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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Here is a link to all of the ACA's free preventative services: 




We pay for things like helping people quit tobacco and for obesity screenings, but somehow it must be birth control that's breaking the bank. Complaints about "free" birth control are nothing more than your standard Stone Age GOP thinking.

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6 minutes ago, DM72 said:

Is it true that Trump brought his own studio audience to the CIA briefing? 


That has to be fake news. Right?


I think what the report said, was that the first three rows "were Trump supporters".  


Which might simply mean that the White House invited several VIPs to the event.  And might simply be SOP, for previous events, for all I know.  




5 minutes ago, PF Chang said:

Here is a link to all of the ACA's free preventative services: 




We pay for things like helping people quit tobacco and for obesity screenings, but somehow it must be birth control that's breaking the bank. Complaints about "free" birth control are nothing more than your standard Stone Age GOP thinking.


Not to mention, I have a suspicion that "free birth control" actually saves insurance companies money.  I mean, paying for birth control has got to be cheaper than paying for pregnancy, doesn't it?  


But it's a standard talking point.  Woman supports ACA?  Must mean she's a slut who wants the government to pay for her to have loose sex.  

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3 hours ago, Larry said:


Still, I've got to say "Trump asks actual generals to come up with a plan" scares me a whole lot less than "Trump announces that we're going to do it his way."  


Hard to get too ticked about him actually asking for advice.  


(Crosses fingers that maybe he actually follows it.)  


It happened again!  Maybe there is hope.  *tear


( though Larry you are usually pretty good.  That post hadn't been directed at you so much as others.  But I won't let that take away from my small feeling of victory)

3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

I'm so glad these knuckledraggers are coming out from under the rocks they've been hiding under. 




Indiana state senator posts fat-shaming Facebook meme about Women’s March 

I saw that meme on Facebook.  I admit that I laughed.  My wife actually laughed so hard I'm pretty sure she farted.  That was quite funny also.  Don't tell her I told you.

23 minutes ago, Larry said:


Woman supports ACA?  Must mean she's a slut who wants the government to pay for her to have loose sex.  

Is there any way I can get a list of these women?  For, uh, a mailing list of course.  :ph34r:

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3 hours ago, Larry said:


Still, I've got to say "Trump asks actual generals to come up with a plan" scares me a whole lot less than "Trump announces that we're going to do it his way."  


Hard to get too ticked about him actually asking for advice.  


(Crosses fingers that maybe he actually follows it.)  



Oh sure.  It's just that he lies as easily, often, and effortlessly as I fart after a bean burrito dinner.

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2 minutes ago, s0crates said:

The thing that strikes me is the business about the TPP, because I believe Trump's opposition to it was what put him over the top in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania. It's interesting to see Bernie side with Trump on this one while McCain opposed him. I know whose side I'm on in that equation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all trusting of a billionaire whose cabinet has more wealth than 20-30% of the country, but you have to give credit where it's due. I'll give Trump a point for keeping his promise and listening to the people on the TPP, even if the thing was pretty much DOA.


Wait till he sways the Union folk to his side. :evil:


very odd duck and not to my tastes....reminds me of my brother , which is not exactly a compliment.

But then I sit back and see he actually did that......and they bought it :ols:


btw his eyes are brown

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15 minutes ago, twa said:


Wait till he sways the Union folk to his side. :evil:



I'd feel better about that if his labor secretary believed in the minimum wage, but at least he met them today. 



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6 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Just saw on CNN Trump is now claiming 3 to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote.  Think this claim is setting something up for some sort of national voter ID law?


Oh, I suppose it's possible that somebody will propose one.  


But no, I think it's just a case of "Trump lies about anything, no matter how trivial, and no matter if the listener knows better, to try to flatter himself."  


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16 minutes ago, Llevron said:

We literally arnt going to be able to trust one thing this White House says to us. 



If there was a shred of truth to voter fraud on that scale the Republicans would be all over investigating and proving it because who could argue against voter id laws after that? Note that the article says he spent the first ten minutes of the meeting rehashing his victory.  Over two months out and he can't stop bragging.

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I don't think Donald Trump is a pathological liar.  I think the term habitual liar is a better fit:


Some disturbed characters are habitual liars. They habitually deceive not only others but also themselves. And they lie about many things. Moreover, some lie so frequently and so ardently that they even come to believe their own lies. Habitual liars can eventually lose appreciation for what’s real and what isn’t. Habitual lying severely interferes with sound character development. That’s why habitual liars are among the most seriously disordered characters. And folks who “con” repeatedly and with apparent passion and conviction can cause others to experience the gaslighting effect. (Victims of “gaslighting” feel “crazy” because in their hearts they know something to be true but their manipulator’s antics and tactics make them doubt.)




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