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Game of Thrones Season 7


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I've always felt LKB was a bit dramatic and over-the-top with his critique of the show ... but this one was spot on and I think nails what I've been saying all along. This season has seemed a bit excessive and unearned and somewhat predictable. Again, the "someone swoops in and saves the day at the last minute" thing happened again, but at least this time we knew it was coming since we saw Dany embarking from Dragonstone for Beyond the Wall.


But you know what would have been even better, IMO? If instead of Coldhands coming through and saving Jon ... why couldn't Rhaego come back, wipe out the dead and let Jon hop on board. Then we could end the episode with Jon riding off on Rhaego. And then the episode could have ended with Dany sitting on the wall waiting for Jon and instead of boring "barely alive Jon" arriving on horseback, he could have flown in on a dragon and landed in the courtyard as everyone is boarding boats having given up on him. And then you could still get that intense scene between Dany and Jon to end the episode. IDK ... that's how I would have envisioned it ... oh well. Would have felt more "earned" so to speak.

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Was the fallback plan always:


1. Have Gendry run God knows how many miles in the snow,

2. Send a raven 1,000 miles to Dragonstone.

3. Have Dany fly another 1,000 miles on a dragon to the exact spot she needs to be in the vast North.


If she can traverse the country that quickly, couldn't she have just gone with them to East Watch in the first place and hung up in case she was needed?


Also, if she can again travel this far this fast, how was the Unsullied being trapped at Casterly Rock a problem. Just fly there and walk them back with a dragon escort. No one is going to screw with them with a dragon escort.

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9 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

I've always felt LKB was a bit dramatic and over-the-top with his critique of the show ... but this one was spot on and I think nails what I've been saying all along. This season has seemed a bit excessive and unearned and somewhat predictable. Again, the "someone swoops in and saves the day at the last minute" thing happened again, but at least this time we knew it was coming since we saw Dany embarking from Dragonstone for Beyond the Wall.


But you know what would have been even better, IMO? If instead of Coldhands coming through and saving Jon ... why couldn't Rhaego come back, wipe out the dead and let Jon hop on board. Then we could end the episode with Jon riding off on Rhaego. And then the episode could have ended with Dany sitting on the wall waiting for Jon and instead of boring "barely alive Jon" arriving on horseback, he could have flown in on a dragon and landed in the courtyard as everyone is boarding boats having given up on him. And then you could still get that intense scene between Dany and Jon to end the episode. IDK ... that's how I would have envisioned it ... oh well. Would have felt more "earned" so to speak.

Yeah after Jon's interaction with the dragon last week, I think it would have made more sense and been more "epic" if Jon escaped the White Walkers on top of a dragon himself.


It was a good episode last night but it definitely felt a bit...rushed.

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2 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I don't get why everyone was on the Dragon and John was like "Ima just go fight this Zombie army by myself" anyway. 


Y'all both bring up valid criticism though. 

I think he was trying to stall time to secure their escape? I don't know, it did seem strange.

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2 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Does anyone else think the NK is the Lord of Light, who isn't a real god so much as a warlock of sorts. The whole visions in the flames thing is how he gets humans to do his bidding. The idiotic plan to grab a zombie was to lure the dragons north. I am guessing he needs one to get past the wall. Hence, the irony: if not for stupid plan, the army of the dead would still be stuck on the other side of the wall and the realms of men would be fine...just like the maesters claimed.


That would be pretty funny. The reason why they walk so slow is because they've been waiting for the dragons to come to them. 

1 hour ago, Hersh said:

So Bran has been going back in time to try to stop the NK but somehow got trapped inside the body of the person that became the NK and thus is the NK? I get the theory of him going back in time, getting the wall built, etc, but not that he is currently the NK as well. 


But when he goes back in time, we've never seen him actually living someone's life. Just being a watcher



1 hour ago, Hersh said:


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Good episode but chalk full of plot holes. 


Superior javelin thrower Night King has two options:


1. Aim for dragon sitting station in the ground, with all the human fighters on it.


2. Aim for dragon flying high in the sky. 


Its sloppy writing but whatever I guess this late in the show. 

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54 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


The one thing I am curious about: Why is the one-eyed guy still alive? He's been a very minor character, but now he seems completely essential to the end game. Which again just doesn't feel earned.


He will teach Jon how to light Longclaw on fire, and then he'll die. 

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32 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

I've always felt LKB was a bit dramatic and over-the-top with his critique of the show ... but this one was spot on and I think nails what I've been saying all along. This season has seemed a bit excessive and unearned and somewhat predictable. Again, the "someone swoops in and saves the day at the last minute" thing happened again, but at least this time we knew it was coming since we saw Dany embarking from Dragonstone for Beyond the Wall.


But you know what would have been even better, IMO? If instead of Coldhands coming through and saving Jon ... why couldn't Rhaego come back, wipe out the dead and let Jon hop on board. Then we could end the episode with Jon riding off on Rhaego. And then the episode could have ended with Dany sitting on the wall waiting for Jon and instead of boring "barely alive Jon" arriving on horseback, he could have flown in on a dragon and landed in the courtyard as everyone is boarding boats having given up on him. And then you could still get that intense scene between Dany and Jon to end the episode. IDK ... that's how I would have envisioned it ... oh well. Would have felt more "earned" so to speak.


Rhaego saving Jon is what I thought was going to happen, I was very disappointed to see Benjen. Even more disappointed to see him sacrifice himself when most of the wights weren't anywhere close to them. 

24 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I don't get why everyone was on the Dragon and John was like "Ima just go fight this Zombie army by myself" anyway. 


Y'all both bring up valid criticism though. 


This is exactly what I said a page ago. Initially, yeah someone needed to buy them time. But after like 30 seconds, everyone is on Drogon and Jon is just out there showing off. He doesn't even move back towards Drogon until they all watch Viserion die, and he sees NK is getting another javelin. IMO, he got one of the dragons killed being a dumbass. 

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10 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:


Rhaego saving Jon is what I thought was going to happen, I was very disappointed to see Benjen. Even more disappointed to see him sacrifice himself when most of the wights weren't anywhere close to them. 

Well, Benjen did say he can't go past the wall, so maybe he thought the horse would move quicker and get Jon out of there faster without his added weight. IDK. But I can buy that part. I would have just preferred it be the dragon that came back for him. oh well.

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The show has been beyond entertaining and everything I could have wanted. But as LKB said, further analysis definitely raises concerns. And I think the show runners said going in that things were gonna happen fast and we needed to be okay with that. Maybe this season (and next) are meant for less critiquing and more enjoying. I loved every second until this episode. So I'm guilty of it this week. 

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Interesting indeed! I noticed they focused on it for quite sometime. Also now that I see this it give more relevance to the conversation Snow had with the used to be stone dude. Remember? Snow tried to give the sword back but he wouldn't let him. Thats interesting. 

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Interesting indeed! I noticed they focused on it for quite sometime. Also now that I see this it give more relevance to the conversation Snow had with the used to be stone dude. Remember? Snow tried to give the sword back but he wouldn't let him. Thats interesting. 


They talked about the pommel changing from whatever it was to a wolf as well, I think... can't remember if that was the same conversation

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1 hour ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


I think the show has actually been wildly entertaining this year. But it completely falls apart five seconds after it ends.


It's basically become a Marvel Universe show.



Without the books to guide it, its become infested with tv tropes and too obvious plot holes.  Last second rescues, dues ex machina style, are now the norm which is exactly the sort of thing they avoided before.  The political plots are gone and have been replaced by characters narrowing their eyes towards the end of scenes.

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4 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

That ice spear didn't seem like enough to take down a dragon. Even if pierced a dragon's flesh.  Wound? Sure...but that all by itself took down a dragon? What?

They aren't normal pieces of ice.  Remember their ice weapons shatter steel weapons and cut down armored opponents.  

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