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The case for firing Gruden ASAP


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Any coach that thinks Tyler Polumbus is a viable starting RT in the NFL is a moron and should not be allowed to continue coaching in this league. TyPo made a lot of NFC East DEs look like superstars the last few years. This can be said for other positions on the team as well. I wonder if Gruden even evaluated the team when he got the job? I guess his focus was solely on the QB position.

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So you leap on an implication from Jay but you don't leap on a stronger implication from the press?  :lol:


Don't ever change, Rufus.

There was no "implication" from the press that I didn't "leap on" but laugh away.


I don't really have any more interest in this discussion. I've had the "Haslett was forced on Gruden" debate multipole times and it always ends up with people acting like their own invented theories deserve to be treated as facts and then insulting me for not treating them as such. I only entered into another such discussion now because I assumed you wouldn't lead me down that rabbit hole again. But it's not looking good, so I'll bail. 


To sum up finally, here are the reasons I have laid out why I believe it was Gruden's choice to retain Haslett (apart from the complete lack of any reason to believe the opposite):

1) Haslett not being fired nor officially retained until the HC was hired indicates it was the HC's choice.

2) Ditto the fact that a couple of coaches that weren't fired with Shanahan weren't retained by Gruden while Haslett was.

3) The idea that the coach that was being kept in order to be forced on Gruden just so happened to be the first guy who gave him a job and who he referred to as a friend and mentor would be a massive coincidence.

4) Knowing that Gruden was (at absolute least) the strong frontrunner for the job at the beginning of the process would logically point towards his friend and mentor being kept around for his benefit. 

5) Head Coaches are almost always allowed to choose their own staffs, especially new ones. In the absence of proof that Gruden wasn't given that choice, why would he assume he wasn't?

6) Gruden was considered a hot commodity for HC jobs, and actually had an interview scheduled for the next day when the Redskins hired him. The idea that he would take a job where his coaching staff was being dictated to him without first even hearing what other teams were offering stretches logic to it's breaking point.

7) There was no reason for Gruden to talk of wanting Has to get a contract extension, yet he did. If he wasn't sold on Has, why not just let the year play out, and if he failed, let it be assumed that it wasn't his call?

8) Ditto the extent to which h not only praised Haslett's coaching in Washington, but absolved him from seemingly any blame in the defense's failure. You don't do that if you don't want the guy as your assistant.



Versus all that we have an article which doesn't say that Gruden wanted Paul Guenher as DC, which not only apparently proves that he did, but which somehow also magically means he couldn't possibly have chosen Haslett once that choice wasn't available. 


Yeah, I guess I'll leave it there.

FWIW, they re-sodded FedEx this year.

I guess I was referring to a more massive re-doing of the field there, which seems in a constant state of disrepair.

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Nice discussion, SIP. Out of likes so I just wanted to let you know that. :)


Thanks and to your thought that Dan might peruse this board, there isn't a single thread at the moment at least in terms of title that blasts Bruce or again if there is an organized effort to dump Bruce in the GM role, I think there is a sliver of a chance.  I saw the thread about asking Danny to sell the team, I get the sentiment but I just don't see how it happens.  But if a whole bunch of us wrote letters with points along these lines:




You've owned the team for a long time and its been a big loser under your watch.    You have flailed from one approach to another with out adopting the most fundamental way for any organization to win and that is hire a top flight personnel guy and scouting staff.   The fact that you haven't done this is the prime reason why fans believe that while you want to win, its not your top priority.  Your top priority clearly seems to be to have a GM who is a crony-pal so you can be a close part of the personnel process.  In other words, your own personal fun-ego seems to outweigh the desire to win.  And now the organization is at rock bottom.


If things head on the typical track.  We will have another year with a false promise, with new free agents, maybe a new head coach a variation of the same old, same old.   You've gotten away with it for years but time has run out.  Most fans no longer fall for it.  You can see evidence of such last year with the diminishing stadium crowds and this year, too. People are giving up their tickets.  Heck its even been reported numerous fans are just giving up their fandom completely.  It's sad.


You are like a restaurant owner who serves bad food but promises things will change by changing the bus boys and waiters without ever hiring a really good head chef.  And then wondering what went wrong.  This misguided approach has helped make this proud franchise a laughingstock.    Whether its Vinny Cerrato, Marty, Mike Shanahan, or Bruce Allen -- no one considers them top level GM's. Shanahan and Marty's reputations were made as head coaches not via personnel, ditto  the great Joe Gibbs.     Vinny Cerrato was out of football when you hired him, and no one has hired him after you let him go.  Bruce Allen also was out of job when you hired him.  His reputation is being a sharp numbers guy but its never been about personnel.


You've discarded John Schneider, considered by many now as the best GM in the NFL.  And let Baalke go who now runs the 49ers who is also considered top rate.   To us informed fans, its beyond absurd.   If you are going to finally decide to put the team first before your own personal amusement-gratification -- I am confident that this team will find its way back.  If not I suspect, you are going to lose legions of fans-revenue.


Please consider finally doing the right thing and hiring a top personnel guy to run the ship.  You have never done so.  It's time. 

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Narrowly answering the thread title, the only case I can make for firing Gruden ASAP is if the Skins want to focus on hiring a coach from the college ranks. Their seasons are already over except for the bowls, and they have to put things into place earlier for next season than the pro guys do.


Now, I think it's a slam dunk case that you fire Bruce Allen ASAP. Like, at an 8 AM meeting tomorrow. Making a GM change in the offseason is more difficult, because that person has to evaluate the entire organization in such a short span of time, along with getting for the draft and free agent signings.

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His system fits 2 of the 3 QBs, Cousins and McCoy, and its a system the 3rd QB, Griffin*, says he is good at (passer not a runner) and wants to play.  The system that fits Griffin, is a system that Griffin won't run.  So ... what are Gruden's options?  


Get better QBs? ... not a realistic option


Coach the INTs out of, and short term memory (put the last play in the past and move on) into Cousins? ... probably happening as we debate this


Coach "up" Griffin to be a passer? ... been doing that since he arrived and apparently its not working which is interesting since he's proven he can do that in the past but also consistent with some observations made by NFL QBs about Griffin's prospects in the NFL (re: Tarkenton's thrashing of Griffin) ... and I'm confident he had to PROVE it to Snyder and Allen that this has been tried thoroughly and competently ... and RG3 can't handle it ... or RG3 would still be the starter.


Play McCoy, let Cousins get more coaching before he returns as a starter and continue to see if Griffin will ever get it as an NFL passing QB?  ... that's what I think is happening and it makes a certain amount of sense.


If there is a system that "fits" RG3 ... that isn't the read-option and isn't exposing RG3 as a ball-carrier which he clearly doesn't want to be (and wouldn't last long if he was) ... what the heck is it?


(* Griffin .. the can't miss phenom with all the tools ... he can't make Gruden's playbook work?  Seriously ... maybe he doesn't have all the tools huh?)


as far as defensive fits ... yeah I don't think there's a fit for this bunch ... some of them should be required to get a ticket to these games instead of playing in them

Give me a break the system isn't working for anyone behind center because its misguided. You have 2 QB's who are 2nd stringers in all eventuality and you decide the best thing to do is let them have a passing competition with the opponent? We constantly run out of the shotgun that has proven to only work with Griffin at QB because he's a running threat. What does this do, it helps ensure we're in 3rd and long constantly. If you want to win an ok % of the time with Cousins and Colt you better learn how to run (don't blame it on blocking.....its scheme) constantly and have them throw a resonable amount of the time.

With Robert its a hybrid offense. It doesn't have to be full zone read and it can put him in positions for easy runs with no hits. Instead Jay wants to convert him into a pocket passer in one year and threw up his hands after a few games because it wasn't working. How can you remotely expect that to happen in the first place. Jay came in believing the zone read is a gimick which may well turn out to be true, but that doesn't mean you can't make some aspect of it work in your regular offense while helping Robert develop over a few years.

By all accounts nothing has changed in how this offense operates, Alfred Morris has been made to look like a has been, and we see QB regression. Like most things in life I think the solution is much easier then made out to be.

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Give me a break the system isn't working for anyone behind center because its misguided. You have 2 QB's who are 2nd stringers in all eventuality and you decide the best thing to do is let them have a passing competition with the opponent? We constantly run out of the shotgun that has proven to only work with Griffin at QB because he's a running threat. What does this do, it helps ensure we're in 3rd and long constantly. If you want to win an ok % of the time with Cousins and Colt you better learn how to run (don't blame it on blocking.....its scheme) constantly and have them throw a resonable amount of the time.

With Robert its a hybrid offense. It doesn't have to be full zone read and it can put him in positions for easy runs with no hits. Instead Jay wants to convert him into a pocket passer in one year and threw up his hands after a few games because it wasn't working. How can you remotely expect that to happen in the first place. Jay came in believing the zone read is a gimick which may well turn out to be true, but that doesn't mean you can't make some aspect of it work in your regular offense while helping Robert develop over a few years.

By all accounts nothing has changed in how this offense operates, Alfred Morris has been made to look like a has been, and we see QB regression. Like most things in life I think the solution is much easier then made out to be.

it worked for Cousins more times than not (minus the brain fart interceptions) and it worked for McCoy more times than not.


re: Griffin running ... he isn't when it's there and he isn't when it's the read ... yeah I know he runs occasionally but he manages to not run when he should and could.  The whole Griffin should be running argument is broken.  


"proven to only work for Griffin" ... you're definition of working and mine must be very different.  Nothing is working for Griffin ... face it.

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I think it would be silly to fire Gruden. When you try a bunch of different coaches and you get the same losing results it's not the HC that's the problem. I don't know why anyone would fire McVay. Gruden + McVay are sufficient to run the offense. It's possible that the OL coach needs to be replaced with someone that can do well with the myriad blocking schemes that Gruden wants to use. On defense I'm not sure who is a keeper other than the two LB coaches.

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When I watch this particular team, it makes me think of when Joe 2.0 was coaching, and would max protect on most pass plays because he felt keeping the QB upright in the pocket was the best thing you could do to help an offense [and your quarterback].  People made fun of him because no one ran max protection anymore, etc. 


He was correct in his assessments.  He just didn't have the QB with the arm strength to deliver down the field.  I think in the case of this current squad, doing everything imaginable to keep the QB upright should have been priority #1, regardless of who the quarterback is.  This offensive line has destroyed the confidence of 3 quarterbacks.  I wish Gruden would recognize that sooner, and stop sending 5 receivers out on routes.

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Gruden is the only thing I've liked about this season. You guys who think firing him will solve anything are nuts. How many times have we been down this road? Every year it's the same thing. We don't do anything to address glaring roster needs, the majority of the free agents we sign underperform. Meanwhile Allen does nothing to back gruden, staying silent while he twists in the wind. And gruden is supposed to pull out his magic wand and light a fire under these guys how? Go back in time and get our draft picks back? Make sure we don't shoot ourselves in the foot with the salary cap? Draft some offensive lineman? We were 3-13 last year and completely self destructed but somehow gruden is to blame for this. Because he didn't coddle rg3 and can't win with this sorry group of players, the majority of which would not be starting elsewhere, including our 3 qbs. Oh, and it's his fault that haslett is here coaching maybe the worst collection of defensive players in the nfl. Obviously Bruce Allen had no power to get rid of haslett being the gm and all. Its not like he's been with the team for years already, but yes, let's all pile on jay for that too. Years ago jay told buce Allen to hire haslett and that's the only reason he was retained all of this miserable time. Because you can really see that jay is part of the good old boy network and doesn't butt heads with anyone and favors being buddy buddy with guys over production. Ugh, just make it stop already.

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it worked for Cousins more times than not (minus the brain fart interceptions) and it worked for McCoy more times than not.


re: Griffin running ... he isn't when it's there and he isn't when it's the read ... yeah I know he runs occasionally but he manages to not run when he should and could.  The whole Griffin should be running argument is broken.  


"proven to only work for Griffin" ... you're definition of working and mine must be very different.  Nothing is working for Griffin ... face it.

I don't know how Colt and Cousins can be said to be working. Were constantly behind, we constantly cannot keep up, and we cannot catchup, we constantly cannot stay out of 3rd and long. Throw the garbage time stats away they don't matter when we do jack on offense for the first 2-3 quarters of each game.

The whole Griffin running argument ends quickly because its a gimmik to Gruden. You MUST modify the offense and the play calling when Griffin is in there. It is idotic not to think so, gruden was brought here to develop him as a pocket passer which is not done overnight. I'd wonder if i should run as well as its being drilled in my head that I can't.....I'm a pocket passer. That and look how many sacks Colt has gotten the past few games.......he's having the exact same problem.

Lastly, I'm sorry the running game was working much better with Griffin in there just look at the stats.

What is pretty funny is we're going back and forth and we're not going to agree on the above which is fine which is why i like this board.....its all fun to me in the end.

But you have to give me..........if Jay just did what he said in the offseason which was lean on the running game (and/or figure out why we can't run) Gruden's job security would be less of a question if at all.

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What exactly has Gruden done to warrant being retained?


I have seen almost nothing that impresses me on Sundays. Sure the pressers are refreshing after Mike, but even they have gotten worse.


Developed 1 pocket passer in Cincinnati is not enough for me. Seeing him fumble and bench 3 (at one time or another) promising QBs has him looking lost to players and fans alike. Yet shunned a QB Coach. You'd think he was a vet head coach pulling a stunt like that. Allen could only smile, he clearly didn't know any better. Likely too busy looking forward to his more exciting role as Review Assistant. But of course has not read the rule book.


He seems rather clueless in his GAME planning, and seems to focus only on offense.


Stubborn, impatient, and not using collective players to their strengths are complaints simply about the offense alone.  His only major accomplishment I have seen in recent weeks was that he got Garcon more involved in week 14. And we got shutout. Oh and he finally got 100 yards out of Morris. How could I forget. We converted a 3rd and 10+ for the first time in ~2 months.


He seems to be giving free reign of the defense to his old buddy he owes a favor to, Haslett. Who is next, what former tusker player or coach will we see added to his staff to be the QB Coach, scrambling to make up for a gross error of not thinking he needed one for his young QBs in his first year as a coach? Too little too late. The 3 QBs look horrible.


He needs to be a head coach, more than just an OC to offset the deficiencies of our front office but he clearly cannot even get our offense to respectability. He like Zorn is in over his head and its obvious.


His calling is as an OC. It's rather obvious at this point. Why waste the prime years of Trent our QBs Garcon Morris and countless others, to let him learn how to coach? He seems a few years away from figuring it all out, to this fan, assuming he even succeeds.

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Gruden shouldn't be fired by Allen. If Allen is back, Gruden should be back. If Allen fires Gruden, that's a collosal mistake, and should cost Allen his job.

If Allen is fired, the new GM should decide Grudens fate.

For me, I actually think Gruden was dealt a crappy hand, and as a rookie HC, he's struggled to handle the situation well.

I'd like to see more. But I'd like to see significant changes in the FO and coaching staff.

Of the rest of the staff, defensively, everybody can go, maybe keep the OLB coach. The rest, bye bye.

Offensively, I'd replace OL, TE, RB and get a new QB coach. I can't really judge WR, but they seem to know what they're doing.

We need RB and TE coaches who can coach guys to BLOCK.

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Coach K started 38-47 at Duke including a 43 point loss to end his third season in 1983. A few miles down the road UNC wins a National title in '82, and NCSU wins it in '83. If Duke had decided to fire him at that point no one on the planet would have thought twice. 


I know, I know, apples to oranges and all that. And no I am not trying to predict that Gruden will end up a HOF coach. All I am saying is you can not fire him after one year. Did we expect this thing to completely turn around, considering just about the only thing that changed WAS the head coach? Like, get rid of a multi SuperBowl winning head coach, and his creative, offensive playcalling son, and that simple addition by subtraction would just flip this team right side up? And no I am not a Shannahan advocate. Never really liked the hire. But he has shown he is a decent coach, and had a TON of experience. And this thing went bad quick under him. 


Yeh it is disappointing how this has all turned out. And there are certainly some concerning issues when it comes to Jay. But you have to give the guy a chance. At least a second year. Hell, you have to at least let him start the second year. Give him a competent DC. Or just a different DC. A few other structural changes on the staff. If we end up in the same situation next year, fine, pull the plug. But giving him one year with a poorly put together roster is not giving him a chance to succeed. 

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Coach K started 38-47 at Duke including a 43 point loss to end his third season in 1983. A few miles down the road UNC wins a National title in '82, and NCSU wins it in '83. If Duke had decided to fire him at that point no one on the planet would have thought twice.

I know, I know, apples to oranges and all that. And no I am not trying to predict that Gruden will end up a HOF coach. All I am saying is you can not fire him after one year. Did we expect this thing to completely turn around, considering just about the only thing that changed WAS the head coach? Like, get rid of a multi SuperBowl winning head coach, and his creative, offensive playcalling son, and that simple addition by subtraction would just flip this team right side up? And no I am not a Shannahan advocate. Never really liked the hire. But he has shown he is a decent coach, and had a TON of experience. And this thing went bad quick under him.

I think the difference between all these hof head coaches that people seem to like defending gruden with is that none of them looked like an idiot, even while losing. You can't tell me he looks like an intelligent man when he talks. It's hard to have any faith in an idiot.

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I think the difference between all these hof head coaches that people seem to like defending gruden with is that none of them looked like an idiot, even while losing. You can't tell me he looks like an intelligent man when he talks. It's hard to have any faith in an idiot.



You don't think Shanahan looked like an idiot? Seriously?

The Haynesworth fiasco...The Mcnabb fiasco "can't run a 2 minute offense!"...John Beck is the Man! The ENTIRE second half of last year? Have you seen the team that Shanahan put together? No you are right, he is no idiot, he got his money and did it his way. 


Jay does not sound like an idiot. He sounds like a frustrated rookie head coach. The lobster standing at the podium saying he will put his reputation on Grossman and Beck sounded pretty idiotic...and then proved to be.

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You don't think Shanahan looked like an idiot? Seriously?

The Haynesworth fiasco...The Mcnabb fiasco "can't run a 2 minute offense!"...John Beck is the Man! The ENTIRE second half of last year? Have you seen the team that Shanahan put together? No you are right, he is no idiot, he got his money and did it his way.

Jay does not sound like an idiot. He sounds like a frustrated rookie head coach. The lobster standing at the podium saying he will put his reputation on Grossman and Beck sounded pretty idiotic...and then proved to be.

It's not in the things they say, it's how they say them. How he looks when he says it. Shanahan at least had some presence to him. Hate him or not, he didn't look like he was lost for answers. Even if his answers were wrong, he seemed to have a plan. Gruden looks like he has no idea what he is doing.

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The case for firing Gruden?

Look at the case for Firing Shanny last year, minus the fact he had pesonnel control so he held a greater responsability for the "lack of talent".

There's generally your case for Gruden, replacing the personnel issue with the fact he was likely brought in with a primary purpose of developing Griffin (and if not Griffin, Cousins) and failing at that spectacularly.

Leaks? As bad or worse than last year.

Horrible discipline on the field? As bad or worse than last year.

Disfunction in part fueled by the coach? As bad or worse than last year.

Attrocious performance on the field? As bad or worse than last year.

Players seemingly given up or risking "losing" the locker room? As bad or worse than last year.

An eye to the future as oppoesd to trying to save himself? As bad or worse than last year.

Questionable coaching and/or play calling decisions? As bad or worse than last year.

Players seemingly failing at fundamental things in the game? As bad or worse than last year.

Poor success at time management or challenges? As bad or worse than last year.

Seriously, if you were on board with firing Shanahan last year...I can't see how you could think firing Gruden is COMPLETELY unreasonable, unless you think those kind of results are okay simply because it's just his first year. I can understand with disagreeing that he should be fired...but not the seeming shock and outrage that the notion is even being kicked around.

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The case for firing Gruden?

Look at the case for Firing Shanny last year, minus the fact he had pesonnel control so he held a greater responsability for the "lack of talent".

There's generally your case for Gruden, replacing the personnel issue with the fact he was likely brought in with a primary purpose of developing Griffin (and if not Griffin, Cousins) and failing at that spectacularly.

Leaks? As bad or worse than last year.

Horrible discipline on the field? As bad or worse than last year.

Disfunction in part fueled by the coach? As bad or worse than last year.

Attrocious performance on the field? As bad or worse than last year.

Players seemingly given up or risking "losing" the locker room? As bad or worse than last year.

An eye to the future as oppoesd to trying to save himself? As bad or worse than last year.

Questionable coaching and/or play calling decisions? As bad or worse than last year.

Players seemingly failing at fundamental things in the game? As bad or worse than last year.

Poor success at time management or challenges? As bad or worse than last year.


Great assessment of the last two coaching staffs. Seems most people that are opposed to the firing are more worried about media perception than actually putting a winning team on the field.

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Can I fire the thread starter?

Seiously. How many times must history repeat itself here? How many times do we blame everyone but the overhyped, overpaid players who pull this club down.

The first time we get a HC who tells it like it is and benches an underperforming "superstar" people want to fire him. Dont you get it? THAT is what's wrong with this team. Players have NO accountability because the coaches get the blame. How many coaches must bench RG3 before anyone believes RG3 is the problem? We are at 2... so how many? 3... 4... 5?

Bottom line I don't care how good a runner he is, EVERY QB must be able to run an NFL offense. While your dream coach is playing to RG3s strengths (whatever they are supposed to be) the other team is checking off all of the things RG3 cant do and focusing on his strengths as well. A great running QB should ENHANCE the passing game, not replace it by running around and getting hurt.

I swear. No joke. If Snyder fires Gruden and continues to coddle RG3 i'm done with this team. Emotionally I'm half way out the door already.

RGIII has played four games, we've lost ten. There is no accountability, he just doesn't like the kid. There's nothing wrong with that but trying to hide behind the guise of accountability while continuing to play guys like Chester and Lauvao, praising them even, makes this whole "accountability" schtick a big ****ing joke.

I love that we can go out, not score a point, turn the ball over three times, give up 6 sacks and guys are still ****ing about RGIII. We suck! The whole ****ing team sucks. It's getting worse week by week. But please, let's keep Gruden for continuities sake since you know that makes everything better and all. Keeping Jim Haslett for five years has certainly improved the defense. Yay for continuity!

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Coaches and players will only come here to get paid....not to win championships...because Redskins have a 16 year track record of dysfunction and losing..


If Gruden is fired then the only coach that is going to take this job will be for the money.


Allen will probably stay...so that means more years of bad drafting and looking thru the bargain bin for free agents.


Now that Snyder fired Shanahan to keep RG3 happy...only to find out a year later that Shanahan was right about RG3...we lost our best shot at ever finding a decent coach.


I see Shanahan going to Chicago and turning that team into a Super Bowl contender and realize it could have been us if it wasn't for that idiot Snyder hanging around with his next BFF..RG3...breaking his promise to Shanahan to not get too close to the players.


I also see Kyle ending up as a HC someplace which makes it worse since we had two very good coaches here and ran them out the door.


Most of the success RG3 had in 2012 I credit to Kyle.  He introduced that pistol RO offense to the NFL.

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Im not saying Gruden should stay or go.. but found this peter king piece spot on, which is rare.


In Washington’s cycle of defeat and disillusionment, the dynamic never changes because of Daniel Snyder, who can’t afford to run another coach out of town


Link to Full Article:




  • Since Snyder arrived in 1999, Washington has enjoyed just four winning seasons, four playoff berths, two division titles and a 2-4 playoff record. Washington has never had consecutive winning seasons in the Snyder era, never won more than 10 games, and never reached an NFC title game. From 2009 on, Washington is 31-62 (.333) in the regular season, tied with Oakland for the fifth fewest victories in the NFL over that span.
  • Juxtapose that with the 16 seasons that preceded Snyder’s ownership in Washington, from 1983-98, when the franchise had 11 winning seasons, eight double-digit win records, seven playoff berths, three Super Bowl trips, two Super Bowl titles and a 12-5 mark in the postseason. Pre-Snyder, Washington endured just five losing seasons in the previous 16 years, almost completely flipping the script.
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