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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 7/22/2022 at 4:58 PM, China said:


So Donald wrote and signed that letter.  I'm sure some handwriting specialist could confirm that.

There’s no need for that. Just read the last line where the author says “my name”. 

6 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

If you want someone to drain the swamp, wouldn’t you be looking for hydrologists, not exterminators?

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56 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

If you want someone to drain the swamp, wouldn’t you be looking for hydrologists, not exterminators?


You sound like one of them there fellers that believes in science and knows gays and what not.  Keep your communist hydrologists out of my America!


...you know...unless their white.

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So many people think the GOP is smart, what did they expect when they take away people's rights...people tend to get mad. We keep hearing about how the incumbent party will lose in the midterms, but that isn't necessarily a pattern. Even when it does happen, the polling never says WHY that happens, they just assume that is going to be the case. The GOP figured it was their turn to win in the midterms and they can do whatever stupid thing they want and still win. I never believed that and its starting to look false. The GOP stepped in it and their arrogance allows them to continue to step in it and think they're going to win. 

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5 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Fair question. Run to make the fundraising money is a thing for sure. 

Yep, we've all seen more than one op/story about how all the House really does is sit on the phone trying to raise money for their next election, which is every 2 years...and that can keep said Representatives from actually working on their constituents' behalf.  (Sorry for that run-on comment.)

The Senate is supposed to be the fail-stop, but we have knuckleheads running (and possibly winning) like the one above. 

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12 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Yep, we've all seen more than one op/story about how all the House really does is sit on the phone trying to raise money for their next election, which is every 2 years...and that can keep said Representatives from actually working on their constituents' behalf.  (Sorry for that run-on comment.)

The Senate is supposed to be the fail-stop, but we have knuckleheads running (and possibly winning) like the one above. 

Exhibit A.



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Republicans plan to investigate Fauci after midterms, if…


Congressional Republicans are eagerly floating investigations into Anthony Fauci and the Biden administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic if they win back control of the House or Senate in the midterm elections. 


“One way or another, if we are in the majority, we will subpoena his records and he will testify in the Senate under oath,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who is in line to become the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee if Republicans win the majority with the panel’s current ranking member, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), retiring. 


Republicans have not been shy about launching probes into the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic, focusing on the origins of the virus and whether the federal government — and by extension, Fauci — helped fund controversial research that might have played a role in its creation.


While Republicans have been in the minority, those investigations have not gained much momentum. But with the majority, the GOP would have the authority to lob subpoenas at the administration to force it to hand over documents. 


“If we win in November, if I’m chairman of a committee, if I have subpoena power, we’ll go after every one of [Fauci’s] records,” Paul said earlier this year.


Public health experts said a hard look needs to be taken at the totality of the U.S. response to the pandemic across both the Trump and Biden administrations, but without getting into partisan finger-pointing.


“If you want to have a hearing, you need it to be a credible one. And that has to have a purpose. Other than going out to an 81 year old man,” said Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association.


Benjamin has been among health advocates pushing for an independent commission modeled on the 9/11 Commission to be formed to examine the pandemic response.


“It should be designed to actually get to the right answers. Until they do that, you know, they’re gonna continue to politicize it,” Benjamin said.


Click on the full article

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The Four Stages of Republican Misinformation


If a 10-year-old girl cannot escape the cruel machinery of the right-wing disinformation network, then there’s little hope for the rest of us trying to protect our freedom, dignity, and fragile democracy.


Conservatives’ attempts to minimize, and then weaponize, the horrific story of a 10-year-old rape victim highlights their tried-and-tested four-part strategy to manufacture lies and outrage to fuel their march toward fascism.


Ohio was one of 13 states with automatic “trigger bans” that went into effect immediately after the Supreme Court overturned Roe in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. As a result, Ohio now has zero exceptions for rape and incest. A 10-year-old rape victim who missed the state’s new six-week deadline by three days was forced to travel to Indiana for her abortion. Earlier this month, the girl’s alleged rapist, Gershon Fuentes, was arrested and charged with felony first-degree rape.


One would assume this sordid story would force most Republicans to pause in horror and reflect on the brutal consequences unleashed by the Court taking away the constitutionally protected right to abortion.


How would they feel if this was their daughter or loved one? Would they want to force an innocent girl to endure unnecessary trauma by carrying her abuser’s child? Could they at least create exceptions for rape and incest, which are supported by 69 percent of Americans, including 56 percent of Republicans?


At the very least, this story should open them up to empathize with this young girl’s dilemma, right?




The entire right-wing ecosystem unleashed its full arsenal to discredit the 10-year-old girl as a liar, intimidate her physician, demonize liberals, and continue its march backward, undeterred, in its quest to make Handmaid’s Tale cosplay a reality—in an America that subordinates and punishes women for having the audacity to control their own bodies.

To achieve its goal, the right uses a now familiar four-part strategy.


First, Republicans use any means necessary to achieve power and promote their unpopular, extremist, counter-majoritarian agenda.


Second, they create and promote disinformation and lies to frighten their base and Jedi mind-trick them into believing they are being oppressed by the actual victims.

Third, they create a specific villain, target them, and then attack them through scapegoating, smearing, and intimidation.


Fourth, they never apologize or back down once their lie is exposed, but instead, they double down, and in times of doubt, always pivot towards racism and fear-mongering.


Click on the link for the rest

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2 hours ago, Simmsy said:

So many people think the GOP is smart, what did they expect when they take away people's rights...people tend to get mad. We keep hearing about how the incumbent party will lose in the midterms, but that isn't necessarily a pattern. Even when it does happen, the polling never says WHY that happens, they just assume that is going to be the case. The GOP figured it was their turn to win in the midterms and they can do whatever stupid thing they want and still win. I never believed that and its starting to look false. The GOP stepped in it and their arrogance allows them to continue to step in it and think they're going to win. 

Go look back.


The incumbent usually loses house seats. Senate isn’t always the case. 

1998 the gop went to far with impeachment and didn’t do well as expected. Maybe even lost seats. It cost Newt the speakership. So, the Dems didn’t fare bad.


2002, 9/11 helped the gop gain seats.


In today’s environment; given how crazy the gop us- the crazies damn well will get elected in the house. You will see more maga nuts, not less.  In the senate/ governorships; you running statewide. So, it’s harder for nuts to win.

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