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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Trump's tweets are laughably, painfully obvious. I know they have always been.. but in light of all this. "look at the DEMS!!"..  you can just feel the rage and tears in there.

Like a child desperately trying to worm out of something his parents know he did.


Pathetic. Weak ass garbage.

Way to go Republicans.

What a ****ing humiliation all of you are.



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The press needs to amp up the attack. He's one week of bad press away from going full crazy ex-girlfriend on the media.


Boiling rabbits ice picks in the back gonzo. 



14 minutes ago, tshile said:


This will get lost in the wash at least for right now.




Doubt it. It's the Trumpkins and Fox News best angle to deflect.


Heck, the news of it was broken by so called liberal media.i guess they didn't get the Fox News/White House memo about no negative news for "your side"?

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2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Doubt it. It's the Trumpkins and Fox News best angle to deflect.


I guess.


It depends on what you view as mattering. Obviously the end (legal) outcome is important. People should be held accountable appropriately...


but there's another issue of "who realizes the importance of what."  if I had to guess, the dems will completely ignore the podesta stuff and go 'but trump' and the republicans will (as they already are) ignore the trump stuff and go 'but clinton'


and before the whiny ones get started - no, i'm not saying their completely equal. both just look bad at the moment. the podesta thing seems a little different... we'll see.


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on NPR this morning they went over the history of the failure to register as an agent for a foreign government law. i believe they said there's only been 5 charges and 1 conviction. they said it's basically something they know goes on but nothing is ever done about it


that surprised me. i would have thought that was a more serious issue.

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I would love for Muller or someone with his tenacity to be given the order to clean up the government from top to bottom. Past, present.....all that. From the big O to Papa Bush and his idle hands. But I dont even think its possible for us to do anything like that without a partisan bias behind it. We are more likely to have Trump set up a "Special counsel" lead by Bannon than we are anything like that. 

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:


I guess.


It depends on what you view as mattering. Obviously the end (legal) outcome is important. People should be held accountable appropriately...


but there's another issue of "who realizes the importance of what."  if I had to guess, the dems will completely ignore the podesta stuff and go 'but trump' and the republicans will (as they already are) ignore the trump stuff and go 'but clinton'


and before the whiny ones get started - no, i'm not saying their completely equal. both just look bad at the moment. the podesta thing seems a little different... we'll see.



When you talk about mattering/views/realizations... you're just talking media.


And there's no story on the dems because no one gives a ****. They are out of power, Hillary is a was. She's a former... blah blah for the rest of her life. (for at least 2 years anyway) 


If we were talking real here.... then someone might bring up that these people are allllllllllllll lobbyists alllllllllllll across the board and everything shady/illegal/treasonous was done in the name of good ol fashioned greed+corruption. The true American way. 


Imagine that, Clinton people, Trump people, Russians, Democratcs, Republicans...!   Surprise, surprise, the real crimes: lobbyists doing shady ****, laundering money, influencing elections, etc etc etc etc In the last couple days I have personally mistaken Tony/John Podesta and the Podesta group for Paul Manafort or Gates and their lobbying/PR firms more then a dozen times.  How shocking that they are almost completely interchangeable. 



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I'm going with the incompetent Presidential campaign being laughably easily infiltrated by Russian influence due to its lack of anyone with a bit of sense in their head as more notable than lobbyists are corrupt. Particularly when the incompetent people are now running the country.


Add:Carter Page and Papadopolous as two of you five "foreign policy experts"? "Hey guys, this Russian mole wants to set up a meeting with Putin and Trump! Whaddyathink?"



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47 minutes ago, Mooka said:

When you talk about mattering/views/realizations... you're just talking media.


And there's no story on the dems because no one gives a ****. They are out of power, Hillary is a was. She's a former... blah blah for the rest of her life. (for at least 2 years anyway) 


I don't agree with this at all.


If the podesta thing takes off then we're in real trouble as far as meaningful action is concerned. It'll just send everyone to the trenches and we'll never be able to get them out. It'll just be noise until people stop paying attention.


The best thing that could happen here is this is investigation stays limited in scope and produces meaningful evidence and results. If after that is done it expands, cool.


But if Mueller takes a shotgun to this then it's going to depend entirely on the law and if it's the law vs majority of the political people (which run the media...) then all hope is lost.


I know people wanted to tweet about us being a nation of laws and such, but that seems naive to me.



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I'm going with the incompetent Presidential campaign being laughably easily infiltrated by Russian influence due to its lack of anyone with a bit of sense in their head as more notable than lobbyists are corrupt. Particularly when the incompetent people are now running the country.

Why one or the other?

There is a definite mix of both extreme incompetence and extreme corruption.

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Ahem. Guess Donny name checking them last year doesn't mean anything. Papa and Page. Discount double check.






RYAN: Thank you… We've heard you're going to be announcing your foreign policy team shortly… Any you can share with us?


TRUMP: Well, I hadn't thought of doing it, but if you want I can give you some of the names… Walid Phares, who you probably know, PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives caucus, and counter-terrorism expert; Carter Page, PhD; George Papadopoulos, he's an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy; the Honorable Joe Schmitz, [former] inspector general at the Department of Defense; [retired] Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg; and I have quite a few more. But that's a group of some of the people that we are dealing with. We have many other people in different aspects of what we do, but that's a representative group.




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17 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

Manafort and Podesta will get theirs (hopefully), but that is not what this is about. This is about a foreign adversary ****ing with our election.

Right, but it's all tied together. The corruption is what made this group of people amenable to working with a foreign adversary and giving them concessions via a shift in the GOP platform with Ukraine and the easing of Russian Sanctions. Further this history of corruption and incompetence are also what make them perfect candidates for Russian operatives to turn them out and own them with their Kompromat.

Incompetence - the lack of quality in your efforts and execution

corruption - the lack of quality in your intentions and behavior


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1 minute ago, The Evil Genius said:

Yeah, they found that quote pretty quickly yesterday. SHS said that Trump was “just reading from a list”. What makes it more interesting is seeing this in context that Papa was considered part of the “represebtative group”, and as far as the list is concerned IF Papa was such a low level unimportant nobody then who put his name on this list, and why?

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Ahem. Guess Donny name checking them last year doesn't mean anything. Papa and Page. Discount double check.






They were also in photo ops at tables for foreign policy discussion.


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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Ahem. Guess Donny name checking them last year doesn't mean anything. Papa and Page. Discount double check.






I actually interviewed Phares a number of times. Very thoughtful and good guy. Not a nutter. Surprised he made the list.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:



If the podesta thing takes off then we're in real trouble as far as meaningful action is concerned. It'll just send everyone to the trenches and we'll never be able to get them out. It'll just be noise until people stop paying attention.




We are already there, at least from the GOP side.  

6 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I actually interviewed Phares a number of times. Very thoughtful and good guy. Not a nutter. Surprised he made the list.


He may interview well, but he is an extremist with an ugly personal history and direct ties to Frank Gaffney and his "secret muslim groups are trying to impose sharia in the USA" hysteria.  

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4 minutes ago, Predicto said:

He may interview well, but he is an extremist with an ugly personal history and direct ties to Frank Gaffney and his "secret muslim groups are trying to impose sharia in the USA" hysteria.  

Interesting. With me he was always quite balanced and fair. On the conservative side for sure, but logical and reasonable.

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8 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Interesting. With me he was always quite balanced and fair. On the conservative side for sure, but logical and reasonable.

I had someone say something similar to me about a local Congressman lately; that he was thoughtful, well balanced and fair. My comment to him was simply, “I wish he had campaigned on that rather than appealing to extremism.” My friend doesn’t watch politics at all so he was kind of shocked.

For me it’s about who you are 1v1 and how you allow yourself to be represented through your campaign. At a certain point the difference becomes moot.

2 minutes ago, tshile said:


There's a % of the the GOP that will never budge. How big it is will depend on what I was talking about.



That percentage will only get bigger the more they smell controversy on the Dem side. If anyone thinks that something like that will suddenly cause people in the GOP to be open to opposing Trump then I think that’s naive, and wholly contrary to historical evidence of the past 25 years since Newt Gingrich. Newt brought zero sum politics into vogue in DC, it’s been hell to pay since.

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Just now, AsburySkinsFan said:

I had someone say something similar to me about a local Congressman lately; that he was thoughtful, well balanced and fair. My comment to him was simply, “I wish he had campaigned on that rather than appealing to extremism.” My friend doesn’t watch politics at all so he was kind of shocked.

For me it’s about who you are 1v1 and how you allow yourself to be represented through your campaign. At a certain point the difference becomes moot.

That's fair, but most of our interactions went on air so the face he showed me was for public consumption. That thoughtfulness persisted. We also had pre-interview chats and post which got a little more detailed, but weren't substantially different.


Predicto could be right and I may have gotten fortunate on the topics, but I personally interviewed him at least a dozen times (all on Middle East issues). Who knows, maybe this was an area where his biases and mine aligned and so I couldn't see his wingnuttiness. Then again, there were definitely guys who made me very uncomfortable that I wound up interviewing on similar subjects.


It's also possible he's changed. I think the last time I interviewed him was about four years ago.

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