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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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21 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Stormy Daniels, not going away!  




Amongst the ES crowd, I feel this is quite a quandry for @LadySkinsFan A porn star going against Trump.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend?


As someone who hates NDAs that silence women, I hope she prevails. It's obvious that I am not a fan of her profession. This agreement involved a consensual relationship, and Trump's attempt to hush it up right before the election. 


It's also obvious that I think Trump's an asshole and this is further evidence. He's also so stupid that he didn't sign the agreement, didn't actually pay the money, and he expects her to STFU. 


I hope she gets a boatload from selling her story and not on her back.



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I feel slightly conflicted on the Stormy Daniels front only because I consistently argued that Bill Clinton's affair made him a rotten person, but didn't make him a rotten President. This affair, occurring before the presidency adds a different level of remove, but it echoes many of the same issues.


The NDA thing differentiates it somewhat in that it suggests he is afraid of embarrassment. If he's afraid of embarrassment, he could be subject to blackmail.


Still, other than another confirmation that Trump is a lousy human being with a broken moral compass I don't feel I should blast him for the affair. That said, I'm not a member of the Religious Right or the Party of Family Values.

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5 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I feel slightly conflicted on the Stormy Daniels front only because I consistently argued that Bill Clinton's affair made him a rotten person, but didn't make him a rotten President. This affair, occurring before the presidency adds a different level of remove, but it echoes many of the same issues.


The NDA thing differentiates it somewhat in that it suggests he is afraid of embarrassment. If he's afraid of embarrassment, he could be subject to blackmail.


Still, other than another confirmation that Trump is a lousy human being with a broken moral compass I don't feel I should blast him for the affair. That said, I'm not a member of the Religious Right or the Party of Family Values.


He's still a piece of ****.  Whether the affair happened before his presidency or during, it doesn't matter.  Sure, Clinton defiled the Oval Office and was an embarrassment but Trump has been an embarrassment the entire time.  


Clinton tried to run away from it, denied it as any liar would but, IIRC, there was never hush money paid out to Monica or anything like that.  IMO, that makes it a bit more disgusting than what Clinton did.  Trump tried to keep it on the hush because he knew it could effect his candidacy.  Not the first or last time he's paid someone hush money for something.


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Personally, i don't care about the affair. If I was an on-fence voter i would, and i wouldn't like it, but those are personal reasons and have to do with the area of trust and are not necessarily a dealbreaker when it comes to my vote. (When it comes to Trump, there are so many reasons i would never vote for him we'd be here all week while i wrote them out.) Typically, i understand that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, and no matter what, powerful people are just people, and people suck, especially in the area of lying to one's spouse and philandering all over town.


But for a LOT of people any sort of sexual impropriety is an instant disqualifier, accompanied by loud condemnations and demands for political blood.

And now MANY of those voices are not just silent, but are falling all over themselves to play "what about" and excuse it all.


And it's in those people I am disappointed. Not angry.. not frustrated. Just disappointed. Your parents failed you, and you have failed yourself, and you are now failing your kids and your country.
Grow up. If you have principles, apply them uniformly. Because if you don't you don't have any principles, and all of your complaints are hollow loads of bull**** that lead your enemies to further (rightfully) marginalize you and ignore you, which pisses you off and makes you think they are "elites" trying to shove their view down your throat.


It's not their fault you don't have any principles. It's not their fault they view you as immature, and unable to participate in the discourse as an adult.  It's yours, and if it isn't already understood, realize that in anything consistency is key to respect. 



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I honestly don't care who Trump chooses to bang and I think with Clinton, it honestly is a bit worse because of the power dynamic between him being the POTUS and the other party just a low level intern.


I am however thoroughly enjoying the debasement of the evangelical movement and social conservatives in general. No one sensible will ever take them seriously again when they start virtue signaling with their holy book. The fact that Liberty University is joined to the hip with Trumpism is amazing. What an absolute and total ****show that will likely never get cleaned up.

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The affair is more of a comical distraction for the public to focus on while Mueller continues the investigation into the criminal stuff. 


This isn't going to move Trump supporters, hell even the evangelicals have made it clear they don't care at all about Trump's character or behavior.


I suppose if you isolate the affair (and overall adultery) out, it isn't something that deserves the round-the-clock media attention it's getting, however Trump has been a scumbag a long time before this news broke and he has does nothing to shed the tag of being a scumbag since the affair.   It makes a difference if this Stormy Daniels thing was his one big flaw/vice or if it just one of many things that has shown him to be a garbage human being that doesn't belong in the highest office. 


For all the former Presidents and/or candidates that were put through the ringer over fake/never proven "scandals" an awful lot of people seem to refuse to believe what's in front of their own eyes when it comes to Trump.  It's not even that they don't care, it is this sick cult-of-personality in which they simply refuse to believe it.

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51 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

The affair is more of a comical distraction for the public to focus on while Mueller continues the investigation into the criminal stuff. 


This isn't going to move Trump supporters, hell even the evangelicals have made it clear they don't care at all about Trump's character or behavior.


I suppose if you isolate the affair (and overall adultery) out, it isn't something that deserves the round-the-clock media attention it's getting, however Trump has been a scumbag a long time before this news broke and he has does nothing to shed the tag of being a scumbag since the affair.   It makes a difference if this Stormy Daniels thing was his one big flaw/vice or if it just one of many things that has shown him to be a garbage human being that doesn't belong in the highest office. 


For all the former Presidents and/or candidates that were put through the ringer over fake/never proven "scandals" an awful lot of people seem to refuse to believe what's in front of their own eyes when it comes to Trump.  It's not even that they don't care, it is this sick cult-of-personality in which they simply refuse to believe it.

The affair may also be criminal.


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It's always awesome when the sanctimonious family values party takes a wide stance on things.


On another note...




Trump transition tried to establish Kremlin back channel: Mueller


Special counsel Robert Mueller has quietly gathered evidence that a Trump associate met with a Russian official shortly before President Trump's inauguration to create a back-channel between the Kremlin and the incoming White House administration, according to a report.




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1 hour ago, Burgold said:

I feel slightly conflicted on the Stormy Daniels front only because I consistently argued that Bill Clinton's affair made him a rotten person, but didn't make him a rotten President. This affair, occurring before the presidency adds a different level of remove, but it echoes many of the same issues.


Oh, yeah, I can certainly see the argument that well, I don't think less of JFK, the President, based on the rumors that maybe he was having sex with Marilyn Monroe.  Way to go, stud.  


And you're right.  In the case of President Bill and an intern, I can see there's elements of abuse of office, there, that I don't imagine when I'm thinking about JFK and MM.  And similarly, the fact that Trump wasn't President at the time means I don't imagine any abuse of office being involved in his case.  


Frankly, I'm not offended in the least at the thought of Trump banging a porn star.  (OK, my opinion of Trump is already so low that my reaction is "You mean, he wasn't paying her by the screw?")  


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I do not care that Trump banged a porn star or had affairs. I don't care much at all for extramarital affairs. Its not my business and has nothing to do with how to run anything or be a friend, etc. That is between the people in the marriage.


In this case, Trump may have broken a law to squash the affair. That is where the concern comes into play.

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2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

I do not care that Trump banged a porn star or had affairs. I don't care much at all for extramarital affairs. Its not my business and has nothing to do with how to run anything or be a friend, etc. That is between the people in the marriage.


In this case, Trump may have broken a law to squash the affair. That is where the concern comes into play.




To me, what I'm seeing now, with a "he used campaign money, so I'm not just complaining about the affair" is about as believable as the Republicans inevitably crying that "We aren't attacking Clinton for an affair, we're attacking him for trying to hide it".  


OK, Bill Clinton lied about ever cheating on his wife, in a politically-funded fishing expedition operated solely for the purpose of trying to find some dirt for use in an election.  And OK, Trump may have paid the porn star from the wrong bank account.  

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The fun thing about the porn star talk, other than the puns, for me is how this plays for the culture of white people in America. There is a good portion who see this guy as a icon or hero. Rich White President who is banging porn stars. The fact that the game has changed so much is amusing to me. 


No one here or honestly anyone I have meet in person. But I do travel in some more conservative circles on the interwebs (and I would be happy to link them, but it will piss yall off something serious I promise) that love the man for those exact reasons. These same people argue they have higher IQ than other races - because white. 


Its a whole other subject that I dont expect we would go into here. Im just adding why I like the porn star talk so much. It amuses me to no end. Seriously I love it. 

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1 hour ago, Bang said:

Personally, i don't care about the affair.



1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

I honestly don't care who Trump chooses to bang


15 minutes ago, Larry said:

Frankly, I'm not offended in the least at the thought of Trump banging a porn star.  (OK, my opinion of Trump is already so low that my reaction is "You mean, he wasn't paying her by the screw?")  



9 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

I do not care that Trump banged a porn star or had affairs.



Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you.  For all of Trump's faults, and the list could go on for days, it would be a matter of some small redemption to be able to say "at least he's a good family man."  But there he was banging a porn star while his third wife is home with his newborn son. And don't forget the ex-Playboy bunny and the 18 other women he has likely slandered with his denials.


People bring up Bill Clinton.  Bill Clinton tarnished his legacy because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. To me, that matters in assessing the man.  Which is a shame, because he was otherwise a brilliant policy-wonk with great political instincts.


One of the things I admire most about Barak Obama is that he is, by all evidence, devoted to his wife and to a loving marriage, and raised two daughters guided by that family-centric moral compass.

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21 minutes ago, Larry said:




To me, what I'm seeing now, with a "he used campaign money, so I'm not just complaining about the affair" is about as believable as the Republicans inevitably crying that "We aren't attacking Clinton for an affair, we're attacking him for trying to hide it".  


OK, Bill Clinton lied about ever cheating on his wife, in a politically-funded fishing expedition operated solely for the purpose of trying to find some dirt for use in an election.  And OK, Trump may have paid the porn star from the wrong bank account.  

Eh nothing.


When Clinton lied to the Special Committee about the affair, it was fair game after that. I had no problems with the punishment he got.


I am also cool that Anthony Weiner is serving time for his shenanigans because he was hitting on underage people. When he was taking **** pics to adults, that wasnt my business.


When Elliot Spitzer was forced to resign from the Governorship of New York because people created some allegations that he used public money to pay for the prostitutes, I thought that was terrible. ANd it turned out he didnt. Not my business that he buying escorts. I really don't care.


I didn't care about Mark Sanford either, except that it was bizarre and he proported to be a devout Christian family man.


I really don't care about sex scandals until they break the law or shows them to be hypocrites. Its not my business at all what anyone does with their private areas. (and by hypocrites, i mean clowns like Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston did during the Lewinsky scandal despite their own affairs)


5 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

For all of Trump's faults, and the list could go on for days, it would be a matter of some small redemption to be able to say "at least he's a good family man."

Trump has never been a good family man. Why you think he on his 3rd marriage? And all of them ended because he was cheating on them.


He didn't raise his children with Ivanna either. He has never told us he was a good family man. Its the lie that people want to believe is the problem.


Governance and the work you do has nothing to do with what you do with your privates, unless you are breaking the law or being a hypocrite like those televangelists in the 80s.


Americans have always had an immature view towards sex.

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16 minutes ago, Llevron said:

The fun thing about the porn star talk, other than the puns, for me is how this plays for the culture of white people in America. There is a good portion who see this guy as a icon or hero. Rich White President who is banging porn stars. The fact that the game has changed so much is amusing to me. 


No one here or honestly anyone I have meet in person. But I do travel in some more conservative circles on the interwebs (and I would be happy to link them, but it will piss yall off something serious I promise) that love the man for those exact reasons. These same people argue they have higher IQ than other races - because white. 


Its a whole other subject that I dont expect we would go into here. Im just adding why I like the porn star talk so much. It amuses me to no end. Seriously I love it. 

Totally, its some white supremacist, "alpha male" BS that they have convinced themselves. They really believe they are superheroes.

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2 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

No matter what the left gets taken over by, it probably won't involve my cooter.


2 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

it's always fun to poke the bear ;) 

I'm having a hard time keeping up. Are these two posts part of the same exchange?

51 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Many back channels. Some are more important than others.

Are we talking about Stormy Daniels or skinsmarydu's lady parts or Moscow or what? I'm lost.

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