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Game of Thrones Season 7


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My thoughts. 


the conversations were back. I loved that. Thank God we finally got some of that again. Such as: 


Jon finally addressing carrying around the Mormont ancestral sword. And Jorah declining it. 


Tormund and the Hound discussing Brienne. 


 Jon and Beric discussing being ressurected and death/lord of light 


jorah and Thyros on the battle of Pyke. 


The hound and tormund were really funny this episode, talking about Brienne. (Make babies lol) gingers kisses by fire just like you.  All good stuff. Or:


you want 





-finally we can put to rest the "there must be 3 dragon riders it'll be Jon, Dany and Tyrion cuz he's a Targaryen!" theories. It's over. (Sigh of relief) 


-night king is basically 1988 Dan Marino. 


-for anyone questioning the ice spear taking down the dragon, it is obviously magical/supernatural. These are also the same white walker weapons that cut thru all swords and armor except Valerian steel. Plus there is a **** ton of blood, he got that thing in a massive artery or something 


-The fast travel is ridiculous but who cares. They could have been out there for 2 days or something. 



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I loved the conversations between members of the "Suicide Squad." Kinda reminds me of the banter you'd get in RPGs like Dragon Age or Mass Effect.


And Arya has gone full crazy. I thought for sure she'd shank Sansa right there prison style.


I was spoiled reg. the Night King killing the dragon and ressing him so that didn't really shock me, but was still sad to see it happen. Grown quite fond of those effers. Should make for a more balanced and epic final fight though if/when it happens.


Once again GoT continues the trend of the penultimate episode of each season being incredible. Should be a hell of a season finale next week before an agonizing ~1 year wait before the final season(might be longer).

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-The ice dragon was obvious as soon as it laid the foundation for it with the white walker bear. 


-the whole thing is ridiculous. It's frustrating how dumb this plan was considering Dany could have just flown up there and grabbed a wight anyway. 


- is Tyrion hinting st himself as a successor? Heirs were talked about a lot this episode. Tyrion with Daenerys. Jorah telling Jon that Longclaw will serve Jon well and his children afterward. And then Daenerys telling Jon "they are the only children I can ever have, you understand?" I wonder where this is headed. 


-the close calls are getting out of hand. It disrespects the audience to have characters repeatedly saved improbably by deus ex machina. Benjen showing up out of nowhere being the worst example. And then for some reason there isn't enough time for him to get on the horse with Jon? He has to go stall the wights by buying Jon about 3 seconds before he died. Just silly. 

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Yeah Benjin showing up out of nowhere AGAIN was lame. I think it would have been cooler/more mysterious if the Night King showed up and basically ordered the dead to let Jon go. I think there is clearly something there between them. Maybe the Night King is Jon's father?

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I'm on record that arya is playing along to get LF to show his true colors. She isn't going to turn on Sansa or let Sansa do the same. 


They will reveal this in the end and kill LF as a result 


5 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Yeah Benjin showing up out of nowhere AGAIN was lame. I think it would have been cooler/more mysterious if the Night King showed up and basically ordered the dead to let Jon go. I think there is clearly something there between them. Maybe the Night King is Jon's father?


Pretty sure he is a Stark in the books but I don't think we will ever get background info on him in the show. Probably just remembers him from hardhome and perhaps can recognize that he is the reborn prince that was promised? 



Also, this is the same lake that Bran saw the NK army at last episode. So they haven't even moved. I think this was a trap. 

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1 minute ago, Warhead36 said:

Yeah Benjin showing up out of nowhere AGAIN was lame. I think it would have been cooler/more mysterious if the Night King showed up and basically ordered the dead to let Jon go. I think there is clearly something there between them. Maybe the Night King is Jon's father?

Rhaegar is Jon's father.  The something between Jon and the NK is that Jon is the good guy and NK is the bad guy.

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2 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I'm on record that arya is playing along to get LF to show his true colors. She isn't going to turn on Sansa or let Sansa do the same. 


They will reveal this in the end and kill LF as a result 


Does anyone here have a master plan? Seriously, what are these people even trying to do at this point?


- The plan to go North and get a zombie was stupid.

- Dany flying off with her dragons into some unknown fight was stupid.

- The plan to team with Cersei is stupid. Everyone knows that the only way for her to win is to get in a situation where she strike a killing blow at Cersei when Cersei least expects it.

- Littlefinger's actions are stupid. He's just trolling at this point.

- Sansa's strust of Littlefinger is stupid.

- Arya's entire act at this point is stupid. They are portraying her as a straight up serial killer now, right?

- Bran's whole emo act is stupid. Was he aware that his brother and the Night King - the two people he should be watching most closely - are engaged in deadly combat?

- All of Tyrion's plans and advice are stupid. Thankfully, it doesn't matter since Dany no longer listens to him.

- Sam's plan of stealing five books and go somewhere with them is stupid.

- Cersei's plan of openly banging her brother is stupid.



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4 minutes ago, HooHog said:

Rhaegar is Jon's father.  The something between Jon and the NK is that Jon is the good guy and NK is the bad guy.

I know Rhaegar is Jon's father, but maybe the Night King is Rhaeger resurrected? I know it sounds crazy but, well we really don't know anything about the Night King. Or those "Four Horsemen" behind him. My guess is that they were all at one point powerful members of the living Westeros society now wishing to rule the world in death, or something crazy like that. I don't know, its late and I'm tired. LOL.

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I am rather impressed by this. They introduced Uncle Frozen in Episode Freaking One. I think he disappeared in Episode Two, but I don't know for sure.


He showed up again two or three years later.


And they kept him around until now so he could.......give Jon a horse.

2 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

I know Rhaegar is Jon's father, but maybe the Night King is Rhaeger resurrected? I know it sounds crazy but, well we really don't know anything about the Night King. Or those "Four Horsemen" behind him. My guess is that they were all at one point powerful members of the living Westeros society now wishing to rule the world in death, or something crazy like that. I don't know, its late and I'm tired. LOL.


Didn't we establish that they were created two million years ago by those little weirdos in the trees?


There seem to be all these questions on the Night King's backstory.....when they already told the Night King's backstory. It's the Joker and Batman. The Creatures of the Forest or whatever created them and then they wiped out the creatures of the forest or whatever.


I can't remember anyone's name, but none of you guys seem to remember the freaking plot.


By the way, he's been in 60 episodes, and I have no idea what the big redheaded wilding is named.

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The children of the forest created the white walkers to fight the humans that were killing them. It appears they initially did this by capturing one of the humans and then stabbing him in the heart with dragon glass. They became too powerful for the children to control and turned into a killing machine, doing the only thing they were created to do, kill humanity. 


I think people just want there to be more to them because a mindless killing machine isn't as compelling of an enemy as one with actual motives and a story. 


Tho I do think there may be slightly more to them as far as what happened during the Long Night when they were defeated. I assume Sam will figure that out. If they were defeated why didn't they die and why did they suddenly come back? I think there is actually some type of truce or pact made during the long night. And somehow this pact has been broken which is why they have returned.

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55 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

General pop culture point:


Do we need any more variations of the theme of small group of fighters take on an endless army of automatons.


Every Marvel movie has this scene. Walking Dead has this a lot. Pretty much every zombie film is nothing but this.


I found that battle on the frozen pond just sort of boring.


Yeah it had run its course by the end of the LOTR trilogy, honestly. 

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1 hour ago, twa said:


well ya'll kept wondering why they moved so slow, chains and thangs.


Did they even bring any dragon glass weapons after going mining and such?



Yes, you just mined a mountain of dragon glass. And you have a blacksmith with you. 


Bring zero dragon glass weapons. Almost as dumb as the mission itself. 

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59 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

-The ice dragon was obvious as soon as it laid the foundation for it with the white walker bear. 


-the whole thing is ridiculous. It's frustrating how dumb this plan was considering Dany could have just flew up there and grabbed a wight anyway. 


- is Tyrion hinting st himself as a successor? Heirs were talked about a lot this episode. Tyrion with Daenerys. Jorah telling Jon that Longclaw will serve Jon well and his children afterward. And then Daenerys telling Jon "they are the only children I can ever have, you understand?" I wonder where this is headed. 


-the close calls are getting out of hand. It disrespects the audience to have characters repeatedly saved improbably by deus ex machina. Benjen showing up out of nowhere being the worst example. And then for some reason there isn't enough time for him to get on the horse with Jon? He has to go stall the wights by buying Jon about 3 seconds before he died. Just silly. 


I agree with all of this. 


Dany could've just flew a dragon up there. Found some wight stragglers and had Drogon swoop down and snatch one. 


I don't think Tyrion is hinting at himself as a successor, but I think he wanted her to think about her future and the future of her rule. He has been against her leading her dragons in battle since the beginning, so maybe he was attempting to plant seeds in her mind to be a bit more cautious. Obviously didn't work. 


The Benjen save was just dumb. Almost as dumb as Jon deciding to take on the entire WW army for like an hour while everyone waits for him to get his ass on the dragon. Yes, he needed to kill half a dozen to give them time. But at some point they are all on the dragon waiting for him to stop killing wights. Then Viserion dies. I half expected Dany to blow up at him when he woke up to her sitting on his bed. 


BTW, he's clearly going to smash that. Her reaction to Tyrion's comment said it all. 

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