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Rooting Against the Redskins How Dare you?


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I was quoted in the following article so i wanted to post this on ES.  Your thoughts?  In my opinion, this season is a throw away season.  Why?  Because the QBs we have on this roster don't have the "it".  You pretty much know from the start if a guy has pocket awareness and a feel for the game.  RG3 just refused to accept that he wasn't a pocket QB while Kirk has shown that he doesn't rebound from a mistake.  


I personally think Gruden is done after this season.  Winning 6-7 games this year would further harm the team from having success.  1 win in 2011 cost us Andrew Luck.  


You can already tell with the players he has drafted that they are nasty and hungry.  I trust GMSM to make a solid decision with the QB if he has the chance to select a QB in the draft. 



Read further at 



I apologize in advance if this thread should be merged with SHF current prediction thread. 

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There are three things that rarely bring about good feelings among the masses on ES: Religion, politics, and rooting against the Redskins. I'm stashing this post here using a 10 foot pole. Now that I have done so, I'm going to climb that big hill over there to watch this thread with binoculars.

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I think there's a better chance of Kirk Cousins cutting down on picks and turning into a legit NFL starting QB than there is of the Redskins hitting on one in the draft, no matter who the coach is.

I'd agree with that, only because the real "franchise" QBs come around so infrequently that you really have be in the right draft position at the right time, or get lucky and hit on one later in the draft. But the odds aren't in your favor unless you're ok with drafting top 2 for like 5 straight years.

We now know that Robert is not going to be our guy. It sucks because we'll also wonder what could have been if he didn't trash his leg at the end of 2012. But it's time to move on. We know Colt isn't the guy because he doesn't have upside at this point in his career. So it's time to all get behind Kirk and restart the old hope engine again. Maybe this time we won't be as disappointed.

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You won't find many fans more diehard than the Redskins faithful. There is a buzz in the air and the city of DC gets excited year after year as the season draws closer, no matter how many times the team disappoints. It's truly remarkable and I commend everyone who doesn't take the chicken **** route out by following some other random team


You couldn't pay me enough to ever be a Eagles or Cowboys fan, don't care how well they do

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I'd be all for losing as many games as possible this season if it meant picking up a stud QB prospect like Luck. The problem is that there is no Andrew Luck in next year's draft. You have a few guys that could either be the next Andy Dalton, solid and unspectacular, or they could be the next Christian Ponder. There's no sure thing. Because there is no sure thing, and because I'm weird and want my favorite team to win, I'm going to be rooting for W's for the next 16 weeks.


This is what I consider the first year in a true rebuild. I'm not expecting a 12-4 season. Let's just see how many wins our team can get and then let Scott do his thing again next offseason.

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This is just a terrible mindset.  I feel bad that you've gotten to this point and I can sympathize with your feelings, but real fans root for their own teams.  Most importantly, when they are bad.  A true Redskins fanatic would never want the team to lose ever.


I mean I'm as pessimistic as the next person, but dammit if I'm not going to root and cheer for us to win every single game no matter what.  I always feel that next offensive play can be a TD for us.  Get that nonsense outta here about rooting for us to lose every single game.  The number 1 pick in the draft, no matter who it is, will not fix this franchise.  But learning how to win this year definitely will start things off right.


Winning cures everything in sports.

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Frankly, I don't think you can be a fan of the team and root against them. I suppose if I try enough gymnastics I can wrap my mind around the idea that you can support the team while rooting against them.


I guess it's just a philosophy thing in the end. If I can't root for the team I'd rather walk away than cheer their opponents. Regardless of something as hit or miss as draft position.

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This is just a terrible mindset.  I feel bad that you've gotten to this point and I can sympathize with your feelings, but real fans root for their own teams.  Most importantly, when they are bad.  A true Redskins fanatic would never want the team to lose ever.


I mean I'm as pessimistic as the next person, but dammit if I'm not going to root and cheer for us to win every single game no matter what.  I always feel that next offensive play can be a TD for us.  Get that nonsense outta here about rooting for us to lose every single game.  The number 1 pick in the draft, no matter who it is, will not fix this franchise.  But learning how to win this year definitely will start things off right.


Winning cures everything in sports.


THIS. play to win every year. this new "tank for lottery picks" mentality throughout all of sports these days sickens me

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Even if our opinions (and GHH's) from 2011 were ultimately correct? :)

The problem with our franchise is NOT that we didn't get a talented enough QB in the 2012 draft class.

Franchise QBs are made, not found. And bad franchises don't make franchise QBs.

I think it's unrealistically optimistic to think we can solve our fundamental issues as a franchise by bottoming out and getting a high draft pick and spending it on the QB prospect du jour. I think all that actually ensures is we'll have **** records and ruin a new QB prospect and further marginalize the franchise.

No draft pick can save us. There is no way out. Not until this organization finds the right leadership and establishes the right culture.

Given that, in the meantime, I just want to see some wins. I want to see young players improve and grow into professionals here. I want to see some guys make Probowls. I want to have hope about draft classes. And I want to see the odd rag tag run to the playoffs every five years or so. Something for the fans and players to feel good about every once in a while. That is truly as good as it is going to get for us until Dan Snyder dies or sells.

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This is what I consider the first year in a true rebuild. I'm not expecting a 12-4 season. Let's just see how many wins our team can get and then let Scott do his thing again next offseason.

A true rebuild doesn't start until you've got your long term head coach and quarterback in the fold.

I want to believe that's Kirk and Jay. It would be such a relief. Scot McCloughan comes in and saves the franchise and gives us the hand on the rudder we desperately needed. And the coach and QB to lead us were here under our noses the whole time.

But we are not that lucky. There is absolutely no reason to expect this franchise to have that kind of vision and good fortune. And everything Kirk and Jay have done here to date suggests that's a pipe dream.

The more likely outcome is that Scott's personal problems become an issue and/or he clashes with and gets worn down by Snyder. That he gets fired or resigns in a handful of years. And that Kirk underwhelms and the QB we draft this offseason for Jay doesn't survive Jay's eventual firing in a year or two. And that the next coach is ruined too as a result of not getting a fair marriage to a QB prospect that's his. And the cycle just keeps going on and on. Constant turnover. Awful leadership. A poisonous culture where preoccupation with self-interest and backbiting are the norm as everyone strives to escape blame and avoid the bi-annual wave of firings. Fans steadily bleeding away from the team, and those that remain incessantly arguing with each other over which player is the proper scapegoat for our problems, and how if we just go out and get X player we'll be alright eventually.

... ****.

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Frankly, I don't think you can be a fan of the team and root against them. I suppose if I try enough gymnastics I can wrap my mind around the idea that you can support the team while rooting against them.

I guess it's just a philosophy thing in the end. If I can't root for the team I'd rather walk away than cheer their opponents. Regardless of something as hit or miss as draft position.

I agree,100%

Frankly, I don't think you can be a fan of the team and root against them. I suppose if I try enough gymnastics I can wrap my mind around the idea that you can support the team while rooting against them.

I guess it's just a philosophy thing in the end. If I can't root for the team I'd rather walk away than cheer their opponents. Regardless of something as hit or miss as draft position.

I agree,100%

Frankly, I don't think you can be a fan of the team and root against them. I suppose if I try enough gymnastics I can wrap my mind around the idea that you can support the team while rooting against them.

I guess it's just a philosophy thing in the end. If I can't root for the team I'd rather walk away than cheer their opponents. Regardless of something as hit or miss as draft position.

I agree,100%

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To each their own but for me some things.


1.  I am not a professional scout.  So I am not going to judge Cousins (after 9 starts) or whomever as being the answer or not before they get a chance to play a full season. 


2.  How many seasons can we just throw right into the garbage can?  The last 2 seasons went south fast.  It's misery.  So no, I am not in the mood for the third season in a row that way -- especially from day 1 of the season.


3.  Heck I like RG3, I am not in the crowd that he's a bust.  And, I got some serious doubts about Jay.  But for me I don't care about what I guess right or wrong.  It gives me no satisfaction to be negative and right.  I want a winning team, I don't care how it happens and who leads it.     Rooting for the team is wired in me.   As I would gather it is for most of us.


4.  Scot McCloughan IMO is the best thing that has happened to the franchise.  Let the dude do his thing.   Even playing along to the thread, wouldn't it be a heck of a lot easier for him to do his job moving forward if Cousins and Jay are up to the job?  Starting new with another rookie QB and another coach rarely translates to an early fix.  The idea of what likely would add up to 10 years of "rebuilding" starting from Shanny's first year, sounds pretty miserable.

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A true rebuild doesn't start until you've got your long term head coach and quarterback in the fold.

I want to believe that's Kirk and Jay. It would be such a relief. Scot McCloughan comes in and saves the franchise and gives us the hand on the rudder we desperately needed. And the coach and QB to lead us were here under our noses the whole time.

But we are not that lucky. There is absolutely no reason to expect this franchise to have that kind of vision and good fortune. And everything Kirk and Jay have done here to date suggests that's a pipe dream.

The more likely outcome is that Scott's personal problems become an issue and/or he clashes with and gets worn down by Snyder. That he gets fired or resigns in a handful of years. And that Kirk underwhelms and the QB we draft this offseason for Jay doesn't survive Jay's eventual firing in a year or two. And that the next coach is ruined too as a result of not getting a fair marriage to a QB prospect that's his. And the cycle just keeps going on and on. Constant turnover. Awful leadership. A poisonous culture where preoccupation with self-interest and backbiting are the norm as everyone strives to escape blame and avoid the bi-annual wave of firings. Fans steadily bleeding away from the team, and those that remain incessantly arguing with each other over which player is the proper scapegoat for our problems, and how if we just go out and get X player we'll be alright eventually.

... ****.

Holy ****, breathe, dude... : )
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Let me tell you a story, there was a guy I knew, Steve. Steve had cancer, Steve didn't think he was going to die. He choose to live his life as if nothing had changed. He didn't act like he hit the lotto and went around spending money or changing his routine, yeah he drank better wine, smoked better cigars and ate out more often. He didn't however stop working, or doing what he had been doing. Steve was still happy until he got sick, then he fought until the end. He never felt sorry for himself or complained, he just went about his life until the end. 


This Redskins season is really about as important as which restaurant Steve would pick to go to if he were still here. Put it in perspective, it is not life or death, root for the team every time they hit the field and don't right them off before they even played. 


Steve could have just folded up the tent, crawled into a fetal state and waited death out, but no, Steve was better then that. He fought the good fight. You couldn't tell Steve it was over, until is was over. So please, keep in mind, you only have so many seasons in life. Don't give one up just because you think its already over before it started. 

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Holy ****, breathe, dude... : )


I feel legitimate dread when I start thinking about the big picture with this franchise.


That's why I like to keep my focus really narrow, watch for the development and performance of specific players so that I can find something to enjoy and escape from the overall view of what a dumpster fire this franchise is.


I really enjoy watching the game of football itself, so that helps.

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