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A Proposal: Let's Retire "You Like That!" (*UPDATE*: WaPo Picks Up OP)


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These things tend to take on a life of their own, either good or bad. I am not us few have a choice in the matter. May as well learn to live with it.


As for Cobb, it's kind of like guys dancing in the EZ when they score, if you don't like it stop them. We know if it were the other way around we would kill them with it! They won, he gets to do that. We need to suck it up an move on.

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Kirk is a well mannered dude and I know along with many of you that his initial "you like that!" Was organic and unintended to go as viral as it did. I think the team thought it was fun at times but as many has said you could see Kirk wasn't promoting in any other way other than for charity. It was used against us against the pack,oh well. Winning solves everything, even cheesy catch phrases.

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It will die when the Redskins start to lose. Then people will turn on Cousins and say how narcissistic he is and how vindictive he was towards critics with this phrase. Why do I say this? Because that's what happens with every player (mostly QBs) that have some sort of phrase, dance, celebration, action, etc attached to them. When they are winning, it's the greatest thing in the world. When they are losing, the very thing everyone loved about them,suddenly becomes the reason they are losing. It's a sad story really, but it will happen. And it will happen to other players around the league as well.

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I can see the point of this thread if this was the preseason and people were chanting it then, otherwise it's stating the obvious, and rubbing salt in the fresh wound. It's organic and will die a peaceful death with the passage of time, no need to force the issue now.

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I'm pretty sure Larry Michael WAS a slimy used car salesman.


I am curious if other teams have super-homerfied shows like we do.  I'm all for getting a daily dose of Redsksins information but the over the top homerism is pretty insulting.

Out of all the **** things Snyder has done, I'll never forgive him for sacking Frank Hertzog for Lame Larry. We had a nice little "Larry Michael sucks" chant pre game. Snyder definitely heard us and he looked uncomfortable because he looked like he wanted to turn in our direction but didn't want to acknowledge us.

Same goes for the PA announcer. We know a good product when we see it and don't need you hyping it up. We also know a turd, so don't put frosting on it and call it a cake.

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Great thread!


It's not apples-to-apples but I compare it to the 2006 team continuing to wear the white-on-white uniforms. 


In 2005, the Skins started wearing white-on-white for a road game vs. St. Louis. That game started a 5-game streak to end the regular season along with a playoff win in TB before we ultimately lost to Seattle. In my opinion, that type of lightning-in-a-bottle thing should be put up on the shelf when the emotion of January is replaced with the steady calm of September. When we opened up 2006 hosting the Vikings, we should have been wearing our traditional white-over-burgundy. Period.


I feel the same about this (though a catch phrase is different and the team doesn't have COMPLETE control over fans, media, opponents, etc. like they do with uniforms). Let the next team identify themselves and allow that unique combination of players define its personality over the course of the season. 

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I don't think I've ever once said YOU LIKE THAT out loud and I'm certainly not going to start now.


Hope it dies in the offseason, but I doubt it will. Failure and controversy sticks with the Redskins in a unique way. 

I say it daily, and as a sports-loving bartender who knows her ****, my guests at work love it.   They know who I am & what I stand for. 

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There's no doubt it's overplayed now, but you just have to let it disappear organically. 


I have to admit, I have a fondness for it, because I was there at the Buffalo game with my young son when it started, and picking up that chant with him was a beautiful, bonding moment. It was magical, to be honest. You could really feel the team's fortunes changing for the better in that game. 


But the way it's been absorbed by the corporate machine is indeed sickening, and the towel thing I KNEW was going to backfire. We are not a "rally towel" kind of crowd. Never have been, never will be. 


What I don't have a fondness for anymore is hearing all the newscasters say it as if they're the first, or hearing someone interviewing Cousins asking him if he "likes that" and then smirking like a douche bag thinking they've come up with something original. 


And note to Kirk: if any interviewer asks you to do it for the camera, PLEASE refuse from this point forward. It worked the first time when it was a natural moment of emotion. The rest of the times made you look like a geek extraordinaire. 

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Redskins fans can't help if opposing players or media brings this into next season.


However, we can control (hopefully) the fact that we won't bring it into next season at FedEx. If I hear that chant next season audibly, I won't be able to not cringe.


Hopefully, the organization and players can follow suit. I was sick of hearing about it and seeing Kirk have to squirm and repeat it for cameras weeks after the fact, about a month or two ago.


I just hope Redskins fans don't keep beating the dead horse next season. It's all we here, have control over

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It will more or less die this off season, book it. Yes, opposing teams will use it against us, but that will fade too. These types of things never exist in intensity beyond the time period they occur.

It may always linger a bit for KC himself and I'm sure every game SOMEONE on one side or the other will mention it or yell it at him, but we won't see the memes, merch, media requests etc.

I'm glad it happened. As others have said, it was totally organic and neither KC or the team had anything to do with it becoming a trendy thing. People thought it was funny and then KC and the team ran with it. It was cool.

Maybe someday it will surface again when KC hoists the Lombardi trophy :)


I don't know - I could see it being the subtitle of the NFL Films Redskins 2015 season. I'm not even kidding. 

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It will never truly die and Kirk kind have done it to himself. Whenever we lose, opposing teams players and fans are going to say, "YOU LIKE THAT!?!?"

This is going to die as much as another famous saying did, that being Playoffs, playoffs? Playoffs? It's spoken and can never be taken back or put to rest. This already is history, sports stations used this saying immediately! It's huge and it will never be forgotten, when we look back to the 2015 Redskins, that will always be the turning point of Kirk Cousins career and the Redskins season. So get use to it and long live "You Like That"!

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It's not a very chant-able phrase.  I think it's the three short syllables... it just doesn't work that well.  Over the television audio, even though I knew what was being chanted by the fans, it sounded more like a muddled "U-S-A, U-S-A."


Maybe adding a James Brown-style grunt would make it work.  "You like that HUGNH!"


Or maybe just file it away with the "I Like Billy. I Like Sonny" bumper stickers, the hog noses, and the Fun Bunch T-shirts.

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