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MSN: Vernon Davis accused of cheating on fiancee with 20-year-old (M.E.T.)


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I don't care if this happens. I don't care that Doug Peterson cheated on his wife. It makes no difference to me and I assume most of these guys do it.

What have I proven?

What part of "off the field incidents in general" did you not understand?

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What part of "off the field incidents in general" did you not understand?

riiiight, because cheating on your girlfriend is the same as knocking your fiance out, killing people, starving your dog to death and running the largest dog fighting ring in history.

What part of "your strawman is bull****" do you not understand?

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How would a guy like that not be hooking up with 20 year old girls until he hits 55.  He obviously is The Vernon. And then, he's an artist.  If you're a good enough artist you will have hookups until you're in your late 70s.  So, he probably will be hooking up with women (and maybe a dude or 10 once he reaches 90) until he's a centenarian using that math

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I thinbk


I'm talking about when players have off the field incidents in general. No matter how minor said incident is opposing fans are quick to jump all over that player while defending their own.

It's not an opinion. It's a fact and you've proven that fact.

While I 100% agree with you that fan bases are hypocritical with their opinions of their players vs other teams when it comes to "off field incidents", I do believe there is a spectrum of "who cares" when it comes to player's cheating in their sex life. 


A player cheating on his girlfriend with another woman falls very very low compared to a certain baseball player who divorced his wife while she was in the middle of battling cancer. 


Outside of ES, I doubt any fan of the other 31 teams are even talking about this. 

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He's not getting cut because of this and we definitely know more then we should.

As has been brought up, this is click-bait all day, and money just keeps rolling in, regardless of the additional damage being done to that family. We're getting to the point in our society where some way some how, there will be publicly accessible dirt on every single one of us.

Maybe then some of you will get off that moral high horse.

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Yea, sounds great, until TK & Jumbo come in here with Mjolnir and the tesseract and open up a 55 gallon drum of whip-ass.

Thanks for this post! It's not often someone is able to work in the words "Mjolnir" and "The Tesseract" into a post on Extremeskins.
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I knew it was too good to last that we would not have some drama in the off season:


Cannot marry him. Can’t do it.

Vernon Davis once infamously got into coach Mike Singletary's doghouse, but that's nothing compared to being in his fiancee's.

Janel Horne, Davis’ fiancee and girlfriend of 15 years, accused the Washington tight end of cheating on her with a 20-year-old.

Horne wrote in a now deleted Instagram post: “when you give a man your all, 15 yrs, 3 kids, and you sacrifice your life and then he cheats on you with a 20 yr old child and lies (sic) on you @vernondavis85.”

I have one word for Vernon.




Move on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what I don't get? Is why a man would EVER cheat on his GF. I can understand a girl cheating on her BF, but I can't even wrap my head around the concept of a man actually wanting to cheat on his GF. If she's a *****, then leave her. If she's a gold digger, then leave her. If she isn't willing to do the deed frequently enough, then go peruse the internet for 30 mins or so: the stuff you'll find there is probably hotter than your GF anyway. But DON'T cheat! Especially when you consider that it doesn't matter what the girl looks like, or what she's willing to do; unless the guy has some kind of ED, he'll be fine. And if he does have ED, then rather than risk the financial complications that could come with cheating, just use the money to fix your ED.


I'm much more lenient to cheating females, because that comes with the recognition that it might not be quite that simple for a woman to up and leave like I suggested that men do above. The female body is MUCH better looking than the male body; there are a lot more ugly dudes out there than there are ugly chicks. So again, no excuse for males to cheat. Like, ever.


B-B-But Mr. TheItalianStallion....are you actually serious with this?


Honestly, I don't know......

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You bumped a dumb thread that's been dead for two weeks in order to rant about your outdated and poorly conceived ideas about gender roles and human sexuality?

Feels more like Tailgate stupidity than Stadium stupidity, if you've got to share.

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