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So do you start RGIII in week 13?


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Yeah, I do, but I also coach more aggressively.  Letting the time wind down in the second half and some of those runs were counterproductive.  Gruden needs to go for the kill and who cares if it doesn't work.  Force RGIII to play.  I want him winging it like a drunk Brett Farve.  I want him throwing on timing routes a lot.  1, 2, 3, let it rip.  Force the receivers to be in the right spot and be open.  No more awaiting the open guy.


If that is what you want you might as well start Cousins.

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Personally, I would have cut him 2 weeks ago. But who cares at this point. Obviously the decision is Synder's. It was obvious to people that know football this guy didn't have it back in preseason. We were "haters" then. I let him play it out so Danny is cool with cutting him after the season is over

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Absolutely. Unless you think Kirk Cousins can be the guy. Colt doesn't have the arm strength but he can be a manager. Problem is a a manger gets us a worse draft pick and solves nothing long term.

I agree. At this point just let him play through it

If nothing else, will be worth it to see the resident Leave RGIII alone fan club slip slowly into insanity

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Guys didn't you learn your lesson with Jason Campbell? Sticking with a flawed qb who can't do the basics in year 3 is not the right way to go. While we stick around with mediocre qbs for a few years past their expiration date, other teams like the cardinals have gone to the superbowl, rebuilt, and then got back into contention again. 

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I would give Kirk another shot. Sure he sucked down the stretch but this offense has looked good under him. His biggest problem is turnovers which honestly can be fixed. He's not gun shy.


RG3 is done in the NFL. He simply does not have a feel for the speed of NFL level passing. He's not going to get better and he's not going to do **** for another team. He now looks exactly like Ramsey and Jason Campbell did. When he throws, its for checkdowns. Otherwise he's taking a sack or running around like an idiot.

... or, he will sometimes get that wide open receiver over the middle which he throws well. In fact, that's where like 60+ of his 100 yards came from today (two throws over the middle). It was also his bread-and-butter in 2012, and I remember thinking (Jesus, that's all he throws, when are Ds going to smarten up on this?). Well, it looks like they did. 

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After the last 2 weeks do you start RGIII in week 13? Prior to week 11 and 12 I believed that you had to play RGIII for the rest of the year to see what we had but after the last 2 weeks I think we have seen enough.




Winning at this point with a placeholder journeyman like Colt McCoy does nothing but cost you a high round draft pick.

If you're moving on from Griffin, that puts you in a similar position as when we drafted him where you have to trade up to get your guy. BAD.

If you're staying with Griffin for another season, that lowers the value of who you could draft or takes away your own ability to trade the pick and get more talent.

There's little to no good that comes from starting McCoy.

Unless Griffin has another TB game, and I don't believe this one was, you keep rolling with him. You take the entire time to evaluate, progress, and see how he goes. If you move on, do it at the end if the season and use your pick to get your future guy. But if you play him you at least have a chance to see if he begins to grasp this offense and improves. If you sit him, it's a fair accomplii.

Start him. He either begins to develop and give you confidence, or he makes it clear you move on and you benefit by the losses in the way of a high draft pick.

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I dunno why we should be exempt from the basic sports rule that requires you to play well enough to earn your start. 2012 was 2 years ago. An eternity in the nfl.

This team needs to simplify and stop complicating everything. He is not playing well enough to start, AT ALL.

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Just an FYI the Rams with all our draft picks from the Bob trade are 4-7 today.. One win better than us. Who got the better end of the  deal. Seems like no one did. Rams got a list of players, Redskins got a list of Subway commercials..( Oh no you didn't)


I hate bagging on Griffin, I was upset with this poor play but I refuse to hate on someone that much simply because he's no the best football player.. Put in Colt, lift this teams spirit and lets look at next season and we can put this gamble behind us. FIX the Oline.

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Does it even matter at this point? Griffin seems to be done mentally. Rest of the team isn't all that great either. In the end, I'm not sure anything changes until you get a real personnel guy in as GM. Saint Joe should be given a second bust in canton for reaching the playoffs twice under Snyder and Cerratto. I'm starting to think Allen is just a more polished Cerratto.

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Yes...you play Robert.  Season is lost, but you have to see if he can show any sort of promise or improvement.  As of now, it's obviously going to be an open QB competition to being training camp, but I'm going to guess that Jay gives Robert the final 5 games to prove that he can possibly be the #1 QB on this roster going into next season.  Robert, essentially, has 5 games to show that he's a NFL caliber quarterback.  I'm not even saying "starter."  He's currently walking a fine line between being on a roster past 2015 and being the focus of a future ESPN 30 for 30. 

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Just an FYI the Rams with all our draft picks from the Bob trade are 4-7 today.. One win better than us. Who got the better end of the deal. Seems like no one did. Rams got a list of players, Redskins got a list of Subway commercials..( Oh no you didn't)

I hate bagging on Griffin, I was upset with this poor play but I refuse to hate on someone that much simply because he's no the best football player.. Put in Colt, lift this teams spirit and lets look at next season and we can put this gamble behind us. FIX the Oline.

As of now it's a wash with neither really significantly benefiting, but you could argue either way...

You could say the Redskins, because we won a division championship in part because of Griffin, actually accomplished something

You could say the Rams, because while it hasn't produced results yet a number of those guys may be role player pieces for a number of years.

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Yes you play him to the end. What is the purpose of playing anyone else? Are you trying to get into the playoffs??? Please think logically and not emotionally.

You are the one that is not thinking logically because last time I check there are another 10 players out there with him and they also need to feel they have a chance. RGIII give them ZERO chance to succeed, especially the WRs. ZERO.

IMO today he was even worse than the TB game, the D kept this team in the game for the entire 60 minutes. The guy can't throw for more than 10 yards man, and today he had the help of a perfect run game. Holly **** when do people are going to realize this guy has regressed to the point that she should not even be the backup let along start.

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Yes you play him he needs to improve on a lot of stuff. I'd like to see them call some different plays though because protection is an issue. Gruden has said it several times during the presser. Seems to me that Gruden is trying to run his offense and not playcall to Griffins strengths and knowing the protection that's there. Knowing how the QB is playing, what he struggles at and the protection that is provided most plays I can't understand why he continues to call straight drop backs but I'm by no means a coach and for all I know he is calling the most simple plays possible. Who knows at this point, when Griffin makes the quick read, gets it out as fast as possible and is still getting slammed after 2 seconds what can be done here? Also depends on what Griffin says during the presser, if he comes out blaming others and doesn't point the finger only at himself that might sway my decision to start him next week or not. Even if its obvious a lot of parts in the passing game are struggling and arent doing him any favors most plays, he needs to talk only about himself and his play at this point. He isn't playing at an all pro level himself. There should 100% be an open competition at QB the second this season ends for next year.

I was happy to hear whatever special treatment Griffin was getting is gone. All that causes is animosity especially when Griffin isn't playing well himself. This organization just can't have that kind of stuff going on when the team has been consistent losers for decades. Either he gets to work and responds, or he washes out here in DC. It's time for him to realize he isn't going to win just by stepping on the field and whatever or however much work he is doing isn't enough.

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The only reason you don't start Robert, IMO is if Gruden thinks Cousin's is the QB for the future and wants him to get the consequence-free work for the rest of the season.


McCoy, regardless of how you feel about him, he can no longer do anything meaningful for the team this year.  He doesn't "need the reps" the way Robert and Cousins do.  McCoy is what he is by this time and if for some reason he is the QB next year he will get plenty of reps and time.


IMO, Robert is the QB of this team through 2015 unless the coaches feel that the rest of the team is good enough to go places and Robert is holding them back.  As long as Gruden thinks Robert is merely one mediocre piece in a big mediocre puzzle, then there is no reason to bench him at this point.

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