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Star Wars Rogue One Thread


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Y'know, that trailer has kinda got me wanting to watch that show.

But I go to see where I can stream it. (Seems there's a site, called decider.com, that will tell you which streaming services have which shows). And it looks like if I want to watch it, I have to pick one of two services that charge me per show. And watching the two seasons that are out so far is gonna cost me $80 or so.

Seriously? If I want to watch some cartoons, that have already been broadcast?

Rebels is amazing. My son and I both love it.

Also, TFA was also a let down for me. I was caught up in the hype at the theater but in each successive viewing, I really see the flaws more and more. Personally, I think it was Disney and Abrams playing it way too safe.

However, I'm really excited for 8.

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I loved TFA and I think it strikes a nice balance between playing it safe while still laying plenty mystery, world building and groundwork for the rest of the trilogy.

I also can't fault them for playing it safe after the backlash over the prequels.

If they were going to go all in on sequels and spin offs, the reputation and first impression of the first movie, had to be good. They needed to make a movie they knew would work. Otherwise they would have wasted $4 billion.

I expect them to explore and differentiate more now that they've shown what they can do, and the reception has been mostly positive.

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I also can't fault them for playing it safe after the backlash over the prequels.

I'm sorry, but I don't care what anyone says, the "backlash" over the prequels was after the fact. Mark my words, 5-10 years from now, TFA will not be viewed as positively.

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I'm sorry, but I don't care what anyone says, the "backlash" over the prequels was after the fact. Mark my words, 5-10 years from now, TFA will not be viewed as positively.

Blatantly false

Everyone hated ep I when it came out. It got killed by fans and critics alike. Jar Jar was a joke immediately upon arrival. It was nominated for multiple razzies, including worst picture, worst director and worst screenplay. Ep 2 also got those noms. Both "won" worst supporting actor, for jar jar and Hayden, respectively

This obsessive contrarianism of yours is interesting

Hopefully you're right about TFA only because future movies will far surpass it. As for me, TFA is still enjoyable to watch after a few viewings. Ep 1 is intolerable except for 1 awesome scene. Ep 2 is a struggle at times. Ep 3 is ok. TFA is easily better than any of them. "Safe" or not...

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  • 1 month later...

Okay. Other one is still problematic,(stuff happens on board transitions,no big deal),so until that one is up and running,let's use this one instead of cluttering up the Star Wars VIII thread.  

What better way to kick it off,then this. :beavisnbutthead:



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  • 1 month later...

I'm far more optimistic about this than the pending last two episodes of the final trilogy. I think not being tethered to a precise story / timeline while still experiencing all the thrills and pitfalls of the universe Lucas created will hopefully produce a more adrenaline infused drama without all the overly sentimental trappings that have weighed down the other productions post Episode V.

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