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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2015 #Redskins verses Dolphins - Final


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Cousins wasn't the damn problem! Terrible coaching did us in.

That said, I hope the Griffin haters acknowledge their excuses for Cousins also apply to the former.


But that's why thomasroane's bizarre fixation on RG3 fans when people are talking about the head coach is problematic.  I'm saying we switched QBs, Kirk did some nice things, but I'm more and more beginning to look at the HC, his playcaller and his leadership rather than EITHER QB.  Though I will say, as usual, Kirk starts off OK but then pretty much disappears.

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Positives: defense, running game & KC can still move the ball


Negatives: special teams, penalties & KC still throws INTs


We knew it was going to be a project, and so I am content that one poor special teams play was the difference in score.  Not bad for a team predicted to be dead last vs. a team that is generally ranked middle of the road to top ten.  Remember, it is only week one! 

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I wouldn't say that. I don't think that are outside forces conspiring against the team. They're just very good at being very bad.

Well, I guess you can look at it that way.  I say it tongue and cheek, but, honestly this team has  gone through so many whole sale changes of the year giving us new coaching staffs, new quarterbacks, new CBs.  Yet, we still make the same old mistakes just with different personel.  It feels like a curse, lol.

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After Roberts dropped what was a lateral, we have 2nd & 13 from the Miami 30 with about 8 minutes to go and down 7. Our next two plays are a jump ball to a double covered Reed at the five that gets knocked down, followed by a jump ball to a well covered Garcon that gets picked at the 2.  On 2nd down at the opponents 30, down a TD with 8 minutes left in the game, those might have been the two worse calls in the history of the NFL...unless of course Cousins chose himself to make those ill advised throws on his own. Either way, whether they were calls from the coaching staff or Cousins' own doing, it doesn't bode well for us and it could very well be another long, agonizing season.

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We had a couple before him. I have been thinking in caps during the penalties, clock management  and some of the missed opportunities. But like I said, when the whistle blew it's not like I forgot all that stuff we knew was still unproven and shaky with this still-building outfit and thought we'd be fielding some impressive product right off the bat---though we did get some good stuff, and after further review it may even be more than I hoped for, as the score was closer than I figured), but in the end for me it was too little and for too short a duration. That said, some of it still looks like improvement to me.


I'm trying to be patient, I really am.


There's talent on this team, certainly enough talent to beat Miami. But it's the basics that we don't have down and, sadly, most other professional teams do. So we're behind the eight ball there. Kirk didn't look good, but he doesn't need to be better than competent with the way Morris is running. Unfortunately, the play calling did not emphasize what we do well and it made our second half offense look one-dimensional.


It all comes back to coaching. We have talent, but we're not well prepared. Watch an above average but well coached Rams team quietly cruise to victory next week on the back of our mistakes.

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Just sucks we have to waste another season with Gruden.. It's very similar to the RGIII situation, where you just don't see the improvement that's needed to keep ones position.. So, we'll go on another HC hunt and be back to square 1 again next year.. :unsure:


The worst mistake we could have made was hiring Gruden, who never had any love for RG3 and no commitment to see it through, but is also not a good coach and therefore compounds the lack of development with his selecting his pet choice in the most underhanded way (to the eyes of the team) and then wasting another year of both Cousins and Griffin.  


SHould have fired Gruden last year after the season was over with a new GM.  Then you go ahead and get a guy and whoever he picks, he doesn't do or die with the first QB they choose.


Good coaches show more quickly than this.  It seems pretty clear that there are some improvements on the D, running game should be OK, but we still can't score and we can't blame the D for not scoring.

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To be fair and honest, we have not had a HC in a very long time that has shown the ability to adapt.



In the same spirit, while gaffes abound and Jay has a long way to go to be what I want in a HC, if he ever makes it, he won one more game as a rookie in this crazed outfit than the 2-time SB winning coach before him did in the previous season.


Even though predicted/expected, all the "he's just an idiot; fire him now" stuff is just "dumb-down" material.


Even if he never makes it, 90% of that stuff (not counting the honest vent in frustration or the fact that you really can argue even that extreme position a bit and do it somewhat intelligently) is just "dumb level" posting and it will always be a part of the landscape no matter who's coaching/calling plays (practically speaking).

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I have to complain about the secondary, but overall the defense was acceptable


I agree with most others here.  Gruden and the special teams lost the game.  Disciplined, well-coached teams don't commit 6 offensive penalties in a row (or however many there were; my eyes glazed over)


There were plenty of play-calls I was like 'wtf??'. 


And special teams was a joke, as usual. 


Cousins didn't impress, I'm sorry.  I think with better play calling and such, we still might've won the game today, though.  He did enough.  But there are problems.  Cousins still has this annoying tendency to lose his head.  That last play was horrid.


6 wins is still doable, but Jay Gruden is gone after this year. 

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Why is Roberts playing instead of Crowder? If you watched this kid at Duke he makes things happen and he does not drop the ball. Grant and Crowder are both better than Roberts. I seriously doubt either one of them would use the excuse that the sun was in their eyes when they dropped the ball.

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Yeah, the team is cursed...

It seems like it anyway.

Injuries: DJax, DHall, Nacho all go down in the first game.

Other stuff: Dropped balls, shanked kicks, inexplicable brain fart penalties, etc.

Because of stuff like that, we seem to lose games we should win. How often do we out gain our opponent in losses?

Just awful luck.

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Lol another RG III fan boy. Had your guy played Miami woulda had ten sacks and people like you would be complaining how bad the Oline was. Which gave up no sacks btw vs Suh and Wake. But, you rg3 lovers do make great entertainment!

Dial it down with the 'RGIII fan boy' crap.

General reminder we will have posters on a short lease with the RGIII versus Cousins back and forth.

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Schreff did an excellent job on Suh. I watched that match up a lot and he more than held his own although to be fair we did run away from Suh a lot. Which is smart.


Yes. I will eat some crow and admit that Scherff was impressive. He did his job and that is all you can really ask a rookie lineman to do.

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The thing is I think Kirk has proven what his ceiling is and that's mediocre. RG3 has looked terrible in the past but his ceiling is playoff contender. You gotta roll the dice with him me thinks if you're going to be losing anyway

Stop with this, please. We don't have a starting qb on this team. It doesn't matter which one of the three we put in we will lose more than we win.
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