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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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They sound disappointed that they haven't been #walmartyred yet :lol:

I fully support them figuring out how to expedite their removal from the gene pool.


They are going unarmed though, kinda takes all the fun out of it.



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They are going unarmed though, kinda takes all the fun out of it.



Suuuure they are. FBI probably wouldn't be taking that for granted. Can't blame them there. 


So happened to catch the tail end of a live stream showing Santilli and members of the "Bundy Militia" confronting the Refuge Counter protesters,(2 of them anyway). I guess they weren't taking to the press wanting to ask them questions too kindly. Shouting them down with a bullhorn,calling them names,getting right up into their faces and such.  Pretty much how one would expect some of them to act.  The 2 managed to stand their ground and answer questions. And even smiled at the "militia". 

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Well sure as hell. Santili,(a very self serving sob),is out there with what appears some of the militia and some press members. FBI agents  met them near the gate. Pete's saying they told him they feel threatened by their presence. So ol' Pete has called the local dispatcher to request local Sheriff come out and visit. Said it's a public safety issue because he's feeling his constitutional right to protest is being threatened. He's calling the Harley County Sheriff. "A constitutional sheriff." This is kind of comedic.....for now. 

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Yeah. They claim they're unarmed,but someone there is carrying for sure. Someone always does. Santili is doing his level best to incite a confrontation. Calls one FBI agent "thunderhead." Just now invited the guy to shoot him. Knows he,(Agent),wants too. Looks like lead agent there and talking with Santili and group. Keeping calm and telling the group he appreciates their concerns ect. 

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Well sure as hell. Santili,(a very self serving sob),is out there with what appears some of the militia and some press members. FBI agents met them near the gate. Pete's saying they told him they feel threatened by their presence. So ol' Pete has called the local dispatcher to request local Sheriff come out and visit. Said it's a public safety issue because he's feeling his constitutional right to protest is being threatened. He's calling the Harley County Sheriff. "A constitutional sheriff." This is kind of comedic.....for now.

Can the Sheriff refuse the request? Like tell them he has real matters to tend to?

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I actually think he did. The dispatcher,(Santili did his level best to bully her into giving him her name and so forth),said she has passed on his message to the Sheriff and that he stated if Santili wanted him too,he would call him.  Feed is down for now but lot's of phones out and some media so we'll see what happens.  Best line from before the feed went down.  Santilli "Wanna take me now?" FBI "I appreciate the offer"

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Tarpman. :) Got his own hashtag even. Some funny images out there with this guy,(otherwise known as Lavoy).  


Little more about him. 








A militant leader on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge told OPB his involvement in the occupation has resulted in the loss of his four foster children.


Robert “LaVoy” Finicum and his wife Jeanette were foster care parents for troubled boys. Finicum estimates that over the past decade, more than 50 boys came through their ranch near Chino Valley, Arizona. The boys often landed there from mental hospitals, drug rehabs and group homes for emotionally distressed youth.

“My ranch has been a great tool for these boys,” Finicum said. “It has done a lot of good.”



That represents an enormous loss of income for the Finicums. According to a 2010 tax filing, Catholic Charities paid the family $115,343 to foster children in 2009. That year, foster parents were compensated between $22.31 and $37.49 per child, per day, meaning if the Finicums were paid at the maximum rate, they cared for, on average, eight children per day in 2009.

“That was my main source of income,” Finicum said. “My ranch, well, the cows just cover the costs of the ranch. If this means rice and beans for the next few years, so be it. We’re going to stay the course.”

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Well sure as hell. Santili,(a very self serving sob),is out there with what appears some of the militia and some press members. FBI agents  met them near the gate. Pete's saying they told him they feel threatened by their presence. So ol' Pete has called the local dispatcher to request local Sheriff come out and visit. Said it's a public safety issue because he's feeling his constitutional right to protest is being threatened. He's calling the Harley County Sheriff. "A constitutional sheriff." This is kind of comedic.....for now.


IIRC, doesn't one have to apply for and receive a permit in order for this right to protest to apply? Call me crazy but I seriously doubt they were granted any permit to protest, let alone one requesting permission for an armed takeover of over a Fed building.


That represents an enormous loss of income for the Finicums. According to a 2010 tax filing, Catholic Charities paid the family $115,343 to foster children in 2009. That year, foster parents were compensated between $22.31 and $37.49 per child, per day, meaning if the Finicums were paid at the maximum rate, they cared for, on average, eight children per day in 2009.

“That was my main source of income,” Finicum said. “My ranch, well, the cows just cover the costs of the ranch. If this means rice and beans for the next few years, so be it. We’re going to stay the course.”


Well, you know how the far-right types love to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, without the help of a gubment money check. And before you say payment from Catholic Charities isn't a gubment money check...


Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012

...The Church and related [/size]Catholic charities and schools have collected more than $1.6 billion since 2012 in U.S. contracts and grants in a far-reaching relationship that spans from school lunches for grammar school students to contracts across the globe to care for the poor and needy at the expense of Uncle Sam, a Washington Times review of federal spending records shows.[/size]


Former Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York once famously noted in 1980 that the government funded 50 percent of Catholic Charities‘ budget, commenting “private institutions really aren’t private anymore.” Today, those estimates remain about the same, according to Leslie Lenkowsky, who served as the chief executive officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service under George W. Bush.

Edited by The Sisko
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It is all govt money anyway according to the socili...err Democrats  :lol:


funny how that works w/yall getting all possesive when someone ya'll disagree with has their hand in the till.


Durn redstate welfare bloodsuckers  :rolleyes:

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Well corporations are people too and are even more worthy of welfare according to the Fascis...'er GOP. What you call getting possessive, I call pointing out hypocrisy on the part of the side that abhors welfare, except when it's going into their own pockets. As for calling them bloodsuckers, that's your term. But I won't fight ya on it. :-p

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I keep remembering an old Bloom County cartoon.  Opus has decided that he wants to become a farmer.  He buys a pair of overalls.  Practices chewing on a stalk of wheat.  For some reason he reminded me of the guy on Green Acres. 


In one of the final strips in the series, Milo is helping him prepare for his new life as a farmer.  He's reading from a book of instructions. 


"In order to be a farmer, you have to be able to repeat the following two phrases, back to back, with a straight face. 


"Get the **** government off our backs!"  (Opus repeats it.) 


"Where's my **** subsidy?"  (Opus can't do it, and cracks up.) 

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A militant leader on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge told OPB his involvement in the occupation has resulted in the loss of his four foster children.


Robert “LaVoy” Finicum and his wife Jeanette were foster care parents for troubled boys. Finicum estimates that over the past decade, more than 50 boys came through their ranch near Chino Valley, Arizona. The boys often landed there from mental hospitals, drug rehabs and group homes for emotionally distressed youth.

“My ranch has been a great tool for these boys,” Finicum said. “It has done a lot of good.”



Why is this guy not raising MORE children?  Or better yet, ALL OF THE CHILDREN???

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Some things trending in the twitterverse right now. 








There appears to be a growing list of potential federal laws that could be used to charge antigovernment extremists and militia members who are illegally occupying a wildlife and bird refuge in Oregon.  The standoff is now two weeks old, and a resolution doesn’t appear in sight.


*Click Link for more* 







Oregon standoff: Occupiers recruit ranchers to stop paying grazing fees


BURNS — Members of the armed standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge said Monday that they've recruited ranchers to stop paying the federal government for the right to run cattle on public land.

The occupation organizers are planning a "signing ceremony" Friday where ranchers will sign documents renouncing their obligation to pay fees tied to the federal grazing allotments, said spokesman LaVoy Finicum.

Two ranchers – one from Oregon and one from New Mexico – have agreed to sign the papers and "I hope they bring a couple more in tow," Finicum said.


*Click Link For More* 








Black Oregon militiaman: Black Lives Matter can learn from occupiers

Brandon Dowd encourages more people to visit refuge and get schooled on constitutional rights – and insists he’s among a handful of non-white members

Brandon Dowd wants Black Lives Matter activists to travel to rural Harney County in Oregon, to learn about the US constitution.

One of several dozen protesters holding their ground at the armed occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, Dowd, from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, stands out in the armed militia of white men who say they are fighting the government over federal regulations of public lands.

The 31-year-old is the only African American and only person of color the Guardian has seen at the refuge since the occupation began two weeks ago – though he and others insist a small handful of non-white militia members are present.



*Click Link For More*







Timber Oligarchs Transform Into Beef Barons in Harney County and the Oregon High Desert


Throughout the Ammon Bundy and militia thug seizure of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the media has not reported on the modern day filthy rich cattle barons of Harney County and beyond. Articles rarely if ever contain an environmental voice. Yet there have been endless interviews of carping ranchers claiming oppression by the federal government.

PROFILE OF A HARNEY COUNTY RANCH OWNING FAMILY: 6000 Cattle Impacting 750,000 Acres, 100 Race Horses

An Oregon Public Broadcasting story on taxpayer subsidies to cattlemen included a Harney County ranch manager griping about federal government over-reach.



*Click Link For More*  

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Can you imagine if Black Lives Matters took that guy up on his offer?  Things would get tense in a hurry.

Well, it has at least been asserted that the reason this country went on a gun control binge in the 60s, was because the Black Panthers started buying guns, and bringing them to protests.

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This thing really has taken on a WTF is going type of direction. The Bundy's plus their guy Lavoy have actually gone back to Utah and back at least once. Never stopped. The guy who was busted for "stealing" a government vehicle was only charged with that charge and another,(though I haven't followed that one recently). One the members of the "Bundy Militia" rolled his van off the road the other night and was only charged with driving without a license. Tonight,Bundy and a couple of others held a "community meeting" up the road from Burns at place called Crystal Springs Hot Springs,(this fellow covered it). 




Yep. Then they drove right back.  The numbers in the buildings have increased as well as others have come in and joined. I understand that action against these wackos,(the tough kind),would play right into their world view of the government,(especially with this administration),and risks some possible nasty return fire down the road by others as bat **** crazy as these guys,but there has to be some stuff going on behind the scenes here. Lot's of money on the line and while the method is frowned upon,the giving the land back these guys believe in does have support in local and state governments. What a mess. 

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It's it located on Native American Land?


So law enforcement allow these armed white people to come and go as they please without arresting them for occupying these spaces?


So law enforcement practice violence against black people who are unarmed (women in a car, students standing around, men selling individual cigarettes for examples and there are many more) and that's okay?  This is specifically directed to you twa.


This is a sick situation and it needs to come to an end.  Arrest these people.

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Got to say. Part of me is watching because I keep wanting to see these morons get hit with a reality 2x4 between the eyes.

But a different part of me is drawing parallels to things like Occupy Wall Street. And I see people occupying public property. And people getting outraged over littering and vandalism and calling for mass arrests.

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