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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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6 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


must have been on a 1:30pm fealty deadline

People that think Pence would be better for America this Trump are sadly mistaken. He is pathetic on a lot of levels with this kind of nonsense. 

2 hours ago, StillUnknown said:

**** this whole administration


Generally I think people have been pretty accurate over who would be the absolute worst in this administration: Sessions, Pruitt and DeVos. 

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43 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I had this exact same thought. Awesome that we have a President who makes decisions that will affect millions of lives and generations of citizens based on spite.

We apareny have millions of Americans who base their political decisions on it as well, in that respect Trump is their boy. He is the natural conclusion of Fox News and the Tea Party. Any Grand Ol' Party folks still left in the building, I suggest an immediate evacuation, the asylum has been over-run by the imates.

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George Orwell would be horrified. Wanton stupidity and contrarian behavior is the new smart way to do things.


Complete incompetence makes you more qualified.


Last night i saw a Trump pundit strongly defending the meeting planner being appointed to run a multi-billion dollar NY housing program with the comment "this is exactly why we voted for him. We've had enough of so-called experts."


the only thing missing is forced reeducation camps for intellectuals.

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7 hours ago, Hersh said:



Generally I think people have been pretty accurate over who would be the absolute worst in this administration: Sessions, Pruitt and DeVos. 


It all would be so much less disgusting and frustrating if it wasn't all so goddamn predictable. Shocker: water is wet.  

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I still haven't forgotten that a great many people voted for him agaibst ALL known sense. They chose a known buffoon over someone who they made up myths about. The fault is still THEIRS. I will not forget, and nor will I stop reminding them of their shame until such a time as they repent of what they did to us.

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Some Spengler for breakfast






One of the Republican Party’s most distinguished statesmen recently told a closed gathering that a “cold coup” is underway against the president. I do not know and have not sought to learn the substance of the allegations; Gen. Flynn has no choice as a matter of self-preservation but to hold his peace and presently cannot defend himself in public.

By no coincidence is Gen. Flynn the central character in this scenario. As I wrote in February, the CIA really is out to get him:

Flynn’s Defense Intelligence Agency produced a now-notorious 2012 report warning that chaos in Syria’s civil war enabled the rise of a new Caliphate movement, namely ISIS. For full background, see Brad Hoff’s July 2016 essay in Foreign Policy Journal: Flynn humiliated the bungling CIA and exposed the incompetence and deception of the Obama administration, and got fired for it. If anyone doubts the depth of CIA incompetence in Syria, I recommend an account that appeared this month in the London Financial Times.

The mainstream media makes no effort to disguise its hatred for Trump and insinuates in countless ways that the president fired former FBI director James Comey in order to protect Gen. Flynn from a legitimate investigation. I do not believe this to be the case; I think it more likely that Comey showed insufficient zeal in uncovering the pattern of press leaks and other sabotage which the mutineers employed against the president.

Faced with a mutiny fed by illegal actions (leaking classified information is a felony that carries a 10-year prison sentence), the president requires a pitbull for a counterintelligence chief. Comey, who in 2005 earned $6 million as general counsel for the giant defense contractor Lockheed Martin, is more of a Pomeranian.



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59 minutes ago, visionary said:
Donors getting what they paid for

Pay-2-play at its finest, truly Trump sees the Presidency as a commodity to be leveraged into individual gain.


He is literally everything that the GOP said they didn't want and yet they have misplaced thdir backbone and are incapable of standing up to him. Seeing their failure of integrity they instead double down on their defense of him in order to hide their shame and complicity.

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7 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

The sailors weren't found alive, they died in their flooded berthing (living) compartment...meaning they were probably asleep when it happened. :(

Prayers for their shipmates and families.


Horrible news. 



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