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Your personal "Top 5 TV shows" of all time


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35 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Game of Thrones


Married...with Children

The Avengers

Laverne and Shirley




The Avengers!!   (forgotten in the hubub)         the Diana Rigg years, just pure joy, style taken over all other considerations to the perfect extreme :) 

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26 minutes ago, Bacon said:



BoJack Horseman

Probably the best show on television today. The writing and continuity is absolutely peerless and each detail has the potential to build to something unexpected, heartbreaking or wonderful. It's a potent example of the modern anti-hero, but given color and humor. Every season of BJH leaves me feeling hollow and lost by the time it's over, but the journey to get there is so full of laughs that it balances out the existential horror.






i keep TRYING to give Bojack Horseman a chance.... 


watched the first episode, and my wife hated it so much she was almost mad   (I thought it was just "meh")

after a few months, tried episode 2  (wife was still  "wtf!!??"   i was still "meh")

a few months (and many recommendations) later,   mutual "meh" fest.....


... does it get better?  or do i just not get it?   

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On 7/18/2017 at 1:54 PM, mcsluggo said:



i keep TRYING to give Bojack Horseman a chance.... 


watched the first episode, and my wife hated it so much she was almost mad   (I thought it was just "meh")

after a few months, tried episode 2  (wife was still  "wtf!!??"   i was still "meh")

a few months (and many recommendations) later,   mutual "meh" fest.....


... does it get better?  or do i just not get it?   


Yes, it gets better. A million times yes. I'd just skip to episode 4 if I were you and even that one doesn't really hit until the last few minutes. I really struggled until that point. It's not horrible, just resoundingly average. From episode 5 on it's basically perfect. 


Look at the metacritic score for season 1 and then compare it to 2 and 3. It was such a big change in quality that one website (I want to say Slant) had to change their policy on reviewing television shows. They gave the season a C or something for the first handful of episodes alone and did a retraction. 

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25 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:


The Avengers!!   (forgotten in the hubub)         the Diana Rigg years, just pure joy, style over all taken over all other considerations to the perfect extreme :) 


I have the DVDs of the Diana Rigg episodes. I was in HS, and it aired on the weekends, every Monday was devoted to talking about the show.  I guess you could say she's my first crush.

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If The Wire was just seasons 1, 3 and 4, it would have made my list. Season 4 is one of the best in television history. 


Not that 2 and 5 are bad or anything (the series finale is incredible), they're just kind of inconsistent and meh. And that's 40% of the series right there. 

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2 minutes ago, Bacon said:

If The Wire was just seasons 1, 3 and 4, it would have made my list. Season 4 is one of the best in television history. 


Not that 2 and 5 are bad or anything (the series finale is incredible), they're just kind of inconsistent and meh. And that's 40% of the series right there. 


season 2 had so many classic scenes though, Omar vs. Levy in the courtroom being the best


always thought 5 was the weakest of the bunch, but the highs made the missteps forgivable IMO


completely agree with you on Season 4, gonna be very hard for anything to measure up to that

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On 7/18/2017 at 2:29 PM, StillUnknown said:



season 2 had so many classic scenes though, Omar vs. Levy in the courtroom being the best


always thought 5 was the weakest of the bunch, but the highs made the missteps forgivable IMO


completely agree with you on Season 4, gonna be very hard for anything to measure up to that


I live in a fairly low income urban area and am working towards my secondary education teaching credential. Season 4 has me shook lmao

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In no order:


The Wire

Battlestar Galactica (reboot)

Stargate Atlantis

Rescue Me

Breaking Bad

The Shield


I had to go with six and it was hard not to go with 15-20.  I really want to put 24 on the list too.  I tried to go with series that were solid gold from the beginning to the end, not any real weak seasons.  I'd say all were solid throughout and I've definitely rewatched all of those multiple times over the years.  

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  1. GoT
  2. The Wire
  3. Sopranos
  4. Mad Men
  5. 30 Rock


Honorable mentions



The Americans

Breaking Bad

X-Files (although on rewatch now it's a bit hokey)


Sub-honorable mention (y'all reminded me of shows that were part of my life)

Law and Order


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23 minutes ago, Bacon said:


Except when the Skins are playing


Remember that awful swinging gate episode? 

Yes.  What made that classic was calling the timeout, then running the play again and throwing an interception.  You can't coach that.

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15 minutes ago, gbear said:

The wire

Game of thrones


All in the family/Archie bunker's place

Star Trek - original


Honorable mention: Dare Devil


Archie Bunker's Place? No Edith, no Mike, no Gloria? No thanks. 

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47 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

My honorable mentions:


Melrose Place

I agree on both.  I might add NYPD Blue...great show.

(Back when I had a roommate, we called Melrose night "B-word" night...a bottle of Jager and every back had a knife in it, LOL)

2 minutes ago, DM72 said:


Archie Bunker's Place? No Edith, no Mike, no Gloria? No thanks. 

All in the Family and Archie Bunker's Place were two different shows, young'un

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