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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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jury's still out on mcmasters for me in this context, and i'm taking no slam at these generals...but i mentioned some time back that out of the generals,  who do shine way above the rest of the cabinet, i figure (loosely obviously) only mattis would be strongly resistant to trumpworld sway  or "visions" for the role of the military....


i saw easy scenarios where kelly and mcmaster would align firmly with admin even with a lot of stuff they don't like going on...there are many other things they would like a great deal and find it hard not to wanting to see how it might go via their prioritization of what's good for the country and those two likely lean far more right than left from what I've read....


none of that has to be some indictment of them, though they might end up in damaging their self a bit ...they're human...another possibility soem toss out  re: macmaster is he's  mostly playing the game of keeping close to this loose cannon and playing the loyal supporter while still being professional so he can help shepherd/manage potus to whatever extent he's able and protect natsec...i think it's more likely the former...


i think Kelly's almost a fan of dons...easy to see why many career military people would find a lot to like about a potus whose attitude is "they're  #1, give them carte blanche" kind of deal with constant adulation/celebration, along with the fact that it's conservative-majority demographic...lots of attraction there

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3 minutes ago, visionary said:

I wanna believe that McMaster is playing a long game leveraging his defense of the admin so he can have more influence to correct/stop the worst of their mistakes, but it's getting harder to believe every time.



I like to think he is just playing Trumps game because he knows if he doesnt he will be fired and someone worse will be in his spot.  He is doing what he needs to to ensure someone sane stays in that position.  Unfortunately we have no way of knowing if that is actually true.


EDIT:  id also point out that military folks are taught to voice their objections behind closed doors but once those doors open, you had better be on board with the decision made.  I know there are many times i have to go out and support/own a order to my troops that i was just railing against minutes earlier.  Its part of a united front of leadership.

Edited by TheGreatBuzz
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4 hours ago, twa said:


Why don't we just hang him now? 



14 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:



Idiot.  That's just what twa wants us to do - hang him before he can talk.  


Heck, this story could really get interesting when Kush comes down with Polonium poisoning.  


(Yes, I'm joking.  I hope.)  

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1 hour ago, Larry said:



Idiot.  That's just what twa wants us to do - hang him before he can talk.  


Heck, this story could really get interesting when Kush comes down with Polonium poisoning.  


(Yes, I'm joking.  I hope.)  

I just want this national embarassment over. Boehner's statement the other day was damning, but the GOPers will not hear it. They'll just deflect away and slam their heads into the sand.

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37 minutes ago, visionary said:


The only people who won't distance themselves are the willfully ignorant.  The guys who bought into the "Russia is fake news and will go away and leaks are the real scandal also DNC/Clinton murders" stuff will stick around because they've convinced themselves the alternate reality is the actual reality.


Meanwhile, all the old school intel guys say this looks like espionage and likely illegal as ****.


Guess who else is a bit old school?




Kushner is gonna be under the microscope and any misplaced twitch will be watched and catalogued.  If you're close to him, and he tells you something about his activities, and those activities later turn out to be illegal, and you didn't come forward, you too are screwed unless your knowledge of events stays hidden.


Considering how leaky the Trump WH is, that's doubtful.  Everyone should assume that Mueller knows everything about the goings on in the WH, even if he doesn't actually, just to be safe.

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5 hours ago, justice98 said:

They had this coming putting Kushner in such a position of prominence in the first place.  He was out of his depth from day 1.

They ALL are and have been! This is a White House on training wheels with a loud mouth brat screaming obscenities at anyone who is there to help. How much longer until he does a Sarah Palin and kicks his bike over stomps inside to watch SpongeBob reruns?


THIS people is why you elect political science experts and attorneys to the White House. That desk is not for amateurs who want to treat America like one of their gawdy hotels.

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Don't care if they decide to "go home". Damage is done. Just because he wasn't able to set up his back channel to Russia doesn't mean he hasn't to other nations. We already saw hints of something when Trump said he wasn't there to lecture those Kings and Princes in the middle east. But went full Jerk in Europe. 

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GOP whined about apology tours during Obama (which weren't actually apology tours), and yet, whoever is next up is gonna need to do one hell of an apology tour if we want to regain our seat at the head of the table as hegemonic world leader.


Which the right will whine about.  Because their voters are stupid.

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