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Game of Thrones Season 7


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Thought it was interesting when Jon took down the one WW, and it took the Wights down when he did. And the theory they said that if you take down a WW the wights that that WW raised will be destroyed. So wouldn't that mean taking out the Night King would wipe all of them out.


So now they're going to go for a truce with Cersei. And will probably use dragon glass spears with the Scorpion weapon to shoot the ice dragon? Probably.


Why couldn't GRRM finish his books...


If the truce happens, then it seems like next season should be the final season. What else needs to happen.?

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- Sansa says she hasn't heard from Jon for weeks, yet didn't think to ask her psychic brother if he knows anything. 


- I really think Sansa sent Brienne away to fool Littlefinger into thinking he's manipulating her. Baelish is going to do something dumb next episode and Arya will kill him. 


- Of the five books that Sam took with him, is one of them the Maester's book that showed the Rhaegar annulment? 

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42 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:

- I really think Sansa sent Brienne away to fool Littlefinger into thinking he's manipulating her. Baelish is going to do something dumb next episode and Arya will kill him. 


- Of the five books that Sam took with him, is one of them the Maester's book that showed the Rhaegar annulment? 


I think this as well. They are both playing LF and don't realize the other is. 


Sam gave the annulment book to Sam jr while he packed. It isn't clear if Sam Jr still has it when they left. I wouldn't be surprised for them to find a page Sam Jr had ripped off stuffed into his diaper or something that happened to be the annulment page 

52 minutes ago, CRobi21 said:

If the truce happens, then it seems like next season should be the final season. What else needs to happen.?

Edited 19 minutes ago by CRobi21


Season 8 is confirmed to be the last season. 



One thought I had, the house ofhe undying showing the throne room covered in snow (or ash, it isn't clear) I always thought was symbolism for Jon Snow being king. Could be the NK has iced the red keep with his new dragon. 


Which reminds me, the vision Bran sees of a dragon's shadow flying over KL...it'll probably be shown next week as the group arrives at KL. But it couldn't also be the NK's dragon 

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1 hour ago, CRobi21 said:

Thought it was interesting when Jon took down the one WW, and it took the Wights down when he did. And the theory they said that if you take down a WW the wights that that WW raised will be destroyed. So wouldn't that mean taking out the Night King would wipe all of them out.


Id say this is almost certainly how the final battle will end. Humanity is on the verge of defeat and suddenly the NK is killed causing the army of wights to drop dead in the final moments of humanity. 


Which is way too LOTR for me but I can see it coming 




Anyway ...




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that episode was really great until you start to think about the individual parts


so many obviously dumb things happened, but we still got the ice javelin taking down a dragon


thrones used to be able to pull off big moves while maintaining some of its intelligence. the stuff with Benjen tells me they really aren't trying anymore.

1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Id say this is almost certainly how the final battle will end. Humanity is on the verge of defeat and suddenly the NK is killed causing the army of wights to drop dead in the final moments of humanity. 


Which is way too LOTR for me but I can see it coming 


a fight in which Jon probably won't survive

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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


I believe this is actually Jon's story and he is the song of ice and fire. So I think he will survive, or at least long enough to kill the NK and defeat the WW, maybe succumbing to his wounds later 


yeah thats what i was getting at. He's ultimately responsible for taking out the NK, but dies from something that happens during the battle


GRRM always said the ending would be bittersweet

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2 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

that episode was really great until you start to think about the individual parts


so many obviously dumb things happened, but we still got the ice javelin taking down a dragon


thrones used to be able to pull off big moves while maintaining some of its intelligence. the stuff with Benjen tells me they really aren't trying anymore.


Its really frustrating because the high level the show always maintained by having realistic characters that behaved in accordance with who they were shown to us to be. 


Now its basically coming up with ideas such as everyone being in KL next week or an ice dragon and then figuring out a way to get to those points regardless of how little sense it makes for the characters or story. 


Then again, I actually think that this is part of why the books have taken so long. He's written himself into corners and hasn't been able to position his pieces where he wants them on the board in a believable way yet. He doesn't know how to get to his endgame. Unfortunately, the show doesn't have the luxury of being able to wait

3 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


yeah thats what i was getting at. He's ultimately responsible for taking out the NK, but dies from something that happens during the battle


GRRM always said the ending would be bittersweet


Ok I got you now. I can't really see a satisfying death to the NK other than Jon defeating him, or having a large hand in doing so. 

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2 hours ago, Warhead36 said:

Yeah Benjin showing up out of nowhere AGAIN was lame. I think it would have been cooler/more mysterious if the Night King showed up and basically ordered the dead to let Jon go. I think there is clearly something there between them. Maybe the Night King is Jon's father?


The Night King looks distinctly like Bran, particularly in this last episode. 


Not sure if that's to signify he is maybe a  Stark or just to further link them together making Bran vs Night King the end game. 


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It funny because viewers have become part of the show. How many of you are like no one died. I want death. We have become the many-faced God. And we seek lives.

4 hours ago, StillUnknown said:

from the moment the NK gave Jon the "Come at me Crow" arm raise, it has to come down to those two somehow



part of me wants the NK to be the last one standing, and I have no idea why

Valar Morghulis= All MEN must die

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5 hours ago, Mooka said:


The Night King looks distinctly like Bran, particularly in this last episode. 


Not sure if that's to signify he is maybe a  Stark or just to further link them together making Bran vs Night King the end game. 


Bran is not the NK. It was shown that he wasn't. But he could've been a Stark.

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4 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:

Btw what happened to the direwoves.?  I haven't recalled seeing Summer (Bran's wolf) and  Ghost all season.  There was that scene with Arya and Nymeria, they've been no shows

Animating the wolves are really expensive. That's why Ghost was left out of Battle of the ****s. 

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4 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:

Btw what happened to the direwoves.?  I haven't recalled seeing Summer (Bran's wolf) and  Ghost all season.  There was that scene with Arya and Nymeria, they've been no shows


Summer is dead. She died defending Bran in the Children of the Forest cave, right before Hodor held the door. 


I'm assuming Ghost is in Winterfell. 

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I'm in love with this show. It's the greatest thing around. Everyone around me seems to be loving this season. I had some issues with E05 and it's pacing as it was the first one that really felt "rushed" for me. This episode only enhanced that for me. There seem to be a lot of plot holes where previously the show had done an amazing job covering some of it up.


I know it's a fantasy show, and it has to build toward an end eventually, but it just seems all so rushed. Even if they were at that lake for 2 days ... for Gendry to run south to the wall, send a raven, and have Dany show up just seemed forced. Oh well.

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Does anyone else think the NK is the Lord of Light, who isn't a real god so much as a warlock of sorts. The whole visions in the flames thing is how he gets humans to do his bidding. The idiotic plan to grab a zombie was to lure the dragons north. I am guessing he needs one to get past the wall. Hence, the irony: if not for stupid plan, the army of the dead would still be stuck on the other side of the wall and the realms of men would be fine...just like the maesters claimed.

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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

Does anyone else think the NK is the Lord of Light, who isn't a real god so much as a warlock of sorts. The whole visions in the flames thing is how he gets humans to do his bidding. The idiotic plan to grab a zombie was to lure the dragons north. I am guessing he needs one to get past the wall. Hence, the irony: if not for stupid plan, the army of the dead would still be stuck on the other side of the wall and the realms of men would be fine...just like the maesters claimed.


I personally dig the "Bran is the NK" theory that is suddenly getting play. But I like this one too. I have never trusted the Lord of light and I really have no reason too. 

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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

Does anyone else think the NK is the Lord of Light, who isn't a real god so much as a warlock of sorts. The whole visions in the flames thing is how he gets humans to do his bidding. The idiotic plan to grab a zombie was to lure the dragons north. I am guessing he needs one to get past the wall. Hence, the irony: if not for stupid plan, the army of the dead would still be stuck on the other side of the wall and the realms of men would be fine...just like the maesters claimed.


I've always thought Bran/Three Eyed Raven was the Lord of Light for similar reasons but it could be the NK. They both have prescience, the NK knew what was going to happen the whole time. 


Benjen was sent by the Three Eyed Raven, just like last time when he saved Bran and Meera. 

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14 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I personally dig the "Bran is the NK" theory that is suddenly getting play. But I like this one too. I have never trusted the Lord of light and I really have no reason too. 


That makes shockingly little sense.


Maybe Tryrion is the Night King. How about that?


(I think a good sign that a show is approaching the shark is when the fan theories start to get completely off the wall).

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So Bran has been going back in time to try to stop the NK but somehow got trapped inside the body of the person that became the NK and thus is the NK? I get the theory of him going back in time, getting the wall built, etc, but not that he is currently the NK as well. 

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Something from last night rubbed me the wrong way. And I think what it was was those scenes in Winterfell. It just seemed forced and weird and out of place. 


Btw, everyone except LF Sansa and Arya will be in KL next week I suppose. Even Brienne and Hound. It actually will be a totally insane scene when you think about it. Everyone in the show at this point is Team Danny/Jon except Cersei and her crew. And they'll all be talking about this existential threat. And I can't see it going well. And I also can't see Cersei handling it well. But I've gotta imagine Jaime will "see the light" somewhere in the scene 

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4 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


That makes shockingly little sense.


Maybe Tryrion is the Night King. How about that?


(I think a good sign that a show is approaching the shark is when the fan theories start to get completely off the wall).


I think thats part of the fun of it lol. You just jelly that I have an awesome imagination and you are an old fuddy duddy that only believes in dragons and ice zombies. :P 


9.5 times outta 10 im wrong. But I still think it would be cool and, obviously, im not the only one - so there lol



5 minutes ago, Hersh said:

So Bran has been going back in time to try to stop the NK but somehow got trapped inside the body of the person that became the NK and thus is the NK? I get the theory of him going back in time, getting the wall built, etc, but not that he is currently the NK as well. 


Dunno, honestly. I didn't put much thought into it before posting. I didn't even read all of it (its on reddit). But in my mind he pulled a Hodor and then got turned into the Night King. His current self (Bran) and the Knight King (also Bran but zombie-er) are two different entities. But this would explain to me why the Knight King had some kinda thing for him while he was in the North and why Bran said himself that there is only a little bit of himself left. 


Maybe he just left an imprint or something. But explain that Hodor thing to me and basically thats what I think happened. But with more zombie. 

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The Winterfell drama is just hilariously ridiculous at this point.


I like the fact that we are led to imply that three Stark children who all thought each other dead have been reunited yet apparently haven't had a lunch together where they say, "So...what have you been up to?" It's especially weird since one of them presumably knows exactly what everyone has been up to.


Sansa's turn to the dark side is as forced as Anakin's in Episode III. (I always thought that Lucas shot the first hour and then realized, "Oh, hell, I need to make him Darth Vader in the next 45 minutes. Christ, send them to the opera!!!"). Arya is just a full on psychotic villain now, which would actually be sort of interesting if it didn't come out of nowhere, and it seemed to have some consequences.


I mean, it would be interesting if we saw her becoming paranoid at traitors since all she has ever seen is traitors. So, she starts killing off people she thinks are betraying the Starks until she gets to Sansa and suspects that she is the ultimate traitor.


Instead, it seems like she is nuts and is still not over **** that happened when she was six.


I actually think Sansa's views on her position in this world have been fairly subtle and well done - right until they rub up against Arya's craziness. Because then it goes from subtle to "Maybe I need to kill my sister."


Even if they pull off a "Arya and Sansa" are in cahoots against Littlefinger move, it's going to feel completely unearned.


I think that's the issue with this season. Nothing has really been earned. The timeframes are so compressed, the distances covered so vast, and the actions taken are so outlandish, that it just feels like stuff is happening because the plot demands it, not anything else. Arya and Sansa need to be distrustful of each other because Littlefinger has some secret plan that requires it.


Jon and his crew need to go on a suicide mission because they need a zombie. But the crew is needed for something else later so no one of importance dies. (It didn't occur to me that we were actually getting a Clegane reunion until they showed the Hound on the boat. A week ago, he was marching to certain death a continent away from his brother. Next week, they'll be face to face, because all these ships are Carnival cruise lines now.


The Night King needs a dragon because otherwise, that battle seems ultimately pointless if dragons can just burn everything.


The one thing I am curious about: Why is the one-eyed guy still alive? He's been a very minor character, but now he seems completely essential to the end game. Which again just doesn't feel earned.










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