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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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^^ I suppose I can see that line of reasoning. You'd be feeding into their anti-government beliefs. Its basically like Islamic extremists becoming martyrs when you take them out. Still a tough situation though, because you also don't want these groups believing that they're untouchable and can just do this sort of stuff whenever they want.

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It is a balancing act for sure. I'm sure there is a line drawn that they're waiting for some of these idiots to cross. You wonder if that line is drawn on an old flowchart though. If this then this and then this ect.... 

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Apparently,Bundy and merry band didn't have permission to cut that 80 feet of fence the other day as they said they did. 







Rancher: 'I didn't know anything' about Bundy entering property, destroying fence

BURNS — Tim Puckett, the rancher whose cattle graze private rangeland adjoining the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, said he didn't give Ammon Bundy and his band of armed militants permission to enter the ranch Monday afternoon and destroy a publicly owned fence.

In fact, Puckett said Tuesday that he has never spoken to Bundy, the leader of a militant group that has occupied the refuge headquarters compound since Jan. 2. The militants are protesting the federal government's land-use policies, advocating for public property to be turned over to local ranchers and loggers.

Bundy, an Arizona businessman and son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, claimed Monday that Puckett gave him permission to enter the ranch and that Puckett actually asked the militants to cut out the fence so his cattle could graze on more land – which is publicly owned refuge land.

"I didn't know anything about it 'til late [Monday] night," Puckett told The Oregonian/OregonLive. "They didn't have my permission to do anything."


*Click Link for More* 

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Ooooookay. Burns Fire Chief Resigns and rumors have is joining Bundy Militia,(already member of their "shadow government" in Burns. 





Also. Apparently the "Court" that these guys convened has done its thing. Ol' Pete Santilli is going on about how great it will be when "they" arrest the County Judge. That could be an escalation. 

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Also. Apparently the "Court" that these guys convened has done its thing. Ol' Pete Santilli is going on about how great it will be when "they" arrest the County Judge. That could be an escalation.

Didn't they do that in Batman, too?

I think I've figured out where they got their playbook.

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As per 20 minutes ago, Facebook rumor is that several National Guard personnel carriers spotted en route to Malheur.

Most of those rumors are the same as the ones on Twitter. Started by one of the Militia's that have decided to jump on the bandwagon. It's taken off from there. To be taken with the proverbial grain of salt for now. 


Edit. Ah. Here we go. 



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ya think they need a tank?

A monster truck would be cool too.

Most of those rumors are the same as the ones on Twitter. Started by one of the Militia's that have decided to jump on the bandwagon. It's taken off from there. To be taken with the proverbial grain of salt for now.

Edit. Ah. Here we go.


Bah I clicked that and now I'm probably on some watchlist

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If that was the case,Feds would have kicked in my front door by now. Many of the links on twitter dealing with this take one to all kinds of anti government and such sites. A few of them even opened my eyes a little.  


Speaking of which. Conspiracy theorists and militia propaganda,(yeah the two are deeply intertwined. Go figure),are in full swing right now. Joesph Goebbels would be proud of some of the stuff they're putting out there. 

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Yeah. They're still there. Dug a road in part of the refuge. Have put their own signs over signs on the sides of the Refuge vehicles. Their dat breach may have been more deep than first anticipated and despite an ongoing request by just about everyone there,they're not leaving.  Interesting story about the refuge and artifacts. 





"Interesting" quote from Bundy at the end of it.





Bundy said people interested in archeology are welcome to explore the refuge, but that cattle ranchers and loggers should have priority when it comes to land use.

"Before white man came, so to speak, there was nothing to keep cattle from tromping on those things," Bundy said.

Though some countries had domesticated cattle 10,000 years ago, the animals came to the United States with European settlers.

"We also recognize that the Native Americans had the claim to the land, but they lost that claim," Bundy said. "There are things to learn from cultures of the past, but the current culture is the most important."



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I want to know why the rest of the tax paying stand up American public land ranching community isn't coming out in mass protest against this.  You know, kinda like how all Muslims everywhere need to personally (best if done daily in a public forum) disavow terrorism done in the name of Islam.  


Public land ranchers only live by our hand (the private portion of the vast majority of those ranches could only handle a couple dozen cows) That they've done so profitably for a lot of years is a credit to their lobbying efforts past and present. That they'll continue to do so as other uses like wildlife viewing and recreation in general become more valuable, is in no way assured.  

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