple as hitting on a girl and getting brushed off harshly.


8 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I watched the interview this morning that was about 15 minutes long with the brother.  He was pretty speechless.  Kept saying, "He's just a guy!  No religion, no politics, just a guy!  Owned some condos, sold some condos...just a guy!" 

And reporters can be such dingbats sometimes...one asked him how he was feeling and his response was, "My brother just killed 50 people out of the clear blue!  How do you think I'm feeling?"


One of the things that I hate about journalism. I said the same thing many times in school. The answer was always that it was just something that had to be asked like it was part of a checklist. It also just happens to be the loaded question that plays on emotions to get the viewer/reader choked up at the expense of someone who is a victim.


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59 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


Not to mention most guns in circulation in Chicago come from outside the state.




This is really a federal issue.


This is something that drives me up the goddamn wall whenever I hear conservatives use the "well look at Chicago!" line. A huge percentage of those guns are purchased in neighboring states with extremely lax gun laws and gun shows where pretty much anyone can sell to anyone and then they're taken back across state lines and used to murder people. It's so ****ing disingenuous. That or they just don't bother to research and are just parroting what they heard on Breitbart or Hannity.

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2 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I think your theory about the 19 guns makes sense, @Mad Mike.  Especially considering he killed himself, he didn't plan to go out all guns a-blazin'?


I don't know that any of it makes sense. I've got nothing but speculation for this, but I'd bet $20 he was at the concert and got kicked out on a previous night.

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52 minutes ago, CTskin said:

What's the problem with bringing up Chicago as an example of why "gun control" laws are unsuccessful? Unless the point is that the laws must be much stricter in order to actually make a difference... Regardless, Chicago continually proves the right wing's point that bad people will get guns if/when they want them. 


It's not a functional response to those asking for sweeping changes at a federal level because of Chicago's close geographic proximity to a state with very lax gun laws. People drive 45 minutes across the border to Gary, get whatever they want and come back.



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Another possibility is always physiological. Charles Whitman, the tower shooter, was always said to be a polite, well mannered, and friendly person until he climbed that tower and started shooting people. Turns out he had a tumor pressing on his amygdala that caused uncontrollable bouts of rage and impulsive actions. They can't say for 100% certain that that was the cause of the whole thing but he had been complaining about headaches and hard to control and sudden feelings of rage and anger that came out of the blue for a few months before his shooting, IIRC.

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42 minutes ago, mistertim said:


This is something that drives me up the goddamn wall whenever I hear conservatives use the "well look at Chicago!" line. A huge percentage of those guns are purchased in neighboring states with extremely lax gun laws and gun shows where pretty much anyone can sell to anyone and then they're taken back across state lines and used to murder people. It's so ****ing disingenuous. That or they just don't bother to research and are just parroting what they heard on Breitbart or Hannity.

The idiots (and that’s what they are) who use the Chicago line domehow believe that Chicago exists on an island, or that there is border security between the states. The ones who use the Chicago line and aren’t idiots count on the fact that the idiots will be watching and repeat the line.

I have no respect for the latter, and I just feel pity for the former.

42 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I think your theory about the 19 guns makes sense, @Mad Mike.  Especially considering he killed himself, he didn't plan to go out all guns a-blazin'?

I just wish that these crazed gunmen would skip the mass shooting and move straight to the suicide part. 

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2 hours ago, GhostofSparta said:

Is there a way we can create an equivalent to Godwin's Law involving this? In any gun debate the odds of a Republican/conservative bringing up Chicago becomes inevitable and means you've lost? 


Why isn't the killing in Chicago irrelevant to a gun control discussion?  I am not an NRA type why isn't the killing in Chicago a point of discussion.  Strict gun control in place and progressives/liberals/Democrats have been running the city for generations why don't the deceased in Chicago matter?

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Here’s an aspect that I haven’t seen addressed yet. Of all the video I’ve seen I haven’t seen an evidence of tracer rounds being fired. 

Are tracers legal to purchase?

If he wasn’t using tracers then he truly was firing indiscriminately. He could be firing into a certain area but at that distance on full auto he’d have little to no way to confirm he was hitting much of anything.

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1 hour ago, Mad Mike said:

Absolutely correct on the binary system. That was an absolute steady rate of fire with multiple magazines. I was all set to swear a bump fire could not fire that fast but a quick check of youtube proved me wrong. Sort of. I still think a real auto weapon fires faster and more consistently and that's what it sounded like to me.



One of the eyewitness said there were pauses between the gun fire. Some only few seconds apart but there was also a 30 second pause as well. Probably going between guns?

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11 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:


Why isn't the killing in Chicago irrelevant to a gun control discussion?  I am not an NRA type why isn't the killing in Chicago a point of discussion.  Strict gun control in place and progressives/liberals/Democrats have been running the city for generations why don't the deceased in Chicago matter?

Mostly because at this point it's nothing more than a verbal/written reflex.


"We should have more background checks" "Chicago!"

"We should find a way to screen the mentally disabled/disturbed" "Chicago!"

"We should make it harder for certain non-felony crimes to make it harder to get a gun" "Chicago!"


And Chicago isn't located in the heart of Alaska, where it'll take you days to get to another state via car. It's located within a days drive of about half a dozen states with much looser gun laws. It's akin to having a complete ban on buying guns in DC, and then saying it doesn't work when VA is right next door with much looser regulations.


That's why the cries of "But Chicago!" get tiring in these debates. It's not an island nation that can tightly control its borders through a handful of ports or something. It's a major city in close range of many states with innumerable ways in and out (ports, railroads, airports, roads, etc.). 

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I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.

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1 minute ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.


This is lovely.

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2 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.

Dont hold back.  Tell us how you really feel.

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33 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:


Why isn't the killing in Chicago irrelevant to a gun control discussion?  I am not an NRA type why isn't the killing in Chicago a point of discussion.  Strict gun control in place and progressives/liberals/Democrats have been running the city for generations why don't the deceased in Chicago matter?

It has relevance, it's just not an all inclusive example of why gun laws don't work.


It shows that Laws don't stop criminals from carrying guns. They'll go get them elsewhere then come back and use them. The only people who stop having guns are law abiding citizens.


It shows that a locality can have strict regulations on guns, but people can go next door and get them and bring them back.


That's probably about the extent of its relevance.


But, we have a thread for gun control. So we should probably take the law discussion there.

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3 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.

Save yourself.


Stop posting in Tailgate.




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3 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.

And now I realize I just wasted 5 minutes responding to you.


Unfortunately a portion of the country actually believes this. 

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5 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not a gun guy but I don't think guns are the problem, Democrats are the problem.  Democrats do almost all the killing in America, mostly killing fellow Democrats, but the killers in America are overwhelmingly Democrats, Democrats are the problem.  I don't have a solution but at least I understand the problem, Democrats.



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