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So do you start RGIII in week 13?


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 The idea of actually 'winning' shouldn't come into play right now.

 No reason to play to win and lower the draft order.


 If they want Griffin to start next week, then have him practice trusting his WRs; on go-routes, just throw it up, let the WRs battle for the ball. One of his issues is him either not seeing his WRs or not wanting to make mistakes.

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BS! you sit his but down and put someone in that gives us a chance to win. Its not fair for the 52 other guys that are busting their ass

trying to win and seeing the morale of your team going down the crapper every time RG3 steps out on the field. Its time to cut our 

losses and move on. RG3 current on field play makes Colt Mccoy looks like Tom Brady and thats no exaggeration!  

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The only reason you don't start Robert, IMO is if Gruden thinks Cousin's is the QB for the future and wants him to get the consequence-free work for the rest of the season.


McCoy, regardless of how you feel about him, he can no longer do anything meaningful for the team this year.  He doesn't "need the reps" the way Robert and Cousins do.  McCoy is what he is by this time and if for some reason he is the QB next year he will get plenty of reps and time.


IMO, Robert is the QB of this team through 2015 unless the coaches feel that the rest of the team is good enough to go places and Robert is holding them back.  As long as Gruden thinks Robert is merely one mediocre piece in a big mediocre puzzle, then there is no reason to bench him at this point.


 With the way Cousins and McCoy conducts themselves in the pocket, he looks like he's holding them back.  10-18  106 yds, most of it screens won't win games or keep defenses from coming up.

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Season's in the crapper...stick with III and see if he's willing to put in the time and get better.  Griffin needs to hire a full time QB coach in the offseason and camp in his backyard.  He's not able to have contact with Gruden during the offseason, then he needs to go out and find someone else to help him learn.  Heck...he should hire John Gruden and go through "QB Camp" for like five straight months...

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You play Robert the rest of the year.  If he has any value in a trade; 7th rounder?  You play him.


Next week, we get to look at how we have become the Chargers of 1998. No, we didn't have a shot at luck; but we hitched everything on the next QB- RG3 and he's looking to be a bust of epic proportions. 

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Yes...you play Robert.  Season is lost, but you have to see if he can show any sort of promise or improvement.  As of now, it's obviously going to be an open QB competition to being training camp, but I'm going to guess that Jay gives Robert the final 5 games to prove that he can possibly be the #1 QB on this roster going into next season.  Robert, essentially, has 5 games to show that he's a NFL caliber quarterback.  I'm not even saying "starter."  He's currently walking a fine line between being on a roster past 2015 and being the focus of a future ESPN 30 for 30. 


or 2016 College Gameday analyst

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No. How much more do you people want or need to see. This kid is awful...borderline pathetic. Has he come out yet and said that he did his job today and gave us a 3 pt. lead in the 4th quarter that the defense blew? Because I'd bet that it's crossed his mind. The fact is is that our D kept us in the game and probably was the reason that Griffin wasn't benched after halftime. It obviously would've been hard for Gruden to bench him only down 3 at the half. "One Read Rob" is not an N.F.L. QB. Not only should he be done as the Washington Redskins QB, but I would say that he has dropped so far as to say that his days in the N.F.L period are numbered. 

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I say no. Reasons- the season is already lost, i don't see Robert improving at all, and i think we owe it to guys like Morris to play whoever we have the best chance to win with. Morris is out there busting his ass for nothing at this point, and i don't think continuing to play Robert is fair to guys like him.

Also, because Robert isn't improving, give the next man up much needed game time experience and 1st team reps in practice. That way, hopefully, we won't have to worry about drafting another QB and can focus on OL in the draft/FA.

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Time to stop thinking about just one player and think of the team.

The other 52 players can see with their own eyes that RG3 is a bust....and to continue to play him will alienate the rest of the team.

Jackson and Garcon have got to be fed up by now after having some good games with Cousins and McCoy. The OL also has to be fed up because RG3's lack of pocket skills makes them look like the main culprits for our losing season. Everyone keeps blaming the OL for RG3's lack of production when they looked good protecting Cousins and McCoy. Cousins had interception problems but wasn't being sack at this rate and was averaging almost 300 yds per game.

So who do you go with...Cousins or McCoy? Cousins has another year then is a free agent. If you finish the season with him and he looks decent we might be able to get a draft pick. McCoy is on a one year deal and can leave after this season. I don't see him being a short term solution. He looked good for. He looked good for 2 games but still has his history of ineptitude and concussions.

I don't know. All I do know is RG3 is a bust. A one year flash in the pan due to the Shanahans devising the pistol and RO to take advantage of his skills that are now gone.

The RG 3 of 2012 is never coming back and the sooner we acknowledge that and move forward the better because I don't think the fan base can handle another year of anticipating the return of the 2012 RG3 and then witnessing what we have seen since.

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What it comes down to at this point is...does Robert Griffin III deserve a chance to rescue his career as the quarterback of the Washington Redskins?  Do you still believe he can be a franchise quarter for this team?  My answer to that question...whether fair or unfair is NO.  No you don't start him, I say that because I don't believe he is going to be the franchise quarterback of the Washington Redskins.  There would be no point to picking up his 5th year option (unless you believe anything different than what I do), but I for one am past that.  It hurts me to admit it, but I think he's done in Washington. I would resign him if he had some trade value...but I don',t think he does at this point. For the record, I felt that way prior to today's game.  He's been given the keys to the kingdom and he's done nothing with them (his fault or not, that is the reality).  I don't know what else you can give him to ensure his success.


1.  He's got a QB guru of a head coach

2. Favorable treatment from the organization

3. Support from the owner

4.  Not 1, but 2 #1 receivers, a good slot guy, a solid tight end, a top 10 RB, and a pro-bowl left tackle.  


His negatives 

1.  Injury prone

2. Struggles with fundamentals

3.  Struggles to read an NFL defense in his 3rd year as a starter

4. Changing offensive systems early in his career

5. His best weapon..his explosiveness...is GONE

6. Shaky offensive line

7. He seems mentally fragile....worrying about whether or not someone likes him..and feeling he needs to consistently respond to negative comments


At this point I think he needs to start over from the ground up...and if that's the case...I don't even believe he's the best QB on the roster right now.  I think you have to try and find the guy...because RGIII isn't him.  If he were any other quarterback...on any other team, I think you'd have to say..........it's over.  Quarterbacks have succeeded with far less favorable conditions.  It sucks, but I feel his circumstances have already made this decision for him.  IF he's ever going to be a great quarterback, one thing is for sure...it won't be in Washington.  

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Personally I'd play him for the rest of the way. The good the bad and everything in between. Say Colt plays, plays well we win, he leaves as a Free Agent I'd imagine, and then regards RG3 we are still none the wiser. Is the long term answer at the QB position - who knows? Only one way is to carry on playing him and hopefully get an answer one way or another. I mean if his not the answer.... Just who is???

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Who is and why? This should be rich...

Okay, I'll play!


What's rich is your complete lack of understanding of the fundamentals of football and what they look like. If you aren't ignorant of what these entail, then you are in complete denial of what this team/offense has done and looked like this season when each of the QB's have played. The offense has run much smoother with both Kirk and Colt under center than when Robert was back there. The numbers all show that as well: number of sacks taken, yards gained, TOP, and most importantly points scored and games won. So, the short answer is that both Colt and Kirk are better QB's than Robert when it comes to running a pro offense, especially the offense that Gruden is installing because they actually have the basics of the position and the systems down, unlike Robert.


Now, before you label me a hater, the truth is I, like every Redskin fan would love for Robert to translate his skill set to the pro QB position. I want my team to win, and I don't want to have to go through the franchise QB searching hell all over again. However, what we all want and what is reality just isn't the same.


There are a lot of people on this board that are having a hard time dealing with the reality that RGIII isn't who we all thought and hoped he would be in 2012. I understand how hard it is to admit that the team is not even close to being where we all thought we were heading, but it is time to just face reality. People need to stop trying to demean and downplay the other QB's on the roster in a juvenile attempt to raise up "their guy." Whether or not you believe Kirk or Colt is a future NFL starting QB, denying that they are far more progressed as QB's than RGIII is at this point is just ridiculous.


People on this board mocked reports when the Patriots said that Cousins looked much better than RGIII after their camp practice sessions. Amazingly, a team that has been at the top of the league for over a decade actually knew what they were talking about, and all of the homer fans on a Redskins message board were wrong. Who would have thunk it? After the Houston game, I posted in a thread that RGIII looked scared and indecisive, and I was ridiculed and laughed at by a few members on this board (Jason Campbell supporters to the end too, as a matter of fact), all of which, shockingly, are still in complete denial about RGIII's play. Many have started coming to terms with it, but there are still a few that refuse to do it. Just know it is okay; we're all in this together as fans of this team. The longer you live in denial the harder the truth is going to hurt when you finally have to face it.

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What does it do to the rest of the team when the coach plays someone who performs like crap simply because he is the owner's pet.


Well, at least according to the reports today, Gruden has already removed any semblance of "privilege" that RG3 and his family has had. The same reports implied that the team leadership is completely on board with it, and would be on board if the coach decided to bench RG3.  So there goes your "owner's pet" theory....

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Seems more like this is the worst possible system for him to be in. NFL is no place to learn how to be a pocket passer. Never should have even been considered. QBs don't become pocket passers because of training or reps in practice. Thryv develop the skill over years gradually, and in cases like Rg3, its out of necessity due to a gradual deterioration in speed. Experience is the only solution, not jamming the **** down his throat. So he's probably done here. Hail.

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