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Sound FX: Kirk Cousins (transcribed segment w/video)


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Thanks for posting these videos.  Kirk is playing great and dishing out praise to his teammates and leading effectively politely instructing Jackson to communicate on about routes.  Providing some feedback to McVay also that was well received. 


Just imagine a decade of Kirk Cousins!  Scot keeping the roster strong and Gruden and company growing along with the team.  I think there could be multiple titles ahead.

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This is kind of a silly thing to dispute but im bored.

Again im sure he didn't mean it that way but gandalf going from grey to white was an individual accomplishment not a team one so it comes off as him describing himself and not the team.

And if we want to go even farther down this ridiculous metaphorical rabbit hole, kirk has been playing great and is much improved but he hasn't exactly slain any fiery dragons yet, neither has the team.

Im not trying to piss in anyone's cheerios as i love what we're doing this year just trying to be realistic.



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I think we are seeing a glimpse of what the other players and coaches have seen from Kirk the last couple of years Make no mistake, this is HIS team and seems to have complete confidence and faith in him from his teammates, coaches and FO! As a long time fan, I am enjoying this ride! What's not to like? "You Like That!!"?

Also want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas! Let us not forget the reason for the season! A special wish and prayer goes out to all of my fellow brothers (and sisters) with whom I serve with who are deployed and unable to be with their families, God Bless you and THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!

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This is kind of a silly thing to dispute but im bored.

Again im sure he didn't mean it that way but gandalf going from grey to white was an individual accomplishment not a team one so it comes off as him describing himself and not the team.

And if we want to go even farther down this ridiculous metaphorical rabbit hole, kirk has been playing great and is much improved but he hasn't exactly slain any fiery dragons yet, neither has the team.

Im not trying to piss in anyone's cheerios as i love what we're doing this year just trying to be realistic.


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oh, and I love the fact that he doesn't have pre-rehearsed dance moves.  All he does when throwing a TD is praise the guy that caught it.  I bet Djax, reed, and Garcon love this guy.   


Those videos are very telling --- everyone loves this dude!  What jumped out to me is how Reed would come running out of the woodworks after every TD and just maul Cousins with man-love!  He's hooked on that Kirkjuice!


This comparison might get me banned from ES for life, but I'm gonna throw it out there.  Cousins reminds me of Brady.  Total nerd with a million-dollar smile and a little bit of axe-murderer in him.  The guy is single-handedly creating an atmosphere that will make his teammates want to stay in DC.


This is fun.

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OMG the running around in circles. Can't help but think of Rypien and his double point thingy. Not surprised at the leadership and words of encouragement- just the sheer dorkiness of it all. Actually alot of us should feel better about ourselves, Kirks let us off the hook.  


Best part is the McVay mea culpa (although he still seems to be a bit in over his head) and the overall atmosphere around the team, great to see.


Im not trying to piss in anyone's cheerios as i love what we're doing this year just trying to be realistic.

^ I don't have a horse in this race, but I Iove that this line follows the part with a wizard slaying a fire breathing dragon in some place called Middle Earth.

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I love the part where Kirk has just run in the TD, and he's walking up the sideline saying "we're lucky". Then Dunbar grabs a hold of him and says "that ain't luck, that's skill" with a huge smile. Just seems like the team is actually coming together chemistry wise, with both D and O supporting each other in a very real way. It is an absolute joy to behold.. Even though it makes laying off the cool-aid all the more hard ;)

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I've watched each of these videos multiple times and I absolutely love it!  If I were watching with other people, I think it would be awkward and embarrassing to watch as he's so corny.  But he's being 100% genuine and that part is the coolest.



Yes i was referring to the grey is now white comment.
He's never come off as arrogant so im sure he meant the team but the average person wouldn't see it that way.



I don't know, I took it as a team thing.


And I'm pretty average.



He's a nerd in a pro athlete's body.


I'm super pumped that Kirk is a nerd.


I'm super average with above average pop culture knowledge and I honestly had to look up that quote because I've never seen LOTR.  I get the gist of what it means, but I only think fellow nerds will read too deeply into his quote.  And seeing him play for us for 4 years, I'd bet the farm that he's speaking from a team aspect.


Merry Chrimmus to those that celebrate it!  To those that don't, enjoy your holiday!

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So much fun watching him and McVay improve every week. 


We've constantly improved and we're even getting healthy. We should even have our starting Center back for our HOME playoff game.


He's got one hell of an arm and the connection between Kirk and DJax could get scary. 


Nice to see us getting right at the right time of year.


Lets run off 5 in a row and storm into the playoffs.


We've finally got our QB and the East is ours.



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Things I learned:


1. Cousins innately knows how to be a leader.  He's not really a "ra-ra" guy, and he's not going to dance like Ray Lewis.  But he praises others when things go well, takes responsibility when they don't, and you can tell that the entire team likes him, because even the defensive guys come up to congratulate him.  


2. Kirk is finding his voice.  As a first time starter who the coaches just took a chance on, early in the season, he probably couldn't do much of anything except what he was told.  Now, he's starting to find his voice a little bit, and be more assertive with his coaches.  Definitely a learning curve, and probably about on the right timeline.  


3. DJax is going to be back.  Unless there's something that's ridiculously egregious in the contract side, and it's prohibitively expensive, he's back.  You can just see the way that Kirk and McVay talk about him, and what things would have been like if they had him for 7 weeks.  I can't imagine he's going anywhere.  Garcon, I think you might make a change there, but maybe not.  I think that side is going to depend on the money.  But I bet if you asked the coaches, they'd like everybody back (minus Roberts) back, and probably draft a guy.  


4. Kirk might be the only guy who can quote The Lord of the Rings who is married to a knockout.  :)  

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This is kind of a silly thing to dispute but im bored.

Again im sure he didn't mean it that way but gandalf going from grey to white was an individual accomplishment not a team one so it comes off as him describing himself and not the team.

And if we want to go even farther down this ridiculous metaphorical rabbit hole, kirk has been playing great and is much improved but he hasn't exactly slain any fiery dragons yet, neither has the team.

Im not trying to piss in anyone's cheerios as i love what we're doing this year just trying to be realistic.



So... you're being realistic by citing a fantasy movie as empirical evidence.  Got it.

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So... you're being realistic by citing a fantasy movie as empirical evidence. Got it.

No, kirk cited the fantasy movie, im using the metaphor to explain that we're not there yet.

The point i was trying to make is that the panthers have gone from grey to white we haven't quite yet is all.

When we get to play some games coasting into the playoffs or heaven forbid maybe win a couple playoff games then we can make that assertion but until then its a little premature.

If we lose tonight by 3 touchdowns i promise we wont be feeling too white.

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A few more sound bites in this video. Just wait for The Lord of the Rings references.




Oh man... that's one of the nerdiest things I've seen in a while, and I consider myself a giant nerd. But sweet Jesus, I hope there was an inside joke going on there or something.

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