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Politico: I Came to America When I Was Three. What Am I Supposed to Do in Mexico?


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Politico:I Came to America When I Was Three. What Am I Supposed to Do in Mexico?


My parents brought me to the United States when I was 3 years old. I’ve gone to school here, worked here, paid taxes. I’m as American as you are.  On Sunday, I learned that the president wants to send me back to Mexico. Or, at least, he isn’t willing to defend my right to stay here. Either way, my life is about to be radically upended.  My parents didn’t teach me Spanish. I grew up in a small town in Alabama, speak with a southern accent, and didn’t even know I was undocumented until I was 16 years old. I grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and have always considered this country my home.



When President Obama implemented the DACA policy a few years later, everything became easier. I immediately applied for a driver’s license, Social Security number and work permit. I remember taking my first road trip with my valid driver’s license. I went to the beach to visit a friend, and for six hours I cried like a baby because for the first time in my life I wasn’t scared of getting pulled over by the police. Each mile I drove felt like a pound no longer weighing me down.


I understand that we need to put in policies (like mandatory e-verify) that ensure that we are enforcing the immigration laws.  But when American as a country, doesn't have the money to fund a "seek and deport" program, there will still be people in the country who are not documented.  We haven't enforced our immigration law for 25+ years -- not under Obama, Bush, Clinton, another Bush, and probably even Reagan.  I was sickened listening to people call into C-SPAN on this topic today who basically think it is okay to throw the Dreamers out.  I understand that we should not be creating more people who live in the shadows -- but that's not a reasonable solution.   


I actually think as part of a DACA compromise we have something like mandatory e-verify, extend it to people who came into this country before 2012, and fund Trump's dumb border wall (even though we'll need that after Harvey/Irma).  It's not really going to solve the problem of illegal immigration until we fund DHS by a bunch; but I think Trump should take the lead on putting this out and running with it.  Sure, I'm not sure Democrats even feel the need to compromise when most polls think the dreamers should stay.  Someone convince me why we should deport these kids... this is basically the history of America.  


From Asian Exclusions, to War Brides, to Mexicans (like 100 years ago), to Vietnamese and Cambodian Refugees, to Central American Refugees -- the same argument has been repeated over and over and over again.  It's not a "let everyone from the World come to America" proposition.  Our democracy struggles to find the balance -- but we can't just act like we can kick out 10 million people... or dry up the jobs from them...it's stupid.  I'm for enforcing the laws, giving American worker rights to challenge businesses that bring in immigrants, etc -- but I'm also for allowing the people in this country for a long time the opportunity to stay legally and with a path to full recognition.  


It should not be hard to compromise on this but Congress has to fight tooth and nail over this.  



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I'd be fine with amnesty for the Dreamers and no more in the future.

of course I can't trust in that.


Do we reduce immigration totals to adjust for amnesty for Dreamers?


what are people willing to put on the table?

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1 hour ago, twa said:


and enforce immigration law....but only half happened and the problem grew.

which is really the problem.


one party only seems interested in a path to citizenship

the other only seems interested in securing the border


it's amazing the two cannot come to the obvious agreement, and instead continue to do nothing

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29 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I'm not willing for my tax dollars used for building a boondoggle wall.  That's ridiculous.


There's other infrastructure projects that need funding.

Out of curiosity, lets say Trump will give the Dems a bunch of stuff they want  (gun control, gay marriage, whatever excites you) in exchange for his wall?  Would you not support it?


Not saying i think he will, just asking.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

which is really the problem.


one party only seems interested in a path to citizenship

the other only seems interested in securing the border


it's amazing the two cannot come to the obvious agreement, and instead continue to do nothing


The only reason it didn't get done in 2013 is that the GOP house wouldn't bring up a bill for a vote cause they knew it would pass without the majority of Rs. A guy on hardball tonight who is a GOP supporter said it was a good bill but the sequence isn't what they want. The R's constantly claim to want a secure border first and that it can't be done at the same time. 

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40 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Out of curiosity, lets say Trump will give the Dems a bunch of stuff they want  (gun control, gay marriage, whatever excites you) in exchange for his wall?  Would you not support it?


Not saying i think he will, just asking.



We already have gay marriage, and I'm against marriage anyway.


Really, just no to any wall.  It's a nothing project, they will want to take away people's property by eminent domain to build it and I think that's wrong.  And it won't work anyway.  Besides, it's racist policy.

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8 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:



We already have gay marriage, and I'm against marriage anyway.


Really, just no to any wall.  It's a nothing project, they will want to take away people's property by eminent domain to build it and I think that's wrong.  And it won't work anyway.  Besides, it's racist policy.

Gay marriage was just an example, hence why i said "whatever excites you". 


This is the problem to me thoigh.  Im against "the wall" also.  But if the Right is willing to give up some good stuff (which they arent) maybe the other side should get on board.  Its called compromise.  And we seem to forget that it is a necessary part of negotiations.  And this is why nothing gets done.

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2 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I happen to think that the Democrats have already compromised to the Republicans by skewing our country way to the Right. 


It's time to stop the Republicans from holding We the People hostage to their agenda against us and in favor of the corporations and the 1%ers.


A lot of Americans dont really see a viable alternative.  The left continues to underestimate the effect of their views with regard to trans gender, guns, and religion on ordinary Americans.  There is no longer a party of the middle, as much as all of the Xis and Xus of ES refuse to acknowledge it.


Its not a popular statement epecially on ES, but it is what it is.  Im here to help

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Bush had the right of it with his comprehensive approach.  We can't create a humanitarian crisis by trying to deport 10 million people because we don't like the results of your own intentionally weak immigration enforcement.  We also are not well served by a weak immigration system that has created an enormous under class.  


Neither party wants to do both of these things.  And so we continue as we are.

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13 hours ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

the only thing that guy got right.



Naw.   I'm not a Reagan fan, but there were some other things.  For example, the Earned Income Tax Credit he championed is one of the greatest public policies ever, and 100% conservative.  

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41 minutes ago, zoony said:


A lot of Americans dont really see a viable alternative.  The left continues to underestimate the effect of their views with regard to trans gender, guns, and religion on ordinary Americans.  There is no longer a party of the middle, as much as all of the Xis and Xus of ES refuse to acknowledge it.


Its not a popular statement epecially on ES, but it is what it is.  Im here to help


With all due respect. Who the hell are "ordinary Americans", Mr. Palin? :)


I've lived in 3 states (WV, VA, and CA).


Which one had the ordinary ones?



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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


Which one had the ordinary ones?


You know damn well who the ordinary ones are. They are the ones who want to take us back to the 40's and 50's, when they could be openly racist, sexist, and every other -ist you can think of. You know, REAL Americans. 

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6 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:


You know the damn well who the ordinary ones are. They are the ones who want to take us back to the 40's and 50's, when they could be openly racist, sexist, and every other -ist you can think of. You know, REAL Americans. 


I believe it's called, "Making America Great Again"

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