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WaPo: Multiple injuries reported in ‘active shooter situation’ near Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs


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Can't argue the science so go after the poster..... :D


You disagree with the science of climate change while basically claiming that science has proven that abortion at any stage (I guess 14 days) is murder.


I think you can explain away holding one of those positions. Holding both is a strong indication that you use "science" to justify believing whatever you want to believe. Just like Ron Burgundy. 


Is it a coincidence that these views align perfectly with what the GOP is selling?

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I must've missed the lecture on the science being quoted by twa during my bachelors and PhD classes in Biology. Or perhaps these are not entirely questions of Biology but of Philosophy.  :)



It's difficult to argue against made up science for sure.


Did ya pay off the Professor? :lol:


Ya'll are working hard to change what I said  :P


A Individual Human life....SCIENCE says it is


Person or personhood can certainly be denied or relegated to a philosophical question...the other No.


we have certainly dinied humans that before

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Well then how come a bigger bundle of cells and tissue doesn't deserve equal attention from the government to help it thrive?


It receives far more as it gets bigger, not only is killing it forbidden but basic needs are provided as well as needed.


are you saying we should not only not provide those basic needs if needed  but should further end their lives?



you cold . :)

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Did ya pay off the Professor? :lol:


Ya'll are working hard to change what I said  :P


A Individual Human life....SCIENCE says it is


Person or personhood can certainly be denied or relegated to a philosophical question...the other No.


we have certainly dinied humans that before


Except definition of personhood is a major component of support (or lack of) for abortion. The definition of life you are wanting to use to support your claim opens a can of worms for your "side" that there is a reason your arguments are based around personhood and not "life".


And personhood is not being "relegated" from science to philosophy. It is a philosophical question with science being able to comment very little at that stage of fetal development.

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Wait, are people still talking about this old out of date mass shooting?   It was like 2 days ago or something.


Get with the times - San Bernardino is now No. 1 on the charts with a bullet!

I read somewhere that there were at least two today.

Anyone know where the other was?

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Except definition of personhood is a major component of support (or lack of) for abortion. The definition of life you are wanting to use to support your claim opens a can of worms for your "side" that there is a reason your arguments are based around personhood and not "life".


And personhood is not being "relegated" from science to philosophy. It is a philosophical question with science being able to comment very little at that stage of fetal development.



Only because of folk that try to claim they are not individual human lives


Where did I claim it was being relegated? :rolleyes:


can of worms means good fishing....open em up.

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Only because of folk that try to claim they are not individual human lives


Where did I claim it was being relegated? :rolleyes:


can of worms means good fishing....open em up.




Person or personhood can certainly be denied or relegated to a philosophical question...the other No.

And you know damn well why personhood is important to this discussion. But it's easy to bait and switch when convenient.
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getting back to the actual shooting.


using the ES political spectrum, i am to the right. somewhere, i don't know where, but it's to the right. and even I have zero problem seeing how intentionally deceiving rhetoric has some blame in this. did it make him a crazy person that wanted to shoot a bunch of random people? no he was that all on his own. but they did influence his motive.


which is why you cannot be for dishonesty, even when its convenient to your cause. whether it's intentionally misusing statistics to create a narrative, false testimony (whether it's a witness, family member, or the subject in question), doctored photos/videos, it doesn't really matter. you wind up a group of people and you cannot predict what someone will become 'inspired' to do.


we have people 'hunting' police officers and people shooting up a planned parenthood  facility and both, in some way, have blame linked back to intentionally dishonest rhetoric. we need to stop being OK with it when we can justify it as furthering a narrative we agree with.

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