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ESPN.com: Kirk Cousins contract talks with Redskins on positive track


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3 hours ago, Tay said:


Did the Dolphins franchise anyone this year? If not, that's why the agent is pushing a deadline.


The Redskins and Kirk have a deadline 7/17 established by the league.


Here is the list of franchise tag players. 



Franchise-tagged players[10]
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9 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

So who put out that nonsense about Cousins not liking Colt McCoy and maybe wanting him gone? lol...Please tell me it wasn't Jason Cole.


So dumb. McCoy would not be such a coaching favorite unless he was a good little second in command to the starter in the meeting room and a helpful presence on the bench between drives. He's a good guy to have if Cousins goes down for a few games but a backup QBs role will always mainly be to help prepare the starter and bring their good attributes to the film room, in an organization with an established starter and a vet backup. 

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3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Lombardi comes on strong with his opinion about Bruce and the Kirk negotiations from the stand point of working with Bruce in a previous job.   



Someone help me understand this so I don't have to sit through the podcast lol...


"“It has nothing to do with [coach] Jay Gruden or [former GM) Scot McCloughan. They just never thought he was going to come through...Now it’s going to cost them severe cash.”


What does that mean? lol...They never thought Cousins was gonna come through? If so...come through how? They never thought he was gonna be any good? And Scot made it known that the Skins' FO, in the 2016 offseason, was well aware that it would cost them "severe cash" if Cousins played well again.



“Mike Shanahan has won Super Bowls. Bruce has never won a Super Bowl,” Lombardi said. “Mike Shanahan is a legitimate NFL head coach. The owner kept Bruce over him because the owner knows what Bruce will bring him.”


Mike Shanahan had records of 6-10, 5-11 and 3-13 in three of his four years with the Redskins. He said he made up his mind to quit before the 2012 season ended and even started packing up his office, but then they made the playoffs and Griffin got hurt so he felt obligated to stay another season. Only 5 players drafted under his watch are still with the team...that's five players out of 34 drafted players. And he was fired from his last coaching job as well. I don't really think you need to look in Allen's direction to find reasons why Shanahan isn't here anymore.



“Even when Scot McCloughan was there, the Redskins general manager was Bruce Allen,” he said. “Scot McCloughan had the title, but he didn’t have the authority. There’s two people making decisions in Washington — it’s [owner] Daniel Snyder and Bruce Allen.”


I asked this awhile back, not sure if it was ever answered...but do we know what moves, transactions or decisions Scot was overridden on?...Which players we drafted or signed that he didn't want us to? Or which ones we didn't sign/draft that he wanted us to?




17 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:


So dumb. McCoy would not be such a coaching favorite unless he was a good little second in command to the starter in the meeting room and a helpful presence on the bench between drives. He's a good guy to have if Cousins goes down for a few games but a backup QBs role will always mainly be to help prepare the starter and bring their good attributes to the film room, in an organization with an established starter and a vet backup. 


Exactly (that part in bold)...if you recall, the story came out in 2015 that Cousins and Griffin didn't get along lol (no mention back then about Kirk's feelings towards McCoy)...Now Cousins doesn't get along with Colt...a story about Kirk not getting along with Sudfeld has to be on the horizon now that Doug Williams spent 9 seconds praising his practices lol...

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27 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

So who put out that nonsense about Cousins not liking Colt McCoy and maybe wanting him gone? lol...Please tell me it wasn't Jason Cole.



Let's remind everyone why this is complete and total bull****.


From a MMQB article - http://mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2015/12/01/kirk-cousins-washington-nfl Yes it's from December 2015 - but does anyone really think that if they were that close then it would really change based on anything that has happened?


ASHBURN, Va. — There are three quarterbacks, each of them under 30, teammates pitted against one another by voracious fans, loudmouth radio hosts and a coaching regime juggling the demands of an owner and the instincts of a new general manager. The three men are supposed to be at odds; instead they’re sitting in a circle with their significant others and about a dozen other teammates in the family room of a Virginia mansion, eating snacks and studying scripture.


It’s the first Thursday bible study of Washington’s 2015 season, and Kirk Cousins, Robert Griffin III and Colt McCoy are each in attendance. Team chaplain Brett Fuller ends the evening, as usual, with a call for prayer requests. Cousins, the surprise starter for Week 1 after Robert Griffin held the job all preseason, drops a bombshell. His father, Don, has metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, a type of cancer, and started treatments in July.

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1 hour ago, Califan007 said:


Someone help me understand this so I don't have to sit through the podcast lol...


"“It has nothing to do with [coach] Jay Gruden or [former GM) Scot McCloughan. They just never thought he was going to come through...Now it’s going to cost them severe cash.”


What does that mean? lol...They never thought Cousins was gonna come through? If so...come through how? They never thought he was gonna be any good? And Scot made it known that the Skins' FO, in the 2016 offseason, was well aware that it would cost them "severe cash" if Cousins played well again.



That section is poorly worded -- is it about the contract coming through for Kirk or Kirk coming through as a player.  Jay supposedly is all in on Kirk and has been so consistently.  There is more of a mixed story on Scot but most of it indicates he was in on Kirk.


My interest in the story is the part about Bruce as a negotiator.  Whether its true or not, I got no idea.  Though I think its fine to play hard ball.  Lombardi thinks he takes it too far.   Regardless, if Dan is involved in the negotiations, I've heard that's his wheel house.  Cooley who knows the players there has said for months he wants to see Dan engaged in this negotiation and is more confident with him involved.


And here's another article for today:


“So much noise,” said a source with knowledge of the situation on Tuesday.

As to whether progress has been made, the source added, “Nothing to report. Will be interesting to see what happens mid-July.”

PFT noted over the weekend that the July 15 deadline for doing a long-term deal bumps to Monday, July 17 because the 15th lands on a Saturday. So the two sides have 27 days to get something done.

And the two sides most likely will take nearly the full amount of the 27 days. There’s no reason not to; neither side will move toward its bottom-line position until the clock is close to striking 4:00 p.m. ET on the 17th. If either the team or the player puts the best number on the table now, the other side will wait it out, hoping that the offer will get better before the real deadline.

The math remains simple. Anything less than this year’s cash in hand ($23.94 million) and next year’s transition tender (a 20-percent raise, amounting to $28.7 million) fully guaranteed at signing will not get a deal done — unless Cousins decides to do a Tom Brady-style deal by usurping the agent and, in turn, hurting the agent’s ability to retain and recruit clients.

The agent, Mike McCartney, is hardly being unreasonable by expecting more than $52 million fully guaranteed at signing. Cousins has played (and won) the game to the tune of nearly $44 million over two years, and he’s one more year in the Year-To-Yearopoly away from $28.7 million for the transition tag in 2018 (which would give Washington only the right to match an offer sheet signed elsewhere), $34.47 million for the franchise tag in 2018 (which would allow Washington to keep or trade him in 2018), or a free and clear shot at the open market.

Cousins has both the leverage and the financial security. There’s no reason for him to do anything other than the kind of deal that his circumstances would suggest, taking the Peyton Manning/Darrelle Revis-style position that it’s not on Cousins to manage his team’s salary cap. That falls on team management, and team management badly bungled the situation by not immediately offered Cousins a long-term deal at $18 million or so per year the moment the franchise decided that, like Gus Frerotte supplanting Heath Shuler more than 20 years ago, Cousins would be bumping Robert Griffin III out of the starting lineup and, eventually, off the roster.

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11 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


That section is poorly worded -- is it about the contract coming through for Kirk or Kirk coming through as a player.  Jay supposedly is all in on Kirk and has been so consistently.  There is more of a mixed story on Scot but most of it indicates he was in on Kirk.


My interest in the story is the part about Bruce as a negotiator.  Whether its true or not, I got no idea.  Though I think its fine to play hard ball.  Lombardi thinks he takes it too far.   Regardless, if Dan is involved in the negotiations, I've heard that's his wheel house.  Cooley who knows the players there has said for months he wants to see Dan engaged in this negotiation and is more confident with him involved.


Yeah, I read it like 4 times and still couldn't quite get what his point was lol...I hadn't considered the contract "coming through" angle.





So the two sides have 27 days to get something done.

And the two sides most likely will take nearly the full amount of the 27 days. There’s no reason not to; neither side will move toward its bottom-line position until the clock is close to striking 4:00 p.m. ET on the 17th. If either the team or the player puts the best number on the table now, the other side will wait it out, hoping that the offer will get better before the real deadline.




And that, boys and girls, is one of the reasons why some of us aren't irritated, exasperated or seeing not signing Cousins yet as a sign of incompetence on the part of the Skins' FO. It's probably a big reason why Cousins said it makes no sense to sign before the deadline as well...(not aimed at you SIP)

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11 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


That section is poorly worded -- is it about the contract coming through for Kirk or Kirk coming through as a player.  Jay supposedly is all in on Kirk and has been so consistently.  There is more of a mixed story on Scot but most of it indicates he was in on Kirk.


My interest in the story is the part about Bruce as a negotiator.  Whether its true or not, I got no idea.  Though I think its fine to play hard ball.  Lombardi thinks he takes it too far.   Regardless, if Dan is involved in the negotiations, I've heard that's his wheel house.  Cooley who knows the players there has said for months he wants to see Dan engaged in this negotiation and is more confident with him involved.




It is interesting that Lombardi has this take - that the hold up is between Bruce Allen and the McCarthy because from multiple other sources including the seemingly unimportant direct quotes from Cousins and McCarthy themselves that almost all of the negotiations to this point have been with Eric Schafer - And until the deadline really comes into play there is absolutely no reason for either side to start showing their hand. If the Redskins come tomorrow and offer 120 million 60 guaranteed over 5 years (say) then McCarthy will say - quite rightly - Well the FO are keen to do a deal - that might be what we are looking for but let them sweat it out until July 17th. Equally, if McCarthy shows any sign what so ever of wanting to move towards the Redskins current position then the Redskins FO will do the same (or at least I would) the deadline at the 17th is what will make the deal - and the rumors of bad blood etc - you know what if a friend at work stiffed me on a cheque at a restaurant last year ($50) I might be weary of going out to dinner with him again and there may be bad blood if he wanted me to lend him money again - But we are talking about millions and millions of $$$ that will set Kirk up for life - I am kind of thinking in for that type of money I (personally) would be incapable of having my feelings hurt.  

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Sheehan today hit the McCoy-Kirk thing saying he's heard it but isn't sure its true.  I agree it strikes me too strange considering both guys personality wise seem like boy scouts but who knows.  As Sheehan pointed out even if there is a riff why should it matter anyway?  Not everyone loves each other on a football team.


Joel Corry (ex-agent) was on his show basically saying what many have which is if anything happens its very likely going to happen right upon the deadline not before that.


I am firmly in the camp of there is nothing dysfunctional of them not getting a contract done so far.  But its a big time dysfunction if the upshot is they don't ultimately make it happen by the deadline and this carries to 2018. 


Sheehan suggested it might be a bumpy ride story wise leading up to the deadline because there are all these different stories that keep flying around about the contract and Kirk and the FO.  And he has no idea if true or not.  But he said a lot of noise to sift on via various sources.  

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According to the NFL Players who vote on the top 100, Kirk will be the 14th best QB and 70th best player in the league. For whatever that's worth.  


Yet to be named)


Goat Brady(baaaa baaaa!)


11 - Carr

14 - Dak (!) - for those with righteous indignation, please remember that Griffin was ranked 15 in this same poll after 2012)

16 - Brees

22 - Rothlisburger

24 - Wilson

31- Stafford

44 - Newton

50 - Mariota

51 - Luck

57 - Winston

70 - Cousins (14th place)


You can quibble a bit with a few of these guys, but this is essentially where Cousins ranks in the eyes of players and the eyes of a lot of GMs.  And so the Redskins COMPLETELY screwed themselves by tagging him last year, locking him into a negotiation for top 5 money for a non-top 5 QB.


I hope a deal gets done.  But honestly, I'm starting to believe that if the organization doesn't love Kirk, and that he really is "the best of the good" that you don't pay him top 5 money, and you figure out a way to get to somebody else, who's probably a junior in college at this point.  


Really, really, really short sited of the team to tag him in 2016.  I get the "I want to see more" but they should have figured out a top-10 contract and gotten it done.  Tagging him was the biggest mistake they could have made, and now they're paying for it.  




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I would have paid Kirk in 2016.  But I don't think it was crazy not to if the FO wasn't sure about him with the caveat that they need to pay him a premium for waiting once 2017 arrives.   I think the one shot though to get him cheap (maybe) was when Scot's camp say he wanted to get it done which is during the 2015 season.  Once they got past the 2015 season, Kirk was going to get big money.  It's just how that position works.  Look at what Osweiler got then and Glennon got this year.  I think the window to get Kirk relatively cheap closed after 2015 regardless if they franchised him or not.  The main problem with the franchise is it boxes you in and it hands Kirk's agent the leverage but regardless Kirk was likely going to get more than Osweiler did which would mean he'd be pushing $20 million.  According to Grant Paulsen, Kirk's agent offered them a 3 year contract at 19.5 million after 2015 and the Redskins said no.   Don't recall the amount of guaranteed money.



According to contract details obtained by USA TODAY Sports, Osweiler will make $21 million in 2016 in the form of a $12 million signing bonus, $5 million roster bonus due this month and $4 million guaranteed base salary. His $16 million base salary in 2017 also is fully guaranteed.

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26 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

According to the NFL Players who vote on the top 100, Kirk will be the 14th best QB and 70th best player in the league. For whatever that's worth.  


Yet to be named)


Goat Brady(baaaa baaaa!)


11 - Carr

14 - Dak (!) - for those with righteous indignation, please remember that Griffin was ranked 15 in this same poll after 2012)

16 - Brees

22 - Rothlisburger

24 - Wilson

31- Stafford

44 - Newton

50 - Mariota

51 - Luck

57 - Winston

70 - Cousins (14th place)


You can quibble a bit with a few of these guys, but this is essentially where Cousins ranks in the eyes of players and the eyes of a lot of GMs.  And so the Redskins COMPLETELY screwed themselves by tagging him last year, locking him into a negotiation for top 5 money for a non-top 5 QB.


I hope a deal gets done.  But honestly, I'm starting to believe that if the organization doesn't love Kirk, and that he really is "the best of the good" that you don't pay him top 5 money, and you figure out a way to get to somebody else, who's probably a junior in college at this point.  


Really, really, really short sited of the team to tag him in 2016.  I get the "I want to see more" but they should have figured out a top-10 contract and gotten it done.  Tagging him was the biggest mistake they could have made, and now they're paying for it.  





You can't base your conclusions off of the NFL Top 100 Players list, though lol...that list is worthless for anything other than starting offseason conversation.


In 2013 RG3 was the 15th best player in the league and the 5th best QB, at least according to the list. Should that have justified ANY decision made on him at the time?

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31 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

I think the window to get Kirk relatively cheap closed after 2015 regardless if they franchised him or not.



The QB market plays itself out no matter what.  Many get overpaid. 


If Glennon gets $15m, and Bradford gets $18m, and Osweiler gets $18m - per year and can even throw in Flynn getting that ridiculous $20.5m total deal - to me, these are all contracts of hope.


The Redskins waited to see if Cousins could be consistently "good", with the numbers he puts up he's better than the above and will get paid like the Carr's and the Stafford's etc.  After 2015 the window closed for cheap, but keeps opening wide for more!


Point is "great" QB's don't hit the open market via free agency.  Kirk is better than good, he's really good, but not getting the deal done and franchising him twice, he will now get paid like a "great": one.

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46 minutes ago, Audible_Red40 said:



The QB market plays itself out no matter what.  Many get overpaid. 


If Glennon gets $15m, and Bradford gets $18m, and Osweiler gets $18m - per year and can even throw in Flynn getting that ridiculous $20.5m total deal - to me, these are all contracts of hope.


The Redskins waited to see if Cousins could be consistently "good", with the numbers he puts up he's better than the above and will get paid like the Carr's and the Stafford's etc.  After 2015 the window closed for cheap, but keeps opening wide for more!


Point is "great" QB's don't hit the open market via free agency.  Kirk is better than good, he's really good, but not getting the deal done and franchising him twice, he will now get paid like a "great": one.


Agree. It just is what it is.  I personally think Kirk is very good but even running with just good, he's going to get paid big.  It's just how the market is.  And I'd pay every penny without hesitating.  Reason why QBs are getting paid crazy money is its no secret that you can't win much in this league without a good QB.

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4 hours ago, Califan007 said:


Yeah, I read it like 4 times and still couldn't quite get what his point was lol...I hadn't considered the contract "coming through" angle.



I heard that actual podcast, they played it on Bram's show a little while ago.    The way he said it (which gets lost by whomever transcribed it) is it isn't on Jay or Scot its on Bruce as to what's going on with Kirk.  If you listen to the whole drill, Lombardi comes off as if he wants to take on Bruce.  Bruce never relinquished power.  Dan let the wrong guy go between Bruce and Shanny.  Bruce is likely screwing up the negotiation.   As Bram said, Lombardi really came after Bruce hard.  It's even clearer I think when you hear the audio.  Lombardi worked with Bruce for years -- comes off clearly that he doesn't like the dude.

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8 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I heard that actual podcast, they played it on Bram's show a little while ago.    The way he said it (which gets lost by whomever transcribed it) is it isn't on Jay or Scot its on Bruce as to what's going on with Kirk.  If you listen to the whole drill, Lombardi comes off as he wants to take on Bruce.  Bruce never relinquished power.  Dan let the wrong guy between Bruce and Shanny.  Bruce is likely screwing up the negotiation.   As Bram said, Lombardi really came after Bruce hard.  It's even clearer I think when you hear the audio.


I wonder why?...I got that same impression you just mentioned from his Shanahan rant.

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Just now, Califan007 said:


I wonder why?...I got that same impression you just mentioned from his Shanahan rant.


Yeah I gather there is a back story to it.  Usually talking head types even if they don't like someone often hold back a little.  Arguably, if you just go off on people it comes off to some unprofessional.  Lombardi clearly didn't care.  I recall Lombardi's criticism of Shanny as a personnel guy from years back -- he compared him to Belichick by saying Belichick had a more realistic view of his roster while Shanny saw the roster with rose colored glasses.  I recall the criticism because I used it in debates back then.  :)

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2 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

According to the NFL Players who vote on the top 100, Kirk will be the 14th best QB and 70th best player in the league. For whatever that's worth.  


Yet to be named)


Goat Brady(baaaa baaaa!)


11 - Carr

14 - Dak (!) - for those with righteous indignation, please remember that Griffin was ranked 15 in this same poll after 2012)

16 - Brees

22 - Rothlisburger

24 - Wilson

31- Stafford

44 - Newton

50 - Mariota

51 - Luck

57 - Winston

70 - Cousins (14th place)


You can quibble a bit with a few of these guys, but this is essentially where Cousins ranks in the eyes of players and the eyes of a lot of GMs.  And so the Redskins COMPLETELY screwed themselves by tagging him last year, locking him into a negotiation for top 5 money for a non-top 5 QB.


I hope a deal gets done.  But honestly, I'm starting to believe that if the organization doesn't love Kirk, and that he really is "the best of the good" that you don't pay him top 5 money, and you figure out a way to get to somebody else, who's probably a junior in college at this point.  


Really, really, really short sited of the team to tag him in 2016.  I get the "I want to see more" but they should have figured out a top-10 contract and gotten it done.  Tagging him was the biggest mistake they could have made, and now they're paying for it.  




We have been over and over and over this so many times but for the sake of sanity around here I will go again.


First:  We don't sign Cousins and he produces the average between season 2015 and 2016.  The dude absolutely will get picked up for at least 26 plus million per with 80 plus guaranteed if not from us but from someone else.  Yes or NO?  And its not going to be us because he knows all he has to do is say no and he gets at least 28 million on the next tag.  So if he goes to someone else what is the plan for a QB here?  Do we draft one you say? Sure, lets talk about drafting one, unless you are ok with Colt or Sudfeld.


If we go 8-8 next year or better, we will be picking late teens early 20s.  The supposedly stud QBs coming out will be probably all gone by the 12 pick so to move up we are giving some huge draft capital.  Is that worth it?  What would you rather do give top 5 money to Cousins or 2 number ones, and a number 2 or more which will be the minimum price to move up.  Who cares about the CAP since we know is going up and in 2 to 3 years Cousins top 5 money will be more like top 15 to 20 money.  But you damn well better care giving the draft capital to get a QB that may or may not pen out which we can use those picks to make our Defense better.


Also, we are probably loosing Pryor if he has a good year.  Why would he stay with a rookie QB?  The OL is set to win now, in 3  years time it probably starts to regress (that is the time I would say any rookie from next year would be able to start playing well, if we are lucky to get a good one).


Last but not least I don't care what the top 100 says, I mean if they have Newton at 44 and Luck at 51 (when he hardly played last year) and Cousins at 70 there is not much to say about the validity of this list. The players don't know crap on how to rank QBs.  Mariota at 50?  Are you kidding me?  Enough said. 

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30 minutes ago, Audible_Red40 said:

Lombardi just strikes me as bitter most of the time.


I was digging to see if I could find anything about Lombardi and Bruce having bad blood.   I couldn't find anything.  Lombardi came in hard when Bruce was hired that he isn't a personnel guy but a pure money/PR guy.   But that's not bitter and he's far from alone in that take.    I saw an article that maybe Bruce would consider Lombardi for a personnel spot -- back when it looked like they were interviewing outside people.  Maybe he was interviewed and not hired?  Otherwise, I got no clue.

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Most unbiased folks would say Carr has a higher ceiling than Kirk based on what we know about both thus far in their careers.


Does his 25M/year figure take away any of the leverage Kirk has at the moment?  I think not, because Kirk's getting paid no matter where he falls on the totem pole of QBs.  One can hope I guess...

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