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BREAKING: Shooting at BLM Protest in Dallas


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Amongst many other things that seemed a bit disrespectful. Saying the police were embarrassed they couldn't get one shooter is pretty terrible considering the guy ended up killing 5 people.

The Dallas police department was not competent. It is very unfortunate that 5 of them died and 7 others were injured. The information given to the public was not accurate. They talked about "breaking suspects" in custody. They incorrectly labeled someone as a suspect. Finally, the worst thing they did was use a robotic tool to kill a suspect. That precedent opens the door for drone strikes on suspects. It is bad enough the way the police handle the use of deadly force with conventional sidearms but to now enable the use of remote controlled bombs and other similar weapons is not a path that is going to be positive.

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what gets the most views and what causes the most reaction? You see the same in sports, rg3 is irrelevant and was but his stories got hit after hit. The media controls us and will continue to do so until someone restricts them or holds them accountable for damages when they occur.

You see them reporting false information time and time again to get those hits.

And I agree on you're edited piece, I couldn't find those numbers and asked if anyone had those with my first post. But a 2 to 1.5 as you stated isn't that far off like so many make it out to be. My whole point is that this isn't just a black issue and solely a black issue as its being stated over and over here and everywhere else.

A few points to ponder. First, nobody has reliable numbers to work with. Why? Because reporting is voluntary and many departments don't do it. So at best, the data we do have understate the problem. Therefore, please dispense with the air of certainty because nobody really knows for sure. FWIW, there have been calls to make reporting the data mandatory but of course officer friendly and the FOP say absolutely not. Just trust us. Yeah, right.

I've said it before but it's not solely a Black problem and I don't think most people see it as such. It's just that we're more likely to be brutalized than Whites without regard to socioeconomic status. So in your prior anecdotal example, you expect us to believe that the cops would act the same way towards a bunch of lily-white frat kids with ostensibly well moneyed/lawyered parents back home as they would with say a Freddy Gray? How many of you had your heads smashed into something? Guns pulled on you?


"Reuters interviewed 25 African American male officers on the NYPD, 15 of whom are retired and 10 of whom are still serving," the news organization reported in a recent article. "All but one said that, when off duty and out of uniform, they had been victims of racial profiling, which refers to using race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed a crime," the small survey found. "Officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping." These weren't one-off events. "The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them."

A third of those officers say that they complained to supervisors. "All but one said their supervisors either dismissed the complaints or retaliated against them by denying them overtime, choice assignments, or promotions," the story notes. "The remaining officers who made no complaints said they refrained either because they feared retribution or because they saw racial profiling as part of the system."

Yes the experiences above are anecdotal but before you dismiss it as such, try asking any of your Black friends about their interactions with the police. For myself, I've had cops pull a gun on me, ask me if I'd had a "Len Bias ****tail" get belligerent with me before I said a word during a traffic stop etc. and I hardly fit the profile of a thug.

Regarding the media bias, is this what you're talking about?


"The media is complicit in this myth-making: notice that the interviewer does not challenge Safir. She doesn't point out, for example, the over $1 billion in settlements the NYPD has paid out over the last decade and a half for the misconduct of its officers. She doesn't reference the numerous accounts of actual black or Hispanic NYPD officers who have been profiled and even assaulted without cause when they were out of uniform by white NYPD officers.

No matter what an officer has done to a black person, that officer can always cover himself in the running narrative of heroism

Instead she leads him with her questions to reference the heroism, selflessness, risk, and sacrifice that are a part of the endeavor that is law enforcement, but very clearly not always characteristic of police work in black and brown communities. The staging for this interview — US flag waving, somber-faced officers — is wash, rinse, and repeat with our national media."

And what about the all but ignored story of the number of cops that get all rapey? Is that the media bias you meant?

Finally, on an unrelated note, where's the NRA bleating about an innocent law-abiding citizen gunned down simply for exercising his second amendment rights? Or is that right in their minds reserved for some and not others?

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More whites are killed by police than blacks, but as a percentage of a population, blacks are more likely to be killed by police.


And it appears on the limited data we have even as a function interaction with law enforcement interaction.



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Personally, I think people who open carry are giant toolbags.

I know what you mean and I'd agree with you completely if he was at Target or whatever day to day bull**** and doing it just because. But it was a legitimate political statement being in the proper place at the proper time. And when the situation changed and it stopped being proper place/proper time, he turned the weapon and himself in. Not to mention it was unloaded the entire time. So yeah, that's just good citizenship in my book.

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Personally, I think people who open carry are giant toolbags.


I really don't get it...was getting ice cream w/ my family the other week and there was a dude who showed up with his 9mm on his belt.  Obviously had his shirt tucked over it so folks could see.  I guess if something popped off, it was good to have Captain America there to protect everyone, but overall I just don't understand the point.  ESPECIALLY the folks, like we saw in the pictures, who carry ARs out in public.  What's the point? 

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The first NFL preseason game is less than a month away.



Just felt like we could all use something to feel good about.

Every so often it's really a good idea to turn the internet off, step away from the TV, and unplug. Find a book, go to a movie, play some bball with your friends, go take a walk. The world's a heavy place and that gets magnified online. There's plenty of beauty, joy, and kindness out there.


Truth is most of us are good people albeit good people highly motivated by self-interest. Racism doesn't drive the majority. There are very real social and economic problems that ought to be wrestled with in terms of education, the prison pipeline, race, economics, employment, terrorism, etc. but they don't intrude in such a way that you can't escape and refuel your sanity. 


So when it gets too bad... escape into reality or escape into fiction. Turn off the nattering naebobs of negativity. Heck, you could even try my book for a good apolitical escape and fantasy adventure, but do something that clears the brain. Then, work to make things better again.

I really don't get it...was getting ice cream w/ my family the other week and there was a dude who showed up with his 9mm on his belt.  Obviously had his shirt tucked over it so folks could see.  I guess if something popped off, it was good to have Captain America there to protect everyone, but overall I just don't understand the point.  ESPECIALLY the folks, like we saw in the pictures, who carry ARs out in public.  What's the point? 

I think for some, it's their inner four year old at the swimming pool shouting, "Look at me, Mom! Look at me, Mom!" Others want to warn, look tough, or threaten.


It's pretty stupid if you ask me, but don't ask me because I might tell you how stupid it is and then you might get mad at me and shoot me.

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What I did say though is that it's not just a police vs black issue like the media and every person out there believes.

You're right. Every person "out there" believes that not one single white person has ever been shot by a cop.

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So i worked all day yesterday. When i left for work, they had 3 suspects in custody and 1 holed up in a,parking garage. Now they believe that guy in the garage acted alone?

While this thing was unfolding, they continually talked about how the shooters triangulated around their targets. How do we get to one gunman? What happened to the other 3? One was a woman. ..

Sorry, please bring me up to speed.

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He's gonna get paaaaaaaaid. Can't believe they left that tweet about him up all day (might still be up for all I know). Besides that though, honestly, we should be celebrating him. Exercised his rights as responsibly as you could possibly want from a person. He should be held up as an example of what to do.

Also sounds like the cops did things the right way.

Chaotic situation involving a sniper who has killed multiple cops. They see a guy with an assault rifle. They arrest him, without anybody shooting, question him for a half hour, and let him go.

If the worst thing they did, here, was that they sent out a tweet where one word wasn't the best one? That's pretty darned good, under the circumstances.

I know what you mean and I'd agree with you completely if he was at Target or whatever day to day bull**** and doing it just because. But it was a legitimate political statement being in the proper place at the proper time. And when the situation changed and it stopped being proper place/proper time, he turned the weapon and himself in. Not to mention it was unloaded the entire time. So yeah, that's just good citizenship in my book.

Good point about his choice of context for him to display how stupid he, and Texas laws, are. :)

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I really don't get it...was getting ice cream w/ my family the other week and there was a dude who showed up with his 9mm on his belt. Obviously had his shirt tucked over it so folks could see. I guess if something popped off, it was good to have Captain America there to protect everyone, but overall I just don't understand the point. ESPECIALLY the folks, like we saw in the pictures, who carry ARs out in public. What's the point?

See he was open carrying or it was under his shirt but you could tell it was there? I wish we could open carry here in FL but I know we can't because of stupid people like the ones in the picture at target. Some people will carry huge pistols and rifles just to show off. I would rather open carry just for comfort sake. Depending on what I'm wearing a gun in my waist band isn't alloys comfortable. But if I were to open carry it would be the same pistol I use for conceal carry, not some huge hand cannon meant to intimidate. Now as for why, just the same as with how we carry people do it for different reasons. Some think they will get to play Captain America. Those are the vocal minority. Most of use do it for personal protection and that is all.

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Have to say, I'm rather glad that I didn't come in here, today, to read about copycats or riots or things happening overnight.

Yeah, there's been some other cases. But not as bad as what I was imagining.

Maybe America isn't as afraid/angry/stupid as I feared.

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I know what you mean and I'd agree with you completely if he was at Target or whatever day to day bull**** and doing it just because. But it was a legitimate political statement being in the proper place at the proper time. And when the situation changed and it stopped being proper place/proper time, he turned the weapon and himself in. Not to mention it was unloaded the entire time. So yeah, that's just good citizenship in my book.

It was a generalization.

As to this guy, obviously he was doing it as part of the march and was well within his rights. Still, it seems like a very "hey, look at me" type of thing. Especially since it was not loaded (I think I heard that somewhere). That just begs for trouble, especially at a political rally. He wanted to be noticed.

It's a different form of pea****ing.

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The Dallas police department was not competent. It is very unfortunate that 5 of them died and 7 others were injured. The information given to the public was not accurate. They talked about "breaking suspects" in custody. They incorrectly labeled someone as a suspect. Finally, the worst thing they did was use a robotic tool to kill a suspect. That precedent opens the door for drone strikes on suspects. It is bad enough the way the police handle the use of deadly force with conventional sidearms but to now enable the use of remote controlled bombs and other similar weapons is not a path that is going to be positive.

They labeled a guy who was seen walking around with an AR as a person of interest. Unless I'm mistaken, the media outlets are the ones that then ran with him as a "suspect".

And as far as the robot is concerned, what are they supposed to do? He had already shot 10 people, killing 5 of them. Should they continue with this shootout and lose more people simply so someone like you doesn't freak out that they used a robot?

Unbelievable. This is as dumb as arguing about using the guys middle initial as some sort of racist attack.

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I get that. How does one man kill 5 cops and shoot 11 more? Or was it 11 total shot and 5 died?


it's not that difficult when surprise and a crowd are in play

I think it was total



stupid things like this added to it




Some of the officers targeted were traffic police and were not wearing Kevlar body armour as they wanted to avoid presenting an aggressive posture at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.

Some officers were "ambushed" and shot, some in the back, Chief Brown said.

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If anything should dispel the idea of a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun maybe it should be a mass shooting in Texas with police as the target. If anywhere in the world you should find "good guys with a gun" wouldn't it be in Texas?

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If anything should dispel the idea of a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun maybe it should be a mass shooting in Texas with police as the target. If anywhere in the world you should find "good guys with a gun" wouldn't it be in Texas?


so you prefer good guy with a bomb?


give it up Junior

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