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Mr. Snyder you have one move left

Tyron Biggums

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Thats all we can hope for. Allen is in his first year so he might have some long term pla in motion. What he does this offseason will be very telling.

I agreed with skinsinparadise earlier during the season on this point. If part of his long term plan here was to hire his buddy Gruden. I'm far from impressed. Then Gruden decides he wants Haz to stay. That should have been a red flag for Allen. If Gruden was the person that insisited on not getting more coaching help for the QBs, that should have been another sign. If it wasn't Grudens choice then it was Allen's call. Either way Allen can take a heap load of crap for these moves.


The O Line is more than likely the worst at pass protection in the league. It wasn't like Allen was chilling on some far away island while Shanny was running the show. Last season the line was sickening. Allen saw it first hand. 

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It is the ridiculousness of the fans who keep parrotting the same nonsense.  

Who signed off on retaining the coaching staff (defensive side of the ball)?  

Snyder is not a cheap owner.  Has never shied away from paying top dollar both for coaching talent or players.  

Coaches make mistakes, it's Dan Snyder fault?

Bruce Allen does not insist on firing the Defensive staff, it is Dan Snyder's fault?


The more he ceded control to the so-called "football people" the #@$ier we got.


The last con job was Haslett someone how convincing the "football people" that it was the other power hungry egomaniac that was keeping him from calling or running a good defense.  


He is gone, they still look inept.  Now the other guy is the next target...

So paying top dollars for the greatest free agents busts such as Sanders and Aintworth (just to name a couple of them) is a plus ?

Where did this spending free led us after 15 years ?

Yes, Allen keeping the defensive staff is Snyder's fault, because when you're climbing up the ladder of responsabilities you must aim at the top. Snyder hired Allen and his buddies from Tampa, just because he was the son of, a big name, just like he used iconic coach Gibbs as a promo tool, and he acted like an idiot when he brought Shelly to the game.

"Nearly all former employees described Snyder as a man whose passion for the team is both an asset and a flaw and whose personality and leadership style touch every corner of the Redskins organization. While some suggest he receives unfair blame for some of the team’s missteps, many say his strong personality has fostered a culture within the organization that makes it hard for any employee to thrive. Even Snyder’s defenders note that the franchise’s perennial struggles feature the owner’s fingerprints and say the organization is very much a product of his design." Link

You think he ceded more control, I don't, because an egomaniac leopard like him can't change its spots. I bet he was also involved in the McNabb and Robert trades.

Oh wait, I know, he just wants to win ! How about taking on Barnum & Bailey M. Snyder ? :P;)


Allen is the one who got us into deep salary cap mess with his I-4 off ramp, thinking he would be smarter than Goodell and his minions.

About Haslett, this guy is a major joke, in total denial. He blamed Shanahan for interfering on his play calling leading us to losses.

This year there is no Shanahan to blame for his own failures, instead this clown is calling out the players in the medias. He portrayed them as dummies who can't understand college schemes !

"The defensive coordinator described the concepts and schemes he used in the game as uncomplicated and, “stuff you learn in high school.” Haslett said. “Things fell apart. It was easy coverages, coverages that weren’t difficult, we just didn’t execute them well,”"

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We've seen all the moves this guy has in my opinion, if He hasn't figured it out by now then he won't. Snyder has enough money to have gotten the right guidance and info long ago if he desired to and he hasn't , or at the least he hasn't listened to it.

That is my biggest fear. Dan knows or has been advised that he needs a real GM and has straight up dismissed that idea forever. If that is the case I'm out.


I can't handle seeing fundamental mistakes from the FO. Simple **** that most fans even feel like they can do a better job.

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Man we were a 3 and 13 team last year. We stunted the growth of our franchise by hiring a new coach. We are in year one all over again. This team will only get better with consistency from the owner to the training staff. Every time we switch to a different coaches vision of the skins we all suffer.

We stunted the growth of the franchise by trading for RG3.

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Minus 36 mil in cap space is a staggering amount of resources.


Some teams don't even spend close to the cap. Too bad the guy running one of those teams successfully isn't running this one.


Well at least we spent that final 30Mil of cap on guys like Orakpo, Hatcher, Clark, and Jackson, to ensure we get 3 whole wins this season :P

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Some teams don't even spend close to the cap. Too bad the guy running one of those teams successfully isn't running this one.


Well at least we spent that final 30Mil of cap on guys like Orakpo, Hatcher, Clark, and Jackson, to ensure we get 3 whole wins this season :P

Out of likes per usual. I thought Hatcher was a decent signing, but he has been injured too often to know if he is a decent player. Orakpo signing was dumb. Clark supposedly brought in for leadership. Well the locker room is in shambles and he can't tackle anymore, so that signing was a fail as well.


Jackson is an amazing athlete too bad he gets hurt so easily. He doesn't appear to be the type of player that is willing to play while being dinged up. Unless Philly is on the schedule.

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LOL, it is now Snyder's fault?


You all told him hire a coach he hired a coach.  


You told him fire his squash partner and bring in a real GM like Bruce Allen, he did as told.


They went about hiring Shanahan and firing Shanahan...


Now, it is fire the GM and hire a real GM?


Which real GM is jobless?


No we asked Snyder to get out of any involvement and to hire competent personnel people.  We were fine with Bruce being in his previous role.  When Snyder put him in charge of personnel that was just another in a long list of horrible mistakes he has made given Bruce Allen's draft record in Tampa and Oakland.   He is a cap guy, he does not evaluate players well.  He is a president, he is not a good GM


We are seeing the results already.  Lauvao, Hatcher, Clark, Roberts, Porter.  These are not players who fell into his lap like DJax.  These are players Bruce Allen spent months evaluating.  Not one has lived up to expectations and 2 have been nothing short of disasters. 

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No we asked Snyder to get out of any involvement and to hire competent personnel people.  We were fine with Bruce being in his previous role.  When Snyder put him in charge of personnel that was just another in a long list of horrible mistakes he has made given Bruce Allen's draft record in Tampa and Oakland.   He is a cap guy, he does not evaluate players well.  He is a president, he is not a good GM


We are seeing the results already.  Lauvao, Hatcher, Clark, Roberts, Porter.  These are not players who fell into his lap like DJax.  These are players Bruce Allen spent months evaluating.  Not one has lived up to expectations and 2 have been nothing short of disasters. 

Great response and I believe you are 100% correct. We still have the same crony system and **** to show for it.

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We never asked for "a real GM like Bruce Allen".  We asked for a competent GM who can evaluate and acquire talented player and more importantly a GM who can draft well.  Bruce Allen is none of these things.  He has never been any of these things. Being better than Dan and Vinny does not mean you are good. 


Last year was a huge off season.  He needed to hit a home run and he needed to improve the secondary and the offensive line.  He fired an air ball at the worst possible time.  Why in the world would we expect anything different going forward?

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We never asked for "a real GM like Bruce Allen".  We asked for a competent GM who can evaluate and acquire talented player and more importantly a GM who can draft well.  Bruce Allen is none of these things.  He has never been any of these things. Being better than Dan and Vinny does not mean you are good. 


Last year was a huge off season.  He needed to hit a home run and he needed to improve the secondary and the offensive line.  He fired an air ball at the worst possible time.  Why in the world would we expect anything different going forward?

For me it is my last chance to see if the Skins get it right this offseason. Been a fan since 81 - 82. It is to the point that I get no enjoyment from watching grown men destroy something I really enjoyed.

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No we asked Snyder to get out of any involvement and to hire competent personnel people.  We were fine with Bruce being in his previous role.  When Snyder put him in charge of personnel that was just another in a long list of horrible mistakes he has made given Bruce Allen's draft record in Tampa and Oakland.   He is a cap guy, he does not evaluate players well.  He is a president, he is not a good GM


We are seeing the results already.  Lauvao, Hatcher, Clark, Roberts, Porter.  These are not players who fell into his lap like DJax.  These are players Bruce Allen spent months evaluating.  Not one has lived up to expectations and 2 have been nothing short of disasters. 


This is a perfect explanation of the situation. Bruce can be an asset to this organisation, he's just being asked to do something that he doesn't appear to be very good at.

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I can still remember the fanfare that greeted Bruce Allen's hire.


He was a real Redskin... a real "football person"... he will bring back the tradition....

You would have to be an idiot to think Bruce Allen is/was a qualified GM. The fanfare was Vinny finally being gone. I started a thread here at the time of the hire equating the hire to the 49ers hiring Mike Nolan -a loser with a bad track record given the job because his father ran the team in the 70s.

Snyder can rescue the team by using the Socratic method....have a hemlock breakfast shake.

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Mr Snyder.


The people of Britain (well, me and the girlfriend) fully back this ultimatum. It's time to end the nepotism now and hire a real GM.


You have been warned.  :ph34r: 

Better yet, take your franchise to England and call them the Monarchs. Leave our history behind and see if JKC wouldn't mind righting a 15-year wrong.

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I realize the chances of getting a real GM are very slim.


I guess I am using this post to try a garnish enough messages letting Dan know what time it is. 


Maybe if we scream loud enough, he will wake him up from whatever fog he is in, if he wants people to keep buying his product. He has to hire a real GM, or we will continue to spins our wheels not going anywhere, and pissing off millions of loyal Fans.

Danny boy is not in a fog, he is a proven idiot. He is a clown and everyone that knows anything about the NFL is aware of his history. 

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There are 32 teams in the league; plenty with "real GMs" that suck too. What does this keep being paraded around as a silver bullet?

Because we have a jerky little owner with absolutely no football experience at any level who thought he could come in an outsmart the best in the world... teams of guys putting in ridiculous hours who have been doing this their entire lives. As long as Dan and his yes men are at the helm, we are doomed.

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Dan Snyder will treat all of you like fools and he'll be proven right when his next splashy hire has everyone handing him piles of cash again. Just remember to hold up your sponsored sign and cheer loudly on Sunday between mouth fulls of extravagantly priced beer and hotdogs.



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No we asked Snyder to get out of any involvement and to hire competent personnel people. We were fine with Bruce being in his previous role. When Snyder put him in charge of personnel that was just another in a long list of horrible mistakes he has made given Bruce Allen's draft record in Tampa and Oakland. He is a cap guy, he does not evaluate players well. He is a president, he is not a good GM

We are seeing the results already. Lauvao, Hatcher, Clark, Roberts, Porter. These are not players who fell into his lap like DJax. These are players Bruce Allen spent months evaluating. Not one has lived up to expectations and 2 have been nothing short of disasters.

Allen doesn't look anymore competent than Snyder. They both have the same mindset which is why he kept him after firing Shanahan and will probably keep him for a long time no matter Allen's results. Look how long he kept Cerrato before he jettisoned him from employment.

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I'm seriously at the point where I'm considering walking away form this team.... 


I will always root for them...


But when it is corrupt from the top down, how can they ever be successful?


If Gruden is truly 1 and done, that would probably be it for me.  After 20+ years of rooting for them....  I just cant support something that is doomed form the start... Every year.

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I have tried to buy into the "Snyder is not like that anymore" reasoning the past few seasons, but honestly I have just no idea.  There are probably so many things that happen behind the scenes that it is impossible for us to know how much does or doesn't have his fingerprints on it.  Sure, he might have less of an influence on the coach or the GM's decisions, but how much of setting up the structure of how those guys get put into place as well as everything that goes into the infrastructure does he have a hand in as far as "football" decisions?  Who knows....we may never.

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With the fans disillusioned, Snyder has only one option; raise seat prices, water down the beer, and replace the restrooms with pay toilets.  Unless we can trade the next couple of year's 1st rounders for another #1 selling jersey.... then he'll do that.

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