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So do you start RGIII in week 13?


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Play him till the end of the year. It makes the most sense. 


If he bombs and we lose every game we'll have a top 3 pick and can take Winston. 


If he gets it together and we get a few wins then we've hope he can do it for us next year. 


Benching him for Colt McCoy is pointless. 0% chance Colt McCoy is our starter for the foreseeable. 

Huh? Just what makes you think Winston will be a starting NFL QB? I surely don't see it and I watch every Seminoles game I can.

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I agree. At this point just let him play through it

If nothing else, will be worth it to see the resident Leave RGIII alone fan club slip slowly into insanity

Well it worked, Its not all on Griffin, im not sure how any QB can drop back in that pocket and play with confidence but other than that you won't hear any defense from me anymore after this post. Again why they are not trying to get Griffin out of the pocket knowing how he has struggled and the protection blows my mind but he needs to be able to execute the plays called without making mistakes himself. He is making fundamental mistakes with mechanics, making the wrong reads by not seeing the field well and is just not playing well which is unacceptable regardless of what is going on around him. It's time for him to focus on himself and his play because when he does have time to make a play and its open, he isn't seeing it or bad mechanics has him missing the throw. Enough is enough from this point on he is just another player on the roster that needs to prove himself and that he belongs starting because he has earned it, not because of where he was drafted, what we gave up to get him and how he played his rookie year. All that special treatment and consideration is gone.

I like Robert Griffin III and wanted nothing more than for him to bring our team back to greatness, but I'm a redskins fan first and he just isn't getting it done for whatever reason and it was really tough for me to reach this opinion. But it's just too obvious for even me now to keep giving passes and making excuses because of his past and my optimism. He isn't getting much help, but he isn't helping himself much either. He would probably still be taking a lot of hits, but if he was doing his job he would still be moving the offense which would take away some of that pressure. *Sigh* how did we get to here....

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You risk losing the whole team for a guy that is clearly not getting it. His line sucks, but it's HIS job to call out protections etc, you see every qb changing protections and plays... Not 3.

I'm done watching him, that colt kid had some fire in his belly

Risk losing the whole team? Who ****ing cares!? The WHOLE team sucks! Look out, we might lose Chris Chester. Oh boy!

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Well, at least according to the reports today, Gruden has already removed any semblance of "privilege" that RG3 and his family has had. The same reports implied that the team leadership is completely on board with it, and would be on board if the coach decided to bench RG3. So there goes your "owner's pet" theory....

If he wasn't the owner's pet, there wouldn't be any privileges to remove.
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IMO today he was even worse than the TB game, the D kept this team in the game for the entire 60 minutes. The guy can't throw for more than 10 yards man, and today he had the help of a perfect run game. Holly **** when do people are going to realize this guy has regressed to the point that she should not even be the backup let along start.


What is this lie you speak of?  Haven't you heard?  Jay Gruden broke the running game!  :D


I think you play him.  Today's game plan was very, very basic.  Of course it had to be because Robert is not ready for much more yet.  Hopefully, he can handle a little more next week.  He almost looks like some kid that's playing his first NFL game ever.  But, there's not much to be gained now sitting him at 3 - 8.  If he improves dramatically then great!  If he plays average then maybe we can at least get a low draft pick for him.  If he stinks then we end up with a top pick which we need to find a sucker team (like us) and turn that pick into many picks. 


The Line needs to be upgraded, we need a TE who can block and catch (we have either or now - thinking O'Leary from FSU) and they desperately need a play making safety.  I don't think we have a franchise QB on this team.  Colt is as good as any to hold us over.  Build a solid team thru the draft, sprinkle in some young, up and coming free agents.  Once you have a solid team in place THEN get your QB.  But don't reach for him.  Trading picks was not a good idea in hindsight.


Disagree vehemently that this team is garbage.  Top 3 receiving corps. And there are some very good young players to build around on offense and defense.  Kicking game is solid.  Running game is still good as shown today. 

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Absolutely. Unless you think Kirk Cousins can be the guy. Colt doesn't have the arm strength but he can be a manager. Problem is a a manger gets us a worse draft pick and solves nothing long term.

I'm not sold on the theory that Colt's arm isn't strong enough. At Texas, he threw the deep ball pretty well, and he's had some passes in his two games as a Redskins where he put some air under it. It's not his strongest suit, but he can do it alright. Joe Montana never had a very strong arm. Troy Aikman was often criticized for it, as well. But they were smart with the ball, and they were incredibly accurate. Colt may be able to develop into that kind of QB (though not on the same level as those HOFers). I think he's matured a lot since his Cleveland days (where he had very little talent around him).


All that said, I think we should keep RG3 in for the rest of the season, no matter how bad it gets. We need to see what he can do, how much he can grow with the final 5 games. And none of this watered down playbook. Put the whole thing in and let him show what he's got to offer for the future.

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Just an FYI the Rams with all our draft picks from the Bob trade are 4-7 today.. One win better than us. Who got the better end of the  deal. Seems like no one did. Rams got a list of players, Redskins got a list of Subway commercials..( Oh no you didn't)


I hate bagging on Griffin, I was upset with this poor play but I refuse to hate on someone that much simply because he's no the best football player.. Put in Colt, lift this teams spirit and lets look at next season and we can put this gamble behind us. FIX the Oline.

Don't forget we also gave up the opportunity to NOT get a few potential starters for 3 years ( 2nd rd'r in 2012,1st's in 2013 and 14) So I think we still got the crap end of the stick

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For the sake of the other 52 players, he probably should be benched.  But the organization is in a pickle.


Because the next time you bench him, it's for good.  And likely the end of his career as a full-time starting QB in the NFL.  That sux for him but he's clearly not the answer and is never gonna be.

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We owe it to the 52 other guys on the roster to give them the best chance to win. Some of these guys obviously won't be here next year, do you really think they want to look much worse than they should because our franchise qb is playing like a 7th round rookie? if griffin continues to play they will lose respect for gruden beause they know he doesnt have any power. hes got 4 years left on his deal we better set him up for long term success

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Why is everyone so quick to jump to "Colt is a placeholder"??

The kid played solid, and he's still young himself, who KNOWS what his ceiling actually is. I'm very ready for the Colt era, it's time.

I don't understand this either. He played well in college and was drafted and played for a crappy browns team. I've always liked Colt McCoy and thought he was a better player than Cousins before this season started. He just needed a chance and new setting after the Browns. I hope he gets a chance to compete for the starting job for next year.

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Seems more like this is the worst possible system for him to be in. NFL is no place to learn how to be a pocket passer. Never should have even been considered. QBs don't become pocket passers because of training or reps in practice. Thryv develop the skill over years gradually, and in cases like Rg3, its out of necessity due to a gradual deterioration in speed. Experience is the only solution, not jamming the **** down his throat. So he's probably done here. Hail.

Pocket passer is what playing NFL quarterback is. It's not a special type of QB, it's the very definition of the position. All QBs in the league have to know how to read defenses, adjust protections, and get the ball out quickly. We talk about pocket passing like it's an option among many. It's not.

I'll also add the RG3 wanted to run less and he's lost much if his speed. There are no options for Robert. When people talk about his development they mean as a passer, and when they say passer, they mean pocket passer.

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No idea who to start.  I suppose the fan in me says lets see what McCoy has.. Id like to see more of him and see if he can go in and do something.  I had such high hopes for RG this year but in every game he has played in he looks lost.  106 yards passing today.. SMH.  


At this point Id like to know if we have anything beyond a back up in Colt and know if we need to consider the draft for a QB.  I have lost all faith that RG is our franchise QB.  At this point he represents little more than a major mistake by our FO.  I have the RGIII jersey hanging in my closet like many of you.  Im not a hater.  Im a fan without hope.  

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I just think it isn't fair to the other players on offense to start Griffin. What is the point if he is so terrible, it makes it impossible to evaluate the rest of the players on offense. In Cooley's film breakdown last week, he couldn't even attempt to grade the other players on offense because RGIII was so inept. He looked just as lost today, and I think it is time to sit the kid down.

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BS! you sit his but down and put someone in that gives us a chance to win. Its not fair for the 52 other guys that are busting their ass

trying to win and seeing the morale of your team going down the crapper every time RG3 steps out on the field. Its time to cut our 

losses and move on. RG3 current on field play makes Colt Mccoy looks like Tom Brady and thats no exaggeration!  

And where is this team headed? Colt is a career backup. So let's say you win a couple this year with him behind center- and you lose position in the draft! They gave up the future for this guy- ride it out

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I was a huge Ramsey defender.

I thought Jason Campbell was the next big thing.

I've been the biggest RG3 homer since we drafted him and watched him shred the saints. WTF happened to him? It's really disheartening.

He gets the rest of the season. We need to be 100% sure.

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I just think it isn't fair to the other players on offense to start Griffin. What is the point if he is so terrible, it makes it impossible to evaluate the rest of the players on offense. In Cooley's film breakdown last week, he couldn't even attempt to grade the other players on offense because RGIII was so inept. He looked just as lost today, and I think it is time to sit the kid down.

So- is it fair to you in your job that your co-worker isn't up to your level or standards?  You get paid either way- it's a profession- "not fair" does not come into play.  That's when "team" is born-when they come together for all1

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