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Per Schefter: Su'a Cravens Considering Retirement


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28 minutes ago, ThisOneGoesTo11 said:

Saw this last night, but I can't find the post he is referring to. If the synopsis is accurate then he still hasn't learned squat.




If he did post something like that anywhere for any reason - kick his **** to the curb. He has learned nothing and will be a headache. Just to be clear, I was never in favor of just giving him a roster spot just kicking the tires. 


But if the above is true - I consider the tires as having been kicked and found out they are flat as hell. 

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3 minutes ago, HTTRDynasty said:

Russell's tweet was in response to what Su'a posted on snapchat here:





Even if what he says is true - and it may be - he should be keeping a low profile and just not saying anything. I was holding out hope and willing to see if he had learned anything, but he has already lost me.  

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I thought that it would be absolutely senseless to not bring Su'a back and allow him to fight for a roster spot; what's the harm? Then I saw the Chris Russell tweet... Good grief this kid... 


I still think he should get another shot, but the coaches and captains need to have an honest sit-down beforehand.

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24 minutes ago, Redskins Reparations said:


I am sure this has been covered in the thread already but would you mind giving me the cliff notes version why you say this is is forth time? My understanding was this was the first time that he has quit on the team. 



At USC he disappeared for 3 days immediately following an injury.  





That response to injury wasn’t the first such instance in Cravens’ career. At one point, while playing at USC, he went missing for three days after getting hurt and considered quitting football, according to a person with knowledge of Cravens’ past.





After the second injury, Cravens didn’t report to Redskins Park for three days, and didn’t tell anyone why. After failed attempts by the coaching staff to reach him, several teammates reached out to Cravens, who informed them that he was contemplating retirement.



AFTER he disappeared, he announced via Text message that he was retiring



But Saturday night, Cravens informed his fellow defensive backs in a group text message that he was retiring, a second person familiar with the situation said.

Cravens, in the group message, praised each of his teammates for their skills and expressed gratitude for them and their role in his life. He said that he had enjoyed playing with them, but was retiring on Sunday and ended the text message with, “Peace out,” and then removed himself from the group chat.



This past December he also seemingly made false accusations of racial profiling, including a video that made it all the way to TMZ.. Nothing else has come of this so I'd assume the threat of a lawsuit fell by the wayside. 



And now see above snapchat. 

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The more we learn about this screwball, the harder it is to understand Smac's decision to draft him!  I thought the MO was to draft smart, hard-nosed guys that love the game? This kid's a cream-puff devoid of any commitment.  What the hell went wrong with the selection process?  What a waste...

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Gotta say, I liked Cravens - he had a good rookie season, and I was on board with giving him another chance this year.... but the kid is a fruit loop. Why can't he just keep his damn mouth shut? If he wants to play football then he needs to shut the hell up, put on his big boy pants and prove it on the field. Somebody needs to have a serious conversation with him. I'd still let him bring it to camp but he has some serious work to do to make the roster - he has to prove it at a much higher level than the next man up (JHC I presume), otherwise he ain't worth the risk. The bar for him making the roster has to be way higher than anybody else. 


Guess we're gonna find out what's up with the Skins/Su'a drama though - he just got reinstated by the league officially.

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2 hours ago, FuriousD said:

The more we learn about this screwball, the harder it is to understand Smac's decision to draft him!  I thought the MO was to draft smart, hard-nosed guys that love the game? This kid's a cream-puff devoid of any commitment.  What the hell went wrong with the selection process?  What a waste...


A story came out that USC staff chose not to tell teams about Su'a quitting once with them.  It raises the question whether or not our Front Office will trust players from USC for awhile.

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He has clearly had bad reaction(s) to injury-produced adversity. Hopefully he will develop that skill as he gets older, remember he is still a young kid.


In regards to Scott drafting him, interviews will only tell you so much. People can lie, fabricate, stretch the truth, or not give you their complete picture. After all, they are set to make millions of dollars if they tell you what you want to hear.


Plus it is easy to love the game, and give off the impression you love the game, when you are healthy and doing well.


I hope he rebounds and surprises us all

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Cravens is not the first person to do what he did. Any old school skin fans from '79 when Riggo retired early only to come back a couple years later? I believe that worked out for his teammates, himself and skins fans.. 


Ricky Williams returned to Miami after retiring and played many years after that..I believe he was forgiven by Dolphin fans and most of his teammates right?



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33 minutes ago, Playaction2Sanders said:

Cravens is not the first person to do what he did. Any old school skin fans from '79 when Riggo retired early only to come back a couple years later? I believe that worked out for his teammates, himself and skins fans.. 


Ricky Williams returned to Miami after retiring and played many years after that..I believe he was forgiven by Dolphin fans and most of his teammates right?



 True, but the other guys played a lot longer than a handful of games as Cravens.


The guy is broke, blew what money he had livin' it up, now all of a sudden he's re-energized and wanting to come back. I call BS.

IF, the FO is dumb enough [ and they are ] they will bring him back; but if they do, they should stipulate the crap out of his contract, because I've got a feeling he won't be back for long.


It wouldn't surprise me either to see him using the NFLPA as a leverage tool to get what he wants.

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44 minutes ago, skins island connection said:

 True, but the other guys played a lot longer than a handful of games as Cravens.


The guy is broke, blew what money he had livin' it up, now all of a sudden he's re-energized and wanting to come back. I call BS.

IF, the FO is dumb enough [ and they are ] they will bring him back; but if they do, they should stipulate the crap out of his contract, because I've got a feeling he won't be back for long.


It wouldn't surprise me either to see him using the NFLPA as a leverage tool to get what he wants.

and you are most likely correct. cravens was in the middle of a substantial transaction (meant to be a gift) not long before his retirement debacle but was halted by his mandated financial advisor and told to downgrade the cost. based on the conversation around this event it was clear that this was pretty commonplace for him.

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I think cravens should deserve another shot here. And i see nothing wrong with his snapchat story today (or whenever it was). He’d know the truth on what the locker room was feeling, not the media. Who knows, maybe the media really is only trying to find a story to write about. 


Im still hoping things work out for cravens here :) 

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If we can get the second round we used on him back for this year draft I'm all for a trade... release him makes absolute non sense, just wasting a second round pick  because the kid had a rough patch it's less than smart.

He has a contract, the Redskins control his rights for the next 3 years, his cap number is only 1.2 million and we know he has talent... We know very well how injuries happen, let him compete for the job with Nicholson, how ever wins, we win... a starter and a quality back up... 

He's an asset to this team, this is PRO football... he had a year to clean up his act and fix any family issues... we already invested in this kid, time to get to work!

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34 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

I think cravens should deserve another shot here. And i see nothing wrong with his snapchat story today (or whenever it was). He’d know the truth on what the locker room was feeling, not the media. Who knows, maybe the media really is only trying to find a story to write about. 


Im still hoping things work out for cravens here :) 

He'd know the truth?? Like his optometrist telling him was going blind? I'm starting to doubt taking Su'a at this word.  

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I dont know...brain injuries would scare the crap out of me if I was a football player and I would take them very seriously. It's not exactly the same as having a bum knee once you retire. I trust players over sports media, especially the DC area sports media. Maybe he should just keep quiet, but if he really is bothered by what the media is saying, maybe he is telling the truth. Who knows. I would like to see him in burgundy next year. 

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I was all on board with giving him a look. Let the players and coaches take a look at him. And of course if they decide to do that there is zero I can do to stop them. 


But for me when you get on social media whining before you have even been re-instated, that is just a huge red flag. And considering his past I personally do not need more than one. 


Having said that, if the team thinks he can help them and they can keep him in the game mentally, I will root for him to make plays on Sundays if he is out there. It does seem a shame to just release someone that has the potential he does.


But man - already whining? Just shut it and let your play do the talking. 

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