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BREAKING: Shooting at BLM Protest in Dallas


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Why would population numbers be irrelevant?


it's pretty self explanatory. If you don't interact with police then you have 0% chance of falling into these situations. Population can be looked at when considering interactions but you can't jump straight from populations to deaths while skipping interactions.

I'm not saying there's not a racial profiling issue but I am saying the interaction numbers to matter when it comes to deaths.

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Why would population numbers be irrelevant?


What that quote also tells you is that black men are four times the threat white men are.

The 1/60k number is astonishingly low the other way though. Hell, even the 1/200k number should frighten people...

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Because they don't fit his false narrative, obviously.

Look, police shoot white folks when white folks rob banks. Police shoot black folks while black folks are driving to their job at the bank...with their 4 year old in the backseat.

is that why unarmed white is higher?
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This Hate Group Called for Killing White Cops. Then Dallas Sniper Micah Xavier Johnson Started Shooting


Shortly after 10 p.m. on Thursday night, when Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed five Dallas police officers and wounded nine others, Mauricelm-Lei Millere, founder of the African American Defense League hate group, posted a picture on his Instagram account.


The caption led with this: “We have no alternative! We must kill white police officers across the country!”

At 10:52 a.m. the morning after the shooting, Millere posted the following message to the African American Defense League’s Facebook page:



Micah Johnson was one of just 170 members who follow that Facebook page.


Founded in the wake of Ferguson protests in 2014, the African American Defense League is tiny, with possibly only Millere himself as its current leadership, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. But Millere and the AADL operate many different front groups, including a Jonesboro, Louisiana church called the Morning Star Baptist Church. Multiple attempts to reach Millere at his several phone numbers, email addresses, and Facebook accounts went ignored at press time.

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Look I'm not trying to say it's not an issue but what I'm trying to say and already pointed out, is for those who say that only blacks are victims here and at a much higher right. I explained that on my first sentence in the first post.

The only way you can determine rate of death is by number of interactions. Pretty simple. And I already said I searched and couldn't find and asked if anyone knew and also stated that some people didn't care about that info. So I'm guessing if your responding then you're one of those that don't have info or numbers or you do and don't care what it is. If it's the first the provide and if it's the latter then understand what my response was to

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White Americans - 224 million

Black Americans - 39 million



steve, 13% of the population shouldn't match numbers with 60% of the population. Simple statistics. There has to more at work for 13% to come close to matching 60%.


Simple math, but population #'s are irrelevant to some people.  LOL. 

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Simple math, but population #'s are irrelevant to some people. LOL.

again, read what I'm writing, if you don't then your fault

Let me try this for the fourth time, I'm not saying there is an even line between population and interactions. What I am responding to is those who so that blacks are stopped and interacted with more than whites. Interactions to deaths are more telling than population to interactions when speaking to what others are stating

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Simple math, but population #'s are irrelevant to some people. LOL.

When you take into account the fact that black adults are incarcerated at a 6X that of white adults it skews the numbers even more. After all, it's kinda impossible to get murdered during a traffic stop when you're doing 18 months for marijuana possession.


IOW, stated plainly, given the size of the country there just aren't that many black male adults out there.

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again, read what I'm writing, if you don't then your fault

Let me try this for the fourth time, I'm not saying there is an even line between population and interactions. What I am responding to is those who so that blacks are stopped and interacted with more than whites. Interactions to deaths are more telling than population to interactions

i would stop trying if i were you.  if they haven't gotten it by now, they don't want to get it.

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But that is just following the lead on these numbers based off of what's been said in the past and could vary as I don't have and couldn't find the interaction numbers.

Kook blue provided link previously

Let me get this right...

Even though there are 160 million more white folks and only a marginally larger number of white victims, white folksy are more likely to be victims than black folks because blacks folks have a stupendously higher number of interactions per capita?

And you state this without even a single shred of data or proof...and those of us that disagree "just don't get it"?

You're a trip...

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again, read what I'm writing, if you don't then your fault

Let me try this for the fourth time, I'm not saying there is an even line between population and interactions. What I am responding to is those who so that blacks are stopped and interacted with more than whites. Interactions to deaths are more telling than population to interactions when speaking to what others are stating

steve, we hear you. We disagree with you. There are more interactions with blacks. Yes. But there are FAR fewer blacks than whites, so there SHOULD be FEWER interactions with blacks. Simple statistics. In order for the smaller population to make up more interactions than the FAR larger population (more than 3:1) there has to be more forces at work.
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Have to share this here and it's why I should only post here.


My right wing cousin shared some post on his Facebook feed in which someone was blaming Obama and the people that voted for Obama for what happened and how it's all progressives fault for what's happening, etc. I commented saying it was idiotic drivel that perpetuates hate. The guy who wrote then threatens me. I inform him that I'm happy to call the police on him so then he deletes his post and calls me a p***y.


Needless to say his Facebook page was filled with rants as well as pictures of all sorts of gun use and the confederate flag. I need to remember to just post in here amongst all the good people in here.

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steve, we hear you. We disagree with you. There are more interactions with blacks. Yes. But there are FAR fewer blacks than whites, so there SHOULD be FEWER interactions with blacks. Simple statistics. In order for the smaller population to make up more interactions than the FAR larger population (more than 3:1) there has to be more forces at work.

thanks you, you made my point and repeated what I've been saying. The population to interactions in higher towards blacks but the interactions to deaths is higher towards whites. This was towards those Blm people who think that only blacks are targeted and I've said this from the first post

Let me get this right...

Even though there are 160 million more white folks and only a marginally larger number of white victims, white folksy are more likely to be victims than black folks because blacks folks have a stupendously higher number of interactions per capita?

And you state this without even a single shred of data or proof...and those of us that disagree "just don't get it"?

You're a trip...

see what pope man said, that's been my point from post one and I included who I was directing that post to at that time as well
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For those that think black are solely being targeted because it keeps getting brought up by a select few:

Total killed by police in 2016:

- whites: 238

- black: 123

Total unarmed killed:

- whites: 18

- blacks: 12

Population numbers are irrelevant in these numbers and your next look should be interactions which has been stated over and over by these same people that blacks lead this category substantially. So let's say you are wrong and whites interact with cops at a 33% increase. Whites are just as likely or more likely to be killed during an interaction.

I tend to think black people have it worse than white people (the incarceration and poverty rates are telling here), but suppose I grant you this point. Both black people and white people are being killed by the police. That's true. I'm wondering where the argument goes from there. What are we to infer from that?

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Why are there more "interactions"? I'm a white guy and from age 17 through college and into my mid 20s there was hardly a weekend when cops weren't called to our parties. Just in those years alone, I easily had 100+ "interactions" and my experience is not the least bit unique.

The entire argument is absolute trash.

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And again, I'm not saying that there is not an issue towards interactions with blacks, there's racial issues as well as situations where a high number of blacks live in low poverty and high crime areas which directly results in higher interactions but if interaction totals favor blacks then that means more fatal percentage from interactions favor whites. Not saying it's good or anything but putting things into perspective and simply stating that it's not just a police only against black issue

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Not saying it's good or anything but putting things into perspective and simply stating that it's not just a police only against black issue

I don't completely agree, but I think it's a fair point.

I'm wondering what you think follows from the fact police are killing unarmed white people too. Do you think this means we don't need reforms to hold police accountable, or that people of all races have a common interest in police reform, or something else?

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And again, I'm not saying that there is not an issue towards interactions with blacks, there's racial issues as well as situations where a high number of blacks live in low poverty and high crime areas which directly results in higher interactions but if interaction totals favor blacks then that means more fatal percentage from interactions favor whites. Not saying it's good or anything but putting things into perspective and simply stating that it's not just a police only against black issue

Without knowing the actual number and nature of interactions, it's all a conjecture. Some may guess that black to police interaction is more numerous than white to police interaction when it may just be at a higher percentage considering population difference. Also, it may be nature of interaction resulting in black deaths may be different than nature of interactions resulting in white deaths (blacks dying in traffic stops vs whites dying in bank robberies). There are too many unknowns here for raw death statistics broken down by race to mean anything.

What is true is that we see repeated coverage of blacks dying at the hand of the police under criticized (to say the least) circumstances where I can't recall a similar coverage for whites. That may be due to media bias or because these troubling interactions happen predominantly with blacks, but it's not the raw statistics shaping that. I'm not sure we have sufficient variety of information for statistical analysis. I tend to think if there were similar problematic killing of whites by police, we would see coverage of that too. The overwhelmingly more coverage of black death leads me to think that blacks tend to suffer disproportionately from excessive police force.

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