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The political thread that helps us understand each other


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54 minutes ago, Jumbo said:


@grego, i've been meaning to ask you something I've asked a few others recently:


Who did you support for president?


What are your personal positions on some of the major topics being focused on lately?


I find your posts show deliberation and are always interesting.


I think the thread is a good experiment, even going into inevitable headwinds, and gives some members a little more air to know each other better.


I didn't like either of the candidates, but, had I had my citizenship stuff taken care of in time, I'd have voted for Hillary. 


I'm terrible with words, but I'll post more on other stuff tomorrow. 


Thanks!  And I agree. Talking to each other like people instead of representatives of a party is a good idea. 

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I am registered as an independent, but basically vote for the Democratic party.  I don't ever recall voting for a Republican.  In the end, I care about myself and my family more than anything else.  Call me selfish.

I am totally against Donald Trump.  When you have white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke openly supporting a candidate, you just can't support a candidate like that.  The recent immigration ban proves me correct.  He banned Muslim immigration from 7 countries recently.  What's his next step?  Kick out all Muslims?  Then what? Kick out Hispanics. Asians next?  Steve Bannon is also against Asian CEO's, for crying out loud. 

I don't mind a tax cut.  Who wouldn't like more money in their pockets?  I am struggling right now.  it's hard when you have a child.  So if Trump gives me a nice tax cut, pretty cool. I will still despise him though.

I also hope that Trump is pro business.  I invest in stocks.  So if the market goes up, I am fine with his economic policies. Now, if he creates a bubble, if I can take advantage of it, cool.  Anything to make extra money.

I am pro gun control.  It makes too much sense.  Guns shouldn't be very easy to acquire.  Come on man.

I believe in God, but I am against religion.  God IMO does not endorse any religion.  He probably doesn't even interfere in human matters. We  know that the Republican party is totally pro Christianity.  I can't endorse that.

Completely for gay rights.

Pro abortion, but not in all cases.  For instance, in some countries, there is a big bias against females.  So when they find out the baby is going to be a female, they opt for abortion.  Common in China and India.  That is why their gender ratio is totally screwed up.  However, in rape cases, or if you know that the baby will be born with a birth defect, abortion needs to be an option. If a teen makes a mistake, abortion needs to be an option.  

The last thing, I am probably against affirmative action, but I haven't made up my mind.  As an Asian, I don't benefit from it a whole lot.  In fact, Asians are penalized the most by it.  Look at the ratio of Asians in Caltech, vs the ratio in Harvard.  Harvard has less than 20% Asian because they take a "holistic" approach when selecting student.  Caltech close to 40%.  Heck, even MIT is over 30% from what I recall.

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17 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

Guys think about the money we spend on inmates and the drug war, its never going to end, people who want drugs will always get them.


Huge amounts of money are being wasted playing defense and then you have the people going to jail for selling and using it.


I'm well aware of the money spent on the drug war. As I young lad I would probably agree with ya'll about legalizing drugs across the board.


Old me thinks that drug war money should be spent on drug treatment for heroin/opiate, cocaine, and amphetamine addicts. Legalizing hard drugs/narcotics is not something I'll ever be in favor of.

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2 minutes ago, Darth Tater said:

You cannot consider me a hyper-conservative.  I would most definitely NOT consider myself conservative.  If you truly understand why I would say that both major parties have moved left of center, you probably have some understanding of my political views.



Easy. You're a Sith.

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7 minutes ago, Darth Tater said:

You cannot consider me a hyper-conservative.  I would most definitely NOT consider myself conservative.  If you truly understand why I would say that both major parties have moved left of center, you probably have some understanding of my political views.


Its funny becuse I was just in the other thread claiming the opposite.

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Do we have a drug legalization thread?  I can't get over people saying all drugs should be legal.  I love pot as much as anyone but I don't want people being able to get heroin right next to the whiskey at the store.  You ****ers are crazy.

There are numerous threads on here going back 10+ years. You can find them Google search with;

Drug war, site:es.redskins.com


Or make your own. Always risk to make another thread on same topic, better add some value. Jumbo's on the prowl. ;)


Probably shouldn't go here though.

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Grew up with very liberal parents. They were both in the Peace Corps in Kenya (where they met) and they taught me about generosity and tolerance. As a child I traveled extensively abroad and saw what true poverty. My father was a strong financial supporter of Gore, Kerry, and Obama. He was up until recently the US ambassador to Finland. I love Obama moreover because he gave recognition to my alma mater, Occidental College.


I Iike to consider myself moderate. I don't like black and white thinking. I believe in the inherent goodness in people and hope that we can all understand and love one another.


Oh and I didn't vote in this previous election because I didn't like either candidate and I knew California (where I live) would've been blue anyway and had I voted it would've been for Clinton.


The only thing I have been conservative on recently is national security/defense. We live in crazy times and I think sometimes drastic measures unfortunately need to be taken. And no I'm not taking any particular stance with that statement. Everytime a terrorist attack happens I get so angry and sick to my stomach.

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:

There are numerous threads on here going back 10+ years. You can find them Google search with;

Drug war, site:es.redskins.com


Or make your own. Always risk to make another thread on same topic, better add some value. Jumbo's on the prowl. ;)


Probably shouldn't go here though.

I didn't know I could use google.  Thanks.  I have tried the search feature here but I'm not a fan.  I was hoping if I asked nicely, someone would bump it.



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10 minutes ago, tshile said:



Always risk to make another thread on same topic, better add some value. Jumbo's on the prowl. ;)



It's not like I'm some merciless carnivore stalking dried up water holes looking for weak, crippled, prey.


I am here to serve. I am but a fragile flower with rainbow petals who is only here to make the tailgate great again. 


This isn't an internet football message board side-forum. This is a movement!


Vote for me and I'll set you free! Rap on, brother, rap on! (sorry---listening to the temptations)

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Most of of you know my stuff more or less, but I'll add a detail in here now and then that might deepen understanding .


For instance, on the subject of the preservation of human life. For now,  I'm ok with the number of people that shuffle off this mortal coil, but I have serious issues with the selection process. I would make some major shifts in targeting. No religious tests, but height may well be involved.

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16 minutes ago, Jumbo said:


It's not like I'm some merciless carnivore stalking dried up water holes looking for weak, crippled, prey.


I am here to serve. I am but a fragile flower with rainbow petals who is only here to make the tailgate great again. 


This isn't an internet football message board side-forum. This is a movement!


Vote for me and I'll set you free! Rap on, brother, rap on! (sorry---listening to the temptations)





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21 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:







You wound me, Buzzard. 


 I was so listening to the Temptations.  Ask twa. Now it's the Delfonics.



I'm sure this recent flurry is much more what brandy envisioned for the thread  :hi:

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