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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

Wait, people are really saying that?  This is depressing, the body cams have done little to nothing in these cases.  Where did ya'll see that the tape wasn't admissible in court?  Did they say why?


I've been saying this for years. People acted like having bodycams would solve the problem. Bodycams don't mean **** to bullies in power, who have a hard-on for abusing said power, and know they will get away with it video footage or not. 

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On 12/8/2017 at 11:40 AM, Gamebreaker said:

Why the hell did they order him to crawl towards them? They created the situation where they misinterpreted his movements as "reaching for a gun". Can we stop getting uneducated, critically stupid cops??? Please? 


Why didn't they ask him to just walk towards them with his hands held up, from like, the very beginning? Although it likely can't be proven in a court of law, the inscription on his gun and his illogical commands make me feel like he wanted to shoot someone that night. 


Better yet, why not just tell the guy to turn around with his hands behind his head and walk backwards to a certain point and then kneel, cross his legs and have someone hook him? Isn't that standard? I have no idea how these cops are walking around in tactical gear looking like military men but don't appear to even have the most basic training. Hopefully the family has a wrongful death lawsuit going. Make these guys pay somehow. 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Too busy covering Trumps klan rallies

Nothing can dissuade them from 90-99% Trump coverage.  California is literally on fire and it gets a couple of sentences before someone says "and now we move on to our political coverage" and they're right back to Trump.  Unwatchable. 

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Apparently the guy shooting the dumb Simon Sez get it right or you die orders isn’t the cop that killed Shaver, but his sergeant. Who quietly retired with his pension while the other cop got fired and stood trial. 


Both of them should've been put on trial, and I wish someone would find that idiot sergeant and put him in the same situation and see how he fairs.   

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3 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:

Apparently the guy shooting the dumb Simon Sez get it right or you die orders isn’t the cop that killed Shaver, but his sergeant. Who quietly retired with his pension while the other cop got fired and stood trial. 


Both of them should've been put on trial, and I wish someone would find that idiot sergeant and put him in the same situation and see how he fairs.   

That can't be right.  The odds of two bad apples randomly and unavoidably appearing in the same situation is a virtual impossibility. 

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There is a comment under that article that I feel needs to be repeated:


"It seems police officers are well trained on how to keep themselves safe- at the expense of everything and everyone else. 


They too often forget that the people they're sworn to protect and serve are standing right in front of them."


I'm sorry, but if you are a police officer and you're so scared ****less of doing your job that you're escalating situations with your shrieking high pitched orders, or pointing a gun at an 11 year old girl. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PROFESSION. Resign before you get an innocent person killed. 

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These accidental shootings have made it clear that standing at gunpoin is extremely unsafe.  A car backfires, you react to some back pain at the wrong time, or essentially anything startling occurs and BAM you're dead.  If police are going to be so quick to shoot, the public should not tolereate police ordering random children they happen upon to do anything at gunpoint.  

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20 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Seriously, Google Castle Rock v Gonzalez, it is pretty stark.


Oh wow.  So she did everything by the book as she should have, and yet her children are dead because the police didn't do their part. and can't even be held liable  Unreal.


Random, but I live about 1.5 miles from Castle Rock.  it's beautiful.

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39 minutes ago, redskinss said:

I'm confused about the Daniel shaver case. 

People are talking about making it about race but both the victim and police officer are white. 

How do you make this about race? 

They're saying that had Daniel Shaver been black there would be more coverage and outrage.  I agree, but not because the media is somehow racist or even racially biased in their coverage.  At least not mostly because of that.  


1- BLM or a similar group is not out organizing in response to this.  It's harder to ignore a story when a community mobilizes and faces off with police.  

2- The police, and a judge, withheld details of the case until after the verdict.  The video wasn't released until it was all over, and by the time we found out the person barking unnecessary demeaning commands was a sergeant, he had already quietly retired.  

3- Without a race angle to play up the media just can't get enough interest in this case to make it worth taking up too much front page space or time on tv.  They're driven by clicks and eyeballs and outrage drives up interest.  

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18 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:

There is a comment under that article that I feel needs to be repeated:


"It seems police officers are well trained on how to keep themselves safe- at the expense of everything and everyone else. 


They too often forget that the people they're sworn to protect and serve are standing right in front of them."


I'm sorry, but if you are a police officer and you're so scared ****less of doing your job that you're escalating situations with your shrieking high pitched orders, or pointing a gun at an 11 year old girl. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PROFESSION. Resign before you get an innocent person killed. 


Yep. That point has been throughout this thread a few times, No one is asking Police Offers to totally disregard their own lives, but at the same time they chose a profession that might possibly put them in some sticky situations, but a lot of these videos make it seem like their first directive is to preserve their own lives and they will worry about everything else after. 

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2 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:


Yep. That point has been throughout this thread a few times, No one is asking Police Offers to totally disregard their own lives, but at the same time they chose a profession that might possibly put them in some sticky situations, but a lot of these videos make it seem like their first directive is to preserve their own lives and they will worry about everything else after. 

I agree. 

I think we need to pass laws that say if a police officer shoots an unarmed person then some level of consequences are mandatory. 

If you can't live with that then choose another profession. 

What if Daniel shaver had tourettes syndrome or was autistic and wasn't physically capable of following the officers commands. 

Does that give him the legal right to execute him. 

I'm telling you I've never been so mad watching a video in my life,  and I had no idea what color the shooter or the victim were the first time I watched it so race had absolutely nothing to do with it. 

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23 minutes ago, redskinss said:


I'm telling you I've never been so mad watching a video in my life,  


Yeah, same.  This is the worst police shooting video I've ever seen.  The guy was not breaking any laws before being engaged by police, and he did his best to follow their instructions.  And again, he was drunk as hell.  He begged the cops not to kill him.  :( 

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

They're saying that had Daniel Shaver been black there would be more coverage and outrage.  I agree, but not because the media is somehow racist or even racially biased in their coverage.  At least not mostly because of that.  


1- BLM or a similar group is not out organizing in response to this.  It's harder to ignore a story when a community mobilizes and faces off with police.  

2- The police, and a judge, withheld details of the case until after the verdict.  The video wasn't released until it was all over, and by the time we found out the person barking unnecessary demeaning commands was a sergeant, he had already quietly retired.  

3- Without a race angle to play up the media just can't get enough interest in this case to make it worth taking up too much front page space or time on tv.  They're driven by clicks and eyeballs and outrage drives up interest.  

The media isn't looking for a racial angle.

The media doesn't care about police misconduct. Since 9/11, they told us the police are community heroes, etc.


The media only cares when you get in their face and tell them to care through civil disobedience. And thats only because they want to see riots.

On 12/8/2017 at 3:42 PM, Destino said:

Flat out murdered a man on camera that was begging for his life after making him literally crawl on the floor.  Not guilty.  


God bless America, because we sure do need it.   


This isnt much of a story because no one is going to block traffic and stare down riot police over it.  There's a reason BLM gets out to raise a fuss like they do.  Anything less and these crimes just get lost in news cycle.  We can write it off as a race thing, and maybe it is, but if 5,000 people marched around that city right now demanding justice the news cameras would be there too.  

you earlier post is exactly the point I made, lol

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