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Rooting Against the Redskins How Dare you?


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 I have little doubt we'll take a swing next spring unless Cousins miraculously does what he has never done, and puts together a largely consistent, excellent season w/an turnover per play ratio that is league average or better (something he's nowhere remotely close too right now in his career, or in his time at Michigan State).

Rodgers last 2 years of college 43 TDs vs 13 INT rating 150.45

Cousins last 2 years Mich State 45TDs vs 20 INTs rating 147.9


I'm not saying Cousins is the next Rodgers but the college correlations probably don't belong in your point. Cousins has been inconsistent in the PROS, his college stats were pretty good.

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Doesn't make you any better of a fan. I'm a redskins fan for life, that means I'm rooting for whatever is in the long term interest of the franchise, not just what happens sunday, if losing sunday, or losing 12 Sunday's, means having 10 wonderful seasons, I'll gladly take the losses, even if its just for a chance at it, rather than a guarantee (which is of course, the reality).


I don't take issue with fans that simply can't get themselves to stomach losing for the greater long time good, I understand winning feels better, but I don't care at all about the short term pay off of a feel good win. Does anyone actually remember, or even feel warmth in their heart thinking about those handful of flukey victories over the Giants and Cardinals in 2011. Does it really mean more too you, than losing those games and getting Luck would have? It sure as hell doesn't to me.



Where in the hell did I say I was a better fan?  I said I never root against my team (no matter how much they piss me off) and if you root for them to lose, we don't need those kinds of fans. I'm SO pissed at the Terps right now.  But I'll be back watching their sorry asses next weekend.


I don't want a shortcut.  I'm not expecting 14-2 and a SB.  What I'm expecting is improved play to the tune of about 6-8 wins.  We've been through enough hell.  I don't think this team needs a full blown "tank" year or full blown rebuild, meaning cut everyone and start from scratch. 


What needs to happen is Scot continue to compile picks (like this year when he went from 7-10) and build the foundation of the roster. You can have 10 years of winning Sunday's if the team does it right.  Let Scot have a couple more drafts and then we can revisit whether or not we need a complete overhaul. 

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If you're rooting for the team to lose for some unknown wishful future outcome, my opinion is that you are obsessively overthinking. Let the GM build, let the players develop together, and root for signs of positive growth in the meantime. This team's ceiling has been stunted from years of mismanagement. It seems to me that we are in year one of correcting that. There will be wins, and there will most likely be more losses short term. I can't imagine Sundays wishing for losses, for some perception of how that will make things better. This team will get better. Part of becoming a top tier team is gaining confidence by beating other teams that are better than you. Old(er-ish) timers know that from when we finally got over that Cowboys hump in the early 80s, and became a perennial division and conference leader. I want to see them fight hard, upset better teams, and knock somebody out of the playoffs. Anybody in our division would do. 

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Being a football fan is all about objectivity. Being a fan of a particular team is all about hope. I am incapable of rooting for my Redskins to lose, however as an objective football fan, I am picking the Dolphins to win this week in my Survivor Pool. I hope I get bounced in the first week for my lack of faith in my team as my hope that they will win remains stronger. I just don't think it will happen. Talk about being a conflicted fan.

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If I've learned one thing (and I'm pretty sure I've learned at least that many), it's that no good can come from discussing this philosophy here.



Even if our opinions (and GHH's) from 2011 were ultimately correct? :)



Me trying to resist the urge to go down this road:


<I edited out pic from original post in my quote to comply with rule 11--see how that's done?>



I just had a flashback. 


And a ghost from the past jumped out to warn me to warn the OP to drop this and get out of this thread NOW and pretend it never happened. 


Just walk away, and let it fade away. 


That ghost speaks from bitter experience. 





You drama queens. Man.


Just some notes of relevances for now and the future (and understand I'm not suggesting all your guys' comments related to this matter):


Per ES staff: SHF was banned for "cheer for losing" stuff once in the past (after forum warnings were made, as usual), and so were two others (temp bans).


When the wording in the posting of such a position like "taking a dive to score a higher draft pick" gets close enough to being fundamentally indistinguishable from a troll post to most Redskins fans, the moderators certainly can treat it as such--as a rule 12 violation.


Nobody's done that here yet--they've just stated their view--and to be candid, views of a nature which I find absolutely pathetic, fwiw---and can unbunch their panties if so wadded.


Per the membership at ES at large: "divers" should expect that the vast majority of football fans (even with a long-suffering franchise like this) would rather just kick their little candyasses to the curb for such talk. We all feel the pain and want the top picks. We're all human. "Philosophy" my ass. Tanking is tanking. Unless you're Battlin' Jack Murdock, it's pretty much associated with the vermin element in sports and always has been.



This post is for reading only; carry on as you have been, with what I posted here in mind. No "explanations" solicited, no replies wanted. Just an FYI post and so I don't have to read any more like the ones that I quoted. Thanks.  :)

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No offense, but this "true fan" --- is complete nonsense.


I've been reading everything, traveling around the country to see games, and posting on message boards to the tune of probably more than 100,000 posts since '96, and I'm not a true fan? Give me a break. Any poor **** that still is following this team after twenty plus years of this garbage is the definition of a fan.

You've followed them for 20+ years? So what? I follow along with the Cowboys, Eagles and Giants for 45.. Hate them with a passion.. If you can truly root "against the Skins", you're not a real fan, sorry.. Hand in your card!!! lol  

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You've followed them for 20+ years? So what? I follow along with the Cowboys, Eagles and Giants for 45.. Hate them with a passion.. If you can truly root "against the Skins", you're not a real fan, sorry.. Hand in your card!!! lol  

My first year as a fan was 1979, so it's a lot longer than 20. But the bulk of the early years were great, it's been the adult years that have been brutally awful. Still here, still posting, still watching, still scouting, still hoping, but my interest is in the long term, and as a result, I choose to cheer on what I believe is in the best long term interests of the franchise even if that means some pain in the short term. I understand if it's just something some people can't do, people's lack of ability to understand my position, and also to cast aspersions on it, however, is total nonsense and intellectually dishonest to boot.

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No aspersion's meant! Lol.. Just think we maybe disagree on what FAN means? In other words, if you're a true "fan" you really don't have a choice in the matter.. You can't just turn it on and off, imo. If you're capable of turning it off, please bottle it up and start selling it! You'll be a very rich man!! :P Hail, brother!!

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I cannot stand Kirk Cousins. Kirk Cousins is BIGGEST CON ARTIST in the NFL. He is the greatest quarterback in the world in preseason and then the regular season begins and he throws more interceptions than a guy named Grossman Cutler.  I bought tickets to  the 2014 Kirk Cousins Interception Fest and do not want tickets to the 2015 Kirk Cousins Interception Fest.  Is it rooting against the Redskins when you just know Kirk will fail??? I just want the guy to never start another game again.



PS- Does anyone know how I can change my username, My guy Hankerson has moved on.

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I cannot stand Kirk Cousins. Kirk Cousins is BIGGEST CON ARTIST in the NFL. He is the greatest quarterback in the world in preseason and then the regular season begins and he throws more interceptions than a guy named Grossman Cutler.  I bought tickets to  the 2014 Kirk Cousins Interception Fest and do not want tickets to the 2015 Kirk Cousins Interception Fest.  Is it rooting against the Redskins when you just know Kirk will fail??? I just want the guy to never start another game again.


Not really. He did exactly what we all expected yesterday. He moved the ball and also turned it over. No con there, met expectations. But I guess it's easier to hyperbolize and use all caps.

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Not really. He did exactly what we all expected yesterday. He moved the ball and also turned it over. No con there, met expectations. But I guess it's easier to hyperbolize and use all caps.

Yeah that's how I feel. He played exactly how I expected him too. Nothing great, not terrible. Just Kirk pretty much.

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