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Per Schefter: Su'a Cravens Considering Retirement


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1 hour ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

I understand he was a 2nd round pick with upside so I'm fine bringing him in as long as the vets approve.  But the vitriol from the fans is certainly understandable. The audio with Compton tells the story.  It showed that the personal situation or family matter was like the SM excuse that he missed the combine because he was grieving his grandmother. No that's nonsense, the clip with Compton clearly showed he just didn't feel like playing football.   Now as I and many others predicted he regained his passion once the game checks ran out.  No surprise he want back in now. 


I would proceed with extreme caution, guy can't be counted on. 


I understand being careful. At least for me I am not saying put him on the 53 man roster and never did. I say let him in camp and if he earns let him play. 


What I don't understand is why some fans are actually angry with him. He was a kid who made some really poor choices. He has either grown up and learned from those mistakes and can help the team or he cannot. If he can't they can cut him at any time. Not sure what the risk is here. And certainly no reason to get angry with him. 


Even if you don't trust the coaches - trust the players. They will let you know. As I said from the  beginning - at the first sign that he has learned nothing - kick him to the curb. I am not like I am a big fan. I honestly could care less about him personally. But if has learned his lesson and can help the team, isn't that worth kicking the tires? No promises. No commitment. Just let him earn a spot. 


I really do not see the problem here. 

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6 hours ago, goskins10 said:

Not sure why the vitriol for this kid from some.


We don't lose, if we commit a roster spot and all of the time and effort put forth in training camp, and he decides he doesn't like football again?

There's an old saying in Ashburn— I know it's in DC, probably in Ashburn— that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again!!!1!


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If he wants to come back and play the only way I would let him remain a Redskin would be for him to have to spend the entire 2018 preseason and regular season playing only special teams. If he was willing to step up and bust his butt on special teams then I would consider keeping him around for the rest of his contract and would give him the opportunity to earn a spot in the starting lineup for 2019.

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12 hours ago, RandyHolt said:


We don't lose, if we commit a roster spot and all of the time and effort put forth in training camp, and he decides he doesn't like football again?

There's an old saying in Ashburn— I know it's in DC, probably in Ashburn— that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again!!!1!




It's the 90 man roster. There are at least 15 or more that are never seeing a real NFL game outside of preseason. Here is a guy that if he got his head straightened out could actually make the team and contribute. 


Maybe I am the only one - but I made some pretty poor decisions when I was younger. I got out of it and have been pretty successful since. Agian, the first sign of an issue kink him. If this were mid-season I would totally be on board. Not replacing someone who earned a spot for him. But each season you need to earn your spot. If he earns it, great. If he doesn't no sweat. Kink him to the curb. 

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2 hours ago, evmiii said:

I'm not sure the reason for all the discussion.  The Redskins have his rights, why wouldn't they let him compete.  Somebody must like him because they drafted him early.  I've been in a lot of locker rooms with guys I didn't like, but if they helped us win on the field we didn't have a problem.  Isn't the goal to put the guys on the field that give you the best chance to win?  Let him compete, see what he's got.  Then make a decision to keep, trade or release.


The issue is this is not a job for people who do not have their heart in it.  Think about being in a fox hole with a soldier who didn't want to be there and only enlisted for the free tuition.  Pro football is played by men who have to love the game in order to be successful.  It's what made Jerry Rice Jerry Rice.  The passion is what allows guys with limited skills like Will Compton to carve out a career.


If the entire team is ready to run though a brick wall and one guy needs to be talked into putting in the effort, well that's what splits teams apart. 

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1 hour ago, goskins10 said:


I understand being careful. At least for me I am not saying put him on the 53 man roster and never did. I say let him in camp and if he earns let him play. 


What I don't understand is why some fans are actually angry with him. He was a kid who made some really poor choices. He has either grown up and learned from those mistakes and can help the team or he cannot. If he can't they can cut him at any time. Not sure what the risk is here. And certainly no reason to get angry with him. 


Even if you don't trust the coaches - trust the players. They will let you know. As I said from the  beginning - at the first sign that he has learned nothing - kick him to the curb. I am not like I am a big fan. I honestly could care less about him personally. But if has learned his lesson and can help the team, isn't that worth kicking the tires? No promises. No commitment. Just let him earn a spot. 


I really do not see the problem here. 


Fans care about their team.  They watch a 2nd round pick up and quit right before camp.  If you can't understand why that's upsetting to fans I'm not sure what to tell you. It's perfectly understandable that they would be frustrated and angry.


Getting hurt is one thing.  Quitting right before the start of the season when it's too late for the team to compensate is something completely different. 

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Last year was such a bust..for ALL...I say just forget it and start over. Give him a shot at the roster..let him earn it. He didn't cost the team allot of $$ and we found some NEW players in the backfield that were a surprise..Nicholson for one which may let us use Su as a hybrid LB in the nickel. THAT would be a bad ass D

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9 hours ago, Dan73 said:

The team talked him out of retirement and the players voiced support for him so hopefully he comes back at 100 percent physically and mentally. 

There's a difference between supporting him as a human being (compassion) and wanting him next to you on the field.  I'm sure DJ, Norman, etc, do sincerely hope he works through whatever is going on in his personally life.  But that doesn't necessarily mean they will welcome him back with open arms and just forget what happened.  He quit on them and will very likely have to earn their trust back.  But I sure as hell wouldn't hold it against anyone that might find it hard trusting him again. 

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1 hour ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


Fans care about their team.  They watch a 2nd round pick up and quit right before camp.  If you can't understand why that's upsetting to fans I'm not sure what to tell you. It's perfectly understandable that they would be frustrated and angry.


Getting hurt is one thing.  Quitting right before the start of the season when it's too late for the team to compensate is something completely different. 


So if you don't get angry at a player that you feel screwed the team then you are not as big a fan? That you don't care enough? So you want to go down that road of who is a bigger fan? I don't so I will jsut say: 

We all care way too ****ing much about this team. And I mean every single person on this board that's a Redskins fan. That's you, me and everyone else. You say you get angry  because you care. I don't understand it but OK. It's clearly your right. I am want to win so badly that I want them to look at every possibility with an open mind. And it's my right to question the value of getting so angry. 


There are things that make me angry. I was pissed at him when he ****ed us last year. But it's a new year. IMO It's zero value added to hold a grudge. Be careful? Of course. But hold a grudge? Not worth it. Again, since it seems to keep being ignored - no one is saying put him on the 53 or even the PS without truly earning it. But if the coaches think he's earned it and the players are cool with it, who am I to tell them they should be pissed. I promise you that if the kid has straightened out and the players and coaches think he can help them win, he will be on the team. He still has his head up his ass they will boot him - quickly.


Now if he still has a head problem and they keep him over someone else, OK that's a reason to be pissed. But not at him, at the coaches who did't cut him despite him still acting an ass. That's like being angry at the 5 Y/O that the parents let run up and down the store aisles. It's not his fault. He does not know better. But the parents are at least supposed to. 

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2 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


The issue is this is not a job for people who do not have their heart in it.  Think about being in a fox hole with a soldier who didn't want to be there and only enlisted for the free tuition.  Pro football is played by men who have to love the game in order to be successful.  It's what made Jerry Rice Jerry Rice.  The passion is what allows guys with limited skills like Will Compton to carve out a career.


If the entire team is ready to run though a brick wall and one guy needs to be talked into putting in the effort, well that's what splits teams apart. 


First, football is a game played by millionaire professionals.  Comparing the atmosphere in a locker room to that in a "fox hole" is completely inappropriate.  I understand we share some vocabulary, but regardless to what they want us to believe none of them is willing to die for their team - it's a job.  I have deployed with many individuals that I did not particularly like, but if we came in harms way we were all taking the same risk and fully invested. (Note:  I was in the USAF for 20 years and have never been in a fox hole)


if his "heart" isn't in it that should become pretty evident through camp and preseason.  I agree that a unified team, all on the same page working to the same goal is desired, but ultimately this league is about talent.  If he is one of the best 53 he should be on the team, if not, get what you can for him and let him go.


That said, I was never really a fan of his.  He seemed like a great athlete without a true position.  I hope his head is better and he's back to give his best shot.

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12 hours ago, goskins10 said:


So if you don't get angry at a player that you feel screwed the team then you are not as big a fan? That you don't care enough? So you want to go down that road of who is a bigger fan? I don't so I will jsut say: 

We all care way too ****ing much about this team. And I mean every single person on this board that's a Redskins fan. That's you, me and everyone else. You say you get angry  because you care. I don't understand it but OK. It's clearly your right. I am want to win so badly that I want them to look at every possibility with an open mind. And it's my right to question the value of getting so angry. 


There are things that make me angry. I was pissed at him when he ****ed us last year. But it's a new year. IMO It's zero value added to hold a grudge. Be careful? Of course. But hold a grudge? Not worth it. Again, since it seems to keep being ignored - no one is saying put him on the 53 or even the PS without truly earning it. But if the coaches think he's earned it and the players are cool with it, who am I to tell them they should be pissed. I promise you that if the kid has straightened out and the players and coaches think he can help them win, he will be on the team. He still has his head up his ass they will boot him - quickly.


Now if he still has a head problem and they keep him over someone else, OK that's a reason to be pissed. But not at him, at the coaches who did't cut him despite him still acting an ass. That's like being angry at the 5 Y/O that the parents let run up and down the store aisles. It's not his fault. He does not know better. But the parents are at least supposed to. 

I never implied those who were angry were better fans than those who were not, not sure where you got that from my post. I simply started my post by pointing out that the fans who were upset care about their team.  And because they care it's kind of expected that many would be angry when a player the team was really counting on simply walked out  at the worst possible time.  


If you are OK with a player quitting on the team  that's fine, you are entitled to that opinion obviously.  But it's puzzling that you do not understand how man remain upset with the quitter who really let them down last summer. To me it's perfectly logical and it should be obvious that I'm in that group.  Looks to me like he magically found his passion once the money ran out, which is exactly what I predicted would happen. 

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7 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

I never implied those who were angry were better fans than those that were not, not sure where you got that from my post. I simply started my post by pointing out that the fans who were upset care about their team.  And to see a player they were really counting  simply walk out on the team at the worst possible time, well that's gonna get an angry response.  


If you are OK with a player quitting on the team and screwing them in the process with the timing that's fine, you are entitled to that opinion obviously.  But it's puzzling that you do not understand how others got upset with the quitter. To me it's perfectly logical and it should be obvious that I'm in that group.  


When you say fans care and get upset - it implies that I and others that are not angry do not care as much - maybe that's not how you meant it but that's how it reads. But Ok - not really important at this point. 


Whoever said i am Ok with him quitting?  I even said i was pissed when it happened. I chose to get past it and not hold a grudge. What I do not get especially is the black or white to this. You are taking an extreme position and questioning why others do not. 


For me it's a waste of time to be angry with a kid who made some stupid mistakes. I am perfectly fine with the coaches and players kicking the tires and deciding if he has learned anything and deciding if he can help the team. If they can get over it and believe he can help the team then let him play. I want to win more than i want to remain emotional about it. I got angry when it happened but I moved on. 

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You cant trust that when some adversity hits again that we wont be right back where we were.  He just doesnt seem worth the hassle.  Bit of a drama queen it seems like, judging by his track record.  It'll always be something.


He may turn his career around, and I hope he does for his sake.  It just probably wont be here.  I'd be fine with that.  

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30 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


 What I do not get especially is the black or white to this. You are taking an extreme position and questioning why others do not. 




Funny this is exactly what you are doing to me.  I have accepted that some fans are upset and others are not and have posted as much.  I never questioned why they felt the way they did.  You were the one questioning why some fans got and remain angry.    You questioned an entire group, the only person I questioned was you for not understand why that group feels the way they do. I have tried to explain that to you but you don't seem to grasp it. 

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5 minutes ago, justice98 said:

You cant trust that when some adversity hits again that we wont be right back where we were.  He just doesnt seem worth the hassle.  Bit of a drama queen it seems like, judging by his track record.  It'll always be something.


He may turn his career around, and I hope he does for his sake.  It just probably wont be here.  I'd be fine with that.  


Maybe not and you are probably right that he may fold if it gets tough. But two things -


1. Make it tough on him in TC, really tough. Make sure he knows the he is fighting for his NFL life every minute of every day. Make sure he knows he will have to work twice or three times as hard as anyone just to stay on the team. 

2. Get the players input - the leaders like Kerrigan, Norman, and DJ. If they are in great. If they say - kick him - then kick him, quickly. 


My whole point here is not that I want them to give him a spot on the 53 or even the PS. But I would prefer they perform some due diligence to see if they can get any value out of him. 


It's not going to break my heart if he is gone tomorrow no matter how they get there. It just seems like it's at least worth seeing gif there is anything there. If not, kick him just as quick as you can and move on. 

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3 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


Funny this is exactly what you are doing to me.  I have accepted that some fans are upset and others are not and have posted as much.  I never questioned why they felt the way they did.  You were the one questioning why some fans got and remain angry.  


Ok, last time here - I did question why people were so angry - I did not suggest they didn't care as much if they were angry. Again, I get that may not be how you meant it. So again I am trying to move along from it. I hope you can.


As I just said above - if he is gone tomorrow fine. I just hate to not even perform any due diligence. That is all I have been saying. I just want them to put the team on the field that gives them the best chance of winning. If they all think he can help them win and want him on the team then I have no problem with it. 

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16 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Ok, last time here - I did question why people were so angry - I did not suggest they didn't care as much if they were angry. Again, I get that may not be how you meant it. So again I am trying to move along from it. I hope you can.


As I just said above - if he is gone tomorrow fine. I just hate to not even perform any due diligence. That is all I have been saying. I just want them to put the team on the field that gives them the best chance of winning. If they all think he can help them win and want him on the team then I have no problem with it. 


I agree it's time to move on, sorry there was a misfire on my point.   I never said those who weren't angry cared less about the team, sorry if you read it that way.


 Oddly enough I see it the same way as you moving forward.  I was on board with bringing him back, you just can't afford to throw away a player with talent.  I'm just very cautious, guy has shown he can't really be counted on and you can't teach heart.  

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