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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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I don't have much free time.  But I do fill it with birding.  Best hobby in the world.  They are small, colorful, singing, flying dinosaurs.  The onus is on the rest of you philistines to explain why you aren't birding.  


We will be watching you.  Advancing slowly, quietly.  Peering through telescopes and binoculars.  And writing down lists and observations.  Occaisonally feeding you sunflower seeds.  Revenge will be ours.   Bwahahahaha.  



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I don't have much free time. But I do fill it with birding. Best hobby in the world. They are small, colorful, singing, flying dinosaurs. The onus is on the rest of you philistines to explain why you aren't birding.

We will be watching you. Advancing slowly, quietly. Peering through telescopes and binoculars. And writing down lists and observations. Occaisonally feeding you sunflower seeds. Revenge will be ours. Bwahahahaha.


We moved a feeder near our kitchen window. It was really amazing the diversity of birds we got. Woodpeckers, chickadees, lots of finches gold and otherwise, even the occasional hawk who would hide around the corner and walk out slowly and try to creep up,,, it was very entertaining

Until one day this dumbass bird started repeatedly trying to fight himself in the reflection. The kids loved it and immediately named him Tappy. This damn bird was nonstop. Would start at 5 in the morning and go most of the day.

So, that experiment came to an end. No more birdfeeder

We do have quite a few hummingbirds I genuinely get excited whenever I see one. Not sure why

Also, we have some pretty epic vultures, Hawks, and Eagles. Never see the Owls only hear them

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All the hummers in that video are ruby-throated hummingbirds.  If you are in the eastern US, 99.9% of all the hummingbirds you see will be ruby-throated.  In the west (particularly SW), there are a lot of other species.  


If you really want to see hummingbirds, you need to go to South America.  I have a friend who went to Ecuador and saw 47 species of hummingbirds in a week.  Some of the ones down there are incredibly spectacular - far more colorful and bizarre looking than ours.  

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I don't have much free time.  But I do fill it with birding.  Best hobby in the world.  They are small, colorful, singing, flying dinosaurs.  The onus is on the rest of you philistines to explain why you aren't birding.  


We will be watching you.  Advancing slowly, quietly.  Peering through telescopes and binoculars.  And writing down lists and observations.  Occaisonally feeding you sunflower seeds.  Revenge will be ours.   Bwahahahaha.  





Here's a reason:




Some tidbits (bold font added by me for emphasis, text in brackets are my additions):


One of the fiercest rivalries, for instance, pits Bagnell’s former mentor and now nemesis, Lee Evans, against 41-year-old grocer Adrian Webb. Evans, 53, dubs himself the “judge, jury and executioner” of British bird-watching and keeps his own twitcher rankings. [That's what he calls HIMSELF]




Evans “is a bit of a strange bloke,” said Webb, who is known to drop his grocer’s apron and turn on a dime to chase a rare bird and claims to have broken Evans’s record in 2000.  [he says the OTHER GUY is a bit of a strange bloke ... and he wears an apron (and is an extreme birder)].



Over the years, Evans has wracked up big legal bills defending himself against allegations of slander for allegedly undercounting the tallies of rivals and questioning whether they’ve actually seen all the birds they claim. [that one speaks for itself].




In October, a top British twitcher, Tim Lawman, had a heart attack while on the trail of a Radde’s warbler in Hampshire. “It was a new bird for him, and in all the excitement of rushing to see it, he just keeled over and died,” Evans said.  [HE ****ING DIED]




Many see twitching as an outcrop of the British fascination with “spotting” things — most notoriously, trainspotting, a hobby that involves the obsessive pursuit of seeing as many locomotives with your own eyes as humanly possible. [and doing a **** ton of heroin].

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I could go on and on about birding and about feeder placement strategy, but I fear I've derailed this thread enough.  Back to the criminal idiots in Malheur. 


Anyone who wants to talk birds, I'm happy to do so in a new thread or by PM.  


And for PB - British birders are completely nuts.  The idea of competitive birding makes no sense to me.  Every community of birders I've been a part of is fabulous and supportive.  

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How are all of those hummers coexisting like that?


We have a hummingbird feeder and about a dozen regulars visit all day long.  They are mostly Anna's, Allen's or Black-chinned - but every time two show up at once, no matter what the species, they get into an super high speed dogfight.  They are territorial as hell, they chitter and divebomb our heads when we go out to change the feeders, and they will kill each other over a good feeding site.  

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Many see twitching as an outcrop of the British fascination with “spotting” things — most notoriously, trainspotting, a hobby that involves the obsessive pursuit of seeing as many locomotives with your own eyes as humanly possible. [and doing a **** ton of heroin].


Back in the UK I did a little work in the defense sector and came across a guy who was into 'spotting' military aircraft. He could tell you where and when any one of several thousand UK planes was made, based on the number on its tail.

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On a serious note or two.   This decision was one,(if memory serves),that Cliven Bundy used as motivation for his bull**** in 2014. 







Federal appeals court rules against rancher over Nevada grazing rights

RENO, Nev. — Siding with the government in a decades-old battle over grazing rights, a federal appeals court overturned a lower-court ruling in favor of a Nevada rancher and strongly admonished a judge in Reno for abusing his power and exhibiting personal bias against U.S. land managers.

In a pair of decisions issued Friday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the late Wayne Hage of Tonopah and his family were guilty of trespassing cattle on federal land illegally without a grazing permit and should be subject to fines. The appellate court based in San Francisco also determined that U.S. District Judge Robert Clive Jones had no legal basis to find employees of the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service in contempt of court for doing their jobs.

In remanding the case back to the lower court in Reno, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit took the unusual step of ordering a different district judge to handle the case.

Such a move is warranted "only in rare and extraordinary circumstances, such as when the district court has exhibited personal bias or when reassignment is advisable to maintain the appearance of justice," Judge Susan Graber wrote in the 3-0 decision.

"We regretfully conclude that the quoted standard is met here because a reasonable observer could conclude that the judge's feelings against (the federal agencies) are both well-established and inappropriately strong," she said.



*Click Link For More* 



This is the morning press meeting that is now only going to be held once a week. 






I'd recommend watching that video. It's interesting to say the least and he lays out what their plans are and their position on things,(and a thinly veiled threat or two as well). And they will try to implement those plans if not stopped sometime down the road. 

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Leader of Oregon Occupation Appears At Meeting, Some Say 'Go Home!'


The leader of an armed group occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge made an unannounced visit to a community meeting Tuesday, where he was met with jeers from some who have had enough of the group and its protest.
"I agree with you 100 percent, but get out of my yard!" one Harney County man told group leader Ammon Bundy at the community meeting in Burns, NBC affiliate KTVZ reported.
The group took over a federal building at the public Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns on Jan. 2, and has refused requests from law enforcement to leave.
Their stated goal is the reversal of prison sentences imposed on two local ranchers convicted of burning government land, and the release of public land owned by the federal government to local control.
The group has been criticized by local officials as being made up of activists from out of state, who have "hijacked" the cause of the imprisoned ranchers. Bundy lives in Arizona.
The crowd applauded and chanted "Go! Home!" after Harney County Judge Steve Grasty called on Bundy to leave the refuge.
But others expressed support for Bundy's group, saying they are raising important land use issues. Bundy did not address the crowd. About half of the crowd expressed support for the occupiers and their goals.


more from link.
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That isn't the most accurate report of that meeting I would say. I watched that meeting and most,(who spoke),want the Bundy's and the rest of the militia's there gone. Some want the Hammond's back as well. I'd say a near 50/50 split on the speakers on whether they bought into what the Bundy's were selling or not.  Rumors have it there's been some door to door selling of their,(or some other militia's),point of view and it didn't help that a couple of nights before the meeting last night,Krisanne Hall showed up to give a workshop on the Constitution,(google the name up if you don't know who she is).  According to one local reporter who was there,things really tensed up when the Bundy crew showed up. Now Bundy didn't say anything,(even though a few in his group shouted and pointed to him so he could have the chance),but as always,the mic was for Harney County residents only.  Very different from the first meeting where things weren't nearly as animated.  Militia members and sympathizers went nuts on the residents during and especially after the meeting. Calling them sheeple,communists,ect.  Some even used this as the reason why they are there. Clearly the residents of the County don't know what's good for them and need their help. Yikes. 


A bit more came out on the Hammonds. They apparently knew of,and agreed to the minimum 5 year sentence before they were sentenced. 



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 it didn't help that a couple of nights before the meeting last night,Krisanne Hall showed up to give a workshop on the Constitution



As an attorney, I laughed when I read this.   She is a true piece of work, a determined preacher of legal ignorance and nonsense.  

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I had never heard of her before this whole thing. I've read a few comments from other lawyers on twitter who were less than impressed with her "constitutional knowledge."  No wonder the militia's and other far right wingers like her. 

Let's get back to the birds

European swallow vs African swallow. Discuss

According the Bundy's,they don't matter anymore. End of discussion. ;) 

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I had never heard of her before this whole thing. I've read a few comments from other lawyers on twitter who were less than impressed with her "constitutional knowledge."   



Well, that's because she makes it all up.   50 percent revisionist history, 50 percent conservative platitudes, mix it all up, and spray it around to people who fervently want to believe that every actual Supreme Court decision on constitutional issues is wrong and may be disregarded.  


She's  a constitutional scholar in the same way that Kent Hovind is a scientific scholar. 

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