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CSN.com: B-Mitch's Redskins pregame speech: The Packers should fear you


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" Who gives a damn about what they're sayin."


Ā That should be played back to the players, just to remind them that there are people who don't believe in them, and its the perfect opportunity for them to shut their mouths for good.It doesn'tĀ matterĀ oneĀ bit whatĀ ANYONEĀ says, the only thing that matters is what you see in the mirror; do you see failure or a winner? I see a winner, and the losers will be wearing green and yellow; green with envy at how good we've become and yellow because they're scared of Ā us.Ā 


Gotta admit, I almost got a mini-chub hearing that pep talk, but then I looked at B-Mitch's head and wondered how on earth he ever got a helmet on that thing!

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Coming from B. Mitch, and what he made of his opportunities, this is inspirational. Ā 


Finally, B. Mitch believes in this team. Ā 


There is something happening here, and what it is is EXACTLY clear. Ā 


We have a TEAM.

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I wanna hit something too! It does feel different even from 2012. And as much as I want to say we are just doing good to be here based on September expectations, I will be heart broken to lose this game Sunday. Let's go Skins!

46 Men together can't lose!


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