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Spider Nightmare


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5 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Not gonna lie, that is kinda hot, in a deranged sort of way. Just make sure you don't fall asleep afterwards, or you might awake in the middle of the night several days later with a xeno bursting out of your chest


I know, right?  My luck, she'd molt her human shell and have a giant spider inside laughing about where she laid her eggs at.  Shoulda left her where I met her at the pet store when she said her name was Charlotte

Edited by Renegade7
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Australia zoo urges people to catch deadly spiders as antidote runs low


An Australian zookeeper on Tuesday urged people to catch and donate deadly funnel-web spiders, to help replenish stocks of antidote running low after a spate of spider bites.


The Australian Reptile Park, the country's sole supplier of funnel-web venom to antidote producers since 1981, relies on the public to hand in spiders that are milked for the venom used to produce an antidote.


The anti-venom program was now at risk after too few spiders were donated last year and a recent heatwave encouraged more spider activity and bites, the park's general manager, Tim Faulkner, said on Tuesday.


"We rely on community support to keep this program alive," Faulkner said in a telephone interview.


"We have tried to catch enough spiders ourselves and we just can't."


Funnel-web spiders live throughout southeastern Australia, but the only known killer is the Sydney funnel-web spider, found in the Sydney region and as far north as Newcastle and south to Illawarra, the park says on its website.


"The large fangs and acidic venom make the bite very painful," it said, noting that a major bite can cause death within an hour if left untreated.


Click on the link for the full article



Yeah, please risk death to catch us some spiders so that we can save you if you get bit.

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#7. The Fabulous, Cartwheeling Flic-Flac Spider

If spiders terrify you, you're not alone. Most of us agree they are horrifying, unsettling little poisonous things, and if you think differently we have bad news: When spiders can't smell fear in a human, they wait until they're asleep and crawl into their ears and mouth. Anyone not scared of spiders has at least 12 of them living and nesting inside their body at any time.

And while we're sharing fun facts about spiders, one of the most ferocious family of spiders is Sparassidae. They're known as Huntsman spiders and they're not only leaping, agile predators; they're pants-****tingly huge.

595107_v2.jpgGeoffrey Dabb
"Let's make a bet. I can jump onto your face before you can make a fist. Go."

But every family has an embarrassing member and the black sheep of the Sparassidae clan is the flic-flac spider. It was discovered by Professor Dr. Ingo Rechenberg less than 10 years ago during a Moroccan desert jaunt, and it's ****ing stupid. The flic-flac somehow, after generations of hunting desert prey, adapted itself to travel by lunatic cartwheel.

595108_v3.gifPeter Jager/Ingo Rechenberg

Look at this ridiculous thing go. It's like it spends its whole life falling down the stairs. The flic-flac got its name from the gymnastics move it uses to travel (obviously). It can move up to 4.5 mph this way, which sounds like a brisk walk, but would scale to something like Mach 1 at human size. While other spiders worked out how to build enormous webs and pit traps, flic-flacs were somehow given the ability to always look like they're celebrating.

595115_v3.gifPeter Jager/Ingo Rechenberg
"She kissed me! She kissed me!!! Wheee!!! Oh god, oh god, I can't stop! Why can't I stop?! AIIIIEEEE!!!"

Oh, and they also build bizarrely unappealing tubes as nests. They construct them using their feelers and a specialized set of bristles and hold them together with spider silk. Think about what that means. It means not only did evolution create a cartwheeling spider, it created mortar tubes to launch those cartwheeling spiders. No, really. Think about what that means. Right now, this very second, you live in a world that naturally creates mortar tubes for launching cartwheeling spiders.

595116_v2.jpgIngo Rechenberg
Sleep well.


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What Goes On In The Minds Of Spiders?




There are some very cool projects going on in spider science these days.


In one study, jumping spiders are induced to climb small viewing towers to contemplate experimentally manipulated images of prey. In another, wolf spiders are invited to assess visual and vibratory signals, digitally altered in various ways, that represent qualities of their potential mating partners.


Innovative methods are being used to ask the question, "What goes on in the mind of spiders?" The results suggest that the answer is "quite a lot."




"How an animal with such a small nervous system can do all this should keep us awake at night," Cross and Jackson told Joshua Sokol in May's Quanta Magazine.


Click on the link for the full article

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Jumping spiders are insanely complex for having such rudimentary brains...it actually really has stumped scientists as to how such complexity can arise from such a small "brain". They'll chase laser pointers to...like some eight legged cat...



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On Thursday, June 08, 2017 at 11:34 PM, PokerPacker said:

reaffirm your beliefs?

Just a sick, sick bothersome obsession. I hate everyone of you for contributing or starting this ****ing thread. Spiders are the Devils goddammit work, and came straight from hell. :rofl89: So I Hope You Guys Repent And Get the **** away from them before you become spider milk. :headbang:

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107 Million Spiders Found in 4-Acre Nest at Baltimore Wastewater Plant

.... Most of the spiders found in the massive webs around the Baltimore Wastewater Treatment Plant are of the Tetragnathidae variety (also known as orb weavers), and they measure around a half-inch long. The brave experts that studied the all-encompassing webs estimated that around 35,176 spiders could be found in every cubic meter of space – possibly making the nest the most concentrated spider population in the United States....


<<more at link>>


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Huge 'Angry' Huntsman Spider Intimidates Couple As They Try To Cook


There's not a lot you can do to prepare for coming face-to-face with a gigantic spider.

You can't swat it, the ****er will bite your arm off. You can't trap it under a glass, it's too big. What are you supposed to do? Well, this couple found out that all you can do is concede you're going to spend your life trapped in the clutches of the beast.

Lauren Ansell from Mount Coolum in Queensland uploaded a picture and video of huge huntsman spider which she nicknamed Aragog after Hagrid's pet in Harry Potter.



*Click Link For more*

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