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Deangelo Hall- Retire Him A Redskin Or Let Him Walk?


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Lets face it, D-Hall is having his best year as a Redskin and his entire career for that matter. On NFL network last night Deion Sanders said he was playing the best of any corner in the League right now and I don't think its a stretch comment. With his impending contract becoming more expensive by the game the front office will be faced with a big decision on Hall.  I am hoping he will get paid and I have no fear of him pulling a Fat Albert and relaxing after the pay day because "MeAngelo" has matured. Furthermore I think he has at least four more years of elite play in him and would be a good mentor for the emerging Amerson.   I think he is Redskin at heart and should stay Redskin. Thoughts?

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I would be extremely disappointed if he didn't retire here.  Not many free agents from that era would have come here on a ridiculous contract like he had, and taken significantly less money to stay.  He wants to be a Redskin, and that means a lot as long as he can still play, which he's proven he can so far this year.

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Never thought I'd say this at the beginning of the year, but I think I would be perfectly comfortable going forward with D. Hall and Amerson at CB #1 & #2.


We just can't give him another max contract.  I think he'll give us somewhat of a hometown discount...but I don't think he'll be especially cheap either...

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I would like that but unfortunately those days are gone and its about salary cap and age and he will be 30 next year. He will be looking to a top tier contract and we cannot afford that. Face it when it comes to money as a player you go where the money is not the heart because it is your livelihood and not your hobby,


What is a fair price to team and him?

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After this year's performance at vet minimum, Hall has proven that he is as Joe Gibbs would say, a "Core Redskin"


We need to resign him for 2014 and beyond.  Corner has not been the issue this year...but we are in dire need of OL and safety upgrades.

Never thought I'd say this at the beginning of the year, but I think I would be perfectly comfortable going forward with D. Hall and Amerson at CB #1 & #2.


We just can't give him another max contract.  I think he'll give us somewhat of a hometown discount...but I don't think he'll be especially cheap either...


I don't think we need to make a long-term deal...but if we are going to be making a serious push for contention in 2014, we could franchise him while we decide whether Amerson is good enough to take over number 1.

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I was wondering when someone was going to bring this up.


I think we need to sign him and let Josh Wilson walk.  I also agree that it can't be for a max contract and should be for no more than 3 years.  I don't know whet the going rate is for a top notch CB on the wrong side of 30.  He turns 30 this month. I don't believe he has anymore than 3 years remaining.


I'd also be interested in signing Aqib Talib since he is familiar with Raheem Morris' system from his time in Tampa Bay.  I'm not sure how that would work along with Amerson, but having him along with Hall and Amerson would make for a great CB tandem. 


I'm getting off track, but didn't want to start a new thread.

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If the price is right it makes sense to bring him back. The team has a million holes and they can't all be replaced at once without causing confusion, so it would be nice to keep him.


Agreed. If he leaves, it creates yet another hole in this secondary... A secondary that we just cannot seem to get right, for one reason or another. 

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I would like that but unfortunately those days are gone and its about salary cap and age and he will be 30 next year. He will be looking to a top tier contract and we cannot afford that. Face it when it comes to money as a player you go where the money is not the heart because it is your livelihood and not your hobby,


What is a fair price to team and him?


We would be able to afford a top tier corner contact next year however his age is an issue. We will have Rak to resign (maybe) but unlike Hall he is getting cheaper by the game.  It could be a blessing in disguise though because teams will be equally reluctant as the Skins are to pay a 30 year old long term big money. Hall is showing no signs of decline.

I think 7-10 million a season for three to four years is reasonable.

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Before the season, I was expecting (and hoping) that this would Hall's last year as a Redskin.


However, considering his play in 2013, I've done a 180 and hope that he returns next year. He's grown immensely as a player and seems to enjoy wearing a Redskins uniform.


Regardless of his age, hopefully he comes back in 2014.

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Agreed. If he leaves, it creates yet another hole in this secondary... A secondary that we just cannot seem to get right, for one reason or another. 


Oh, I think that reason is Raheem Morris. That guy hasn't impressed me at all...


As for DHall, it'd be great to keep him, but I don't see that happening. He'll want the big $ he's deserved by playing well this year...I doubt we could afford it with all of the other pieces we need.

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I HATE DHall, I do not buy that he has matured, or that he is anything other than a selfish athlete that just wants to get paid, I do not feel that he has any loyalty to any particular team especially our team. He also comes from VA Tech another reason for the hate. He has had at this point 1 good season (combining last half of last season, and the first half of this season) the others he has been a liability in coverage, and a hot head. He still talks entirely too much for my taste.


Now with ALL of that being said his play this season has been a pleasant surprise and with all the problems we have had on D he has not been one of them, in fact I think he is one of the reasons the team has not imploded. So I think we should resign him but no more than three years and no more than 5-7 mil a season he is 30 years old and as we have seen with Fletcher it is not a slow downslide one day you can play and the next your too slow, and too old. if he does not take that deal then let him walk. I can not see paying but too much for him, at age 30 when it could be possible to grow through free agency and the draft in that position.


I still think he is a grade A jerk but it pains me to say that his play has IMO warranted him getting money....I still don't and will never like him.

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Deangelo Hall has made himself a valuable commodity this offseason if his stellar play continues.


Even though he played well down the stretch of last season he generated little interest in the free agent market after the Skins let him go.  This time around expect the interest in Hall to be much higher around the NFL.


A few things to remember about Hall though when considering his long term future.


Deangelo Hall has the rare distinction for a CB of being given not one but TWO contracts which were widely viewed as gross overpayments.   When Hall was traded from Atlanta to Oakland he got a 7 year/70 million dollar deal with about 24 million guaranteed.  Hall was so terrible he lasted only EIGHT games before being waived.  That deal for Hall ranks as one of the worst NFL contracts of the last decade.


He came to Washington and played well for the remainder of the season.  He was rewarded with a 6 yr/54 million dollar deal with almost 23 million guaranteed.  Another contract that at the time was widely viewed with skepticism given Hall's play in Oakland and reputation as a selfish player who had trouble with coaching and being a good teammate in both Atlanta and Oakland.


In the short time span of one year Hall got two contracts with guaranteed money totaling approximately 47 million dollars!  That is HOF, all time great type money which was unheard of for a CB.


Hall had had his ups and downs as a Redskin.  He continued to develop his reputation as a playmaker but also got beat often and continued to have problems.  Numerous penalties which called into question his lack of discipline and ability to play within the team concept.  It wasn't like Hall was playing as a terrible CB but it was hard to justify his exorbitant contract when looking at the entire scope of what he brought to the team.


Hall being released and not generating much league interest appears to have lit a fire under him and made him more humble and focused.  He has played great football, mostly cut out the foolish penalties and has been viewed as a veteran leader.  


Hall has himself referenced how he 'made his money in Oakland' and seems now to be more focused on improving his play and being on a winning team.  He has played on mostly poor teams during his entire career and wants to change that.


This offseason will be very telling.  There is surely going to be a couple teams which throw a 3-4 year deal out to Hall possibly with another large portion of guaranteed money.  Will the Skins match or be in the ballpark of those deals?  Will Hall take the money and run in what likely will be his last multiyear contract?  Or does he really love Washington enough as being close to home and on a team he genuinely likes to stay instead of just going for the money.


So far Hall has largely shown to be at his best when playing to prove something and when his contract situation is up in the air.  Think about it - he played great when first coming to Washington and got a big deal out of it.  Played great to end last season when he knew it was likely the Skins would release him due to his cap number.  And he is playing great now knowing he will be on the market again after this season.


Very leery of giving Hall another big contract given his history.  He has arguably burned teams twice during his career with huge contracts, rolling the dice a third time is a risky move and one the Skins will likely give much thought to before going forward.


Personally I would like to see Hall get a 2-3 year deal with a nice guaranteed portion - something like 3 yrs/15 million with 4 million guaranteed.  Just not sure that will be enough to get Hall signed if his stellar play continues...

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I don't think there's any doubt that you should re-sign him if he continues to play the way he has. He's been a solid and willing tackler for several years, he's still as good as any in the league when it comes to being a ballhawk, and he has clearly elevated his play in terms of coverage as well. I could not disagree more with people that still think poorly of his attitude - I think he has become a leader and someone that works as hard and cares as much as anyone on the team. 


Hopefully at his age he won't eat up too much of our cap space in the offseason if this is the case because I think not only has he worked to get better but Haslett has gotten better at knowing how to use him rather than moving him all over the field as well. I think he feeds off of going into a game knowing he's working on the other team's best guy rather than constantly getting moved all over the field.


And yes, I agree with the earlier posts about really liking Amerson's play/progression this year. I'm excited for him. But he definitely still gets overly aggressive after he gets his hands on the ball. He got burned by Allen for a TD yesterday on a double move after the interception because he got too greedy going for another when. He played inside when that's where his help was and got burnt to the outside. I was pretty upset about that one. 

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Don't OVER pay for him, but pay him fair market price and keep him here. Hopefully this season turned a light switch on for him rather than just him chasing a pay day...and I think that's possibly the case.


I'd be happy going with Hall, Amerson, Crawford, Minnifield, and a 5th CB whose a special teams contributor like Gumbs.


I think I'd still perhaps go for Talib over Hall, but I'd be fine with keeping Hall.

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Oh, I think that reason is Raheem Morris. That guy hasn't impressed me at all...

As for DHall, it'd be great to keep him, but I don't see that happening. He'll want the big $ he's deserved by playing well this year...I doubt we could afford it with all of the other pieces we need.

What? For the amount of instability in our secondary they've been playing great this year. Hall, best season of his career. Wilson, haven't heard his name called much lately (a good thing). Amerson, some rookie pains but is a playmaker already. Our safety situation is more personnel, Rambo being a rookie 6th rounder, forced to start a SS at FS (Merriweather). But even Rambo played well vs Peyton Manning. Huge strides for that group this year.

Coverage issues have been more common over the middle with the LBs. They are slow, Fletch is a liability.

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If we could have him back for something like 3 years $25 mil I'd be happy. Not sure if he would take that though. 


8 mil a year man?  I sure as heck hope not.  DHall should be in in the neighborhood of 4-5 annually with a nice set of incentives.  He was already paid boat loads of $ by us and Oakland, it's time for him to retire a Redskin with a nice hometown discount for us.  This is all barring his 2nd half season play as well.

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