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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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You know, it would probably give you much more free time if you just wrote a Python script that took a person's post and automatically responded with "Just like Hillary! lol!" instead of responding manually each time.



Would you ask a monkey to invent a mechanical poo flinger? 


Of course not. It might be more efficient, but it's less fun for the monkey.   :)

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Ted Cruz on one of the Sunday Morning shows said that the reason we can't elect Trump is he is a deal maker and that the problem in Washington is that there is already too much cooperation, compromise, and deal making between Republicans and Democrats. In fact, all problems today stem from deals made with Democrats.


Really, he thinks the problem is that the sides are working together and that there's been too much deal making/compromise?

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Ted Cruz on one of the Sunday Morning shows said that the reason we can't elect Trump is he is a deal maker and that the problem in Washington is that there is already too much cooperation, compromise, and deal making between Republicans and Democrats. In fact, all problems today stem from deals made with Democrats.

Really, he thinks the problem is that the sides are working together and that there's been too much deal making/compromise?

Elect me, and I'll shut down the government, without Congress.

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1). We know who it is, so far. By, I think, a 5-1 margin.

2). And we know who's already claiming that it's unfair. A vast conspiracy.

1. First of all, the original claim being discussed was your claim that the nominee will be the person "who wins the most primaries," which is technically wrong, as it will be the person who wins the most delegates, but I'd like to note that's the claim I was responding to when I asked if we know who that is yet.

And the answer to that question is that we don't yet know who will win the most primaries (or delegates for that matter).

Pledged delegate total so far:

Hillary: 90

Bernie: 65

Remaining pledged delegates: 3,896

States so far:

Hillary: 2

Bernie: 1

Tie: 1

Remaining states: 46

Second of all, where are you getting 5-1? Are you counting superdelegates? If so, then doesn't that undermine your claim that the winner will be the one "who wins the most primaries"?

Anyway my original point was that we're a long way from determining a winner, and that proposition will hold even if you decide to move the goalposts.

2. Labeling somebody a "conspiracy theorist" is a transparent smear tactic, an attempt to lump somebody you disagree with together with people who believe the moon landing was a hoax and yetis exist. This attempt to discredit an opponent is one of the basest forms of rhetorical appeal, the argumentum ad hominem.

If you want to argue a specific claim I've made in a rational way, then I'll welcome it, but I'm not going to bother addressing underhanded personal attacks.

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I think I like Bernie.

I've come to the conclusion that I have no respect for any supporter of this current version of the GOP. If your ideals align with what used to be the Republican Party, i support that. If you believe in states rights, more power to you. If you are pro life, I'm cool with that. If you are anti-gay rights... Well you need to get over that ****.

Intelligent republicans need to take back their party. Your last president was an embarrassment, your leaders launched an unprecedented coordinated effort to obstruct the current administration to the point where that took priority over governing the country, do I even need to talk about your future presidential nominee?

The republican governor of TX sends the state guard to keep an eye on military exercises because your people are so unintelligent and dishonest that enough of them believed it was a plan by Obama to invade. You've got about a dozen republican websites that are disgusting in their lies and bigotry and I can't sign onto Facebook without seeing some idiot posting another fake picture with a picture of ______ captioned by a quote they never said or an article about our president overthrowing the country or secretly being responsible for the latest mass shooting. Then, when you click on one of those links you see lots of great comments from the type of people who buy into that crap like, "die Muslim "n-word" die!" You've got conspiracy theorist shock jock idiots spouting the most ridiculous nonsense every day to millions of listeners who are actually buying into this crap.

If you're truly stupid or that ignorant. Stick to it. In fact, we should just rename it The Stupid People's Party and the first time you win an election I'll know it's time to leave. Real republicans... What used to be republicans... You guys need to break away. There's no need to jump on the stupidity bandwagon just because it carries the name of what you used to stand for:

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Intelligent republicans need to take back their party. 

The only way that happens is if the party starts losing catastrophically which I don't see happening.


Currently, Republicans control the majority of governorships and Congress. There's very little pressure on them to change. It's working. Sure, the Presidency has been a tougher nut to crack because they can't quite gerrymander a national election completely, but they're nibbling away at that problem with voter law changes.


The GOP will stay intact as is and continue to grow worse until or if it implodes.

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Sacks, thanks for the comments.  I call them wackos or joke with people that have bought into the spin as "Manchurian candidates".


Good point that the intelligent Republicans do need to take back their party.  Just reading the bickering between the top 3 candidates this week sounded like a bunch of children in the school yard.


I agree with Burgold that I just don't see it happening.  Just way to many media people of all types brainwashing they listeners, and way to many people that don't bother to think for themselves.


Edit:  Forgot to add that the candidates will comment that I am an Obama supporter, liberal crazy for being a critical voice of their movement.  Gone is my kind, or middle of the road, vote for issues on both sides and have actually voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates.

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Congresswoman quits Democratic National Committee, endorses Bernie Sander

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned from her post on Sunday to endorse Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, following months of rising tensions within the group.

. . .


Vice Chair Of DNC Resigns To Support Bernie Sanders

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii has resigned her position as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee to endorse Bernie Sanders.

Gabbard announced her decision on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday morning.

Gabbard, 34, is one of the youngest members of Congress and the first Hindu elected to Capitol Hill. She served in Iraq and with the Hawaii National Guard, and cites her military experience as the impetus for her decision to back Sanders.

. . .

Here's video:


What an awesome woman! If only Debbie Wasserman Schultz had such integrity.

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Edit:  Forgot to add that the candidates will comment that I am an Obama supporter, liberal crazy for being a critical voice of their movement.  Gone is my kind, or middle of the road, vote for issues on both sides and have actually voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates.


So ya'll give up and think the other guys ya left should fix it ....it don't work that way.

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Feels that the Fox News hosts are starting to hedge their bets. Slamming the GOP field. Referring to Kasich as the only voice of reason. Me thinks they are seeing a Trump Nom, and loss. Which should be great for them. 4 years to blast the Dem. Easier than 4 years trying to make sense of Trump who would bench over Aisles with threats of exposing them if they don't do his bidding. 

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It's going to be a rough ride for him. It's unfortunate that the white supremacist won't get his boy Trump elected in the general election.



He isn't "my boy" but your attacks and insults of me are amusing.  Not sure why your white knuckling is so personal.

Carry on with election talk.

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What Is Hillary Clinton’s Net Worth? The presidential candidate has built likely an eight-figure net worth through book sales and speaking engagements.

From first lady to U.S. senator to secretary of state to presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has lived a life in the public eye that has included many roles and allowed her to build a sizable net worth. Her 2015 public presidential election filing revealed assets with a value ranging between $11 million and $53 million, and a Forbes analysis of the Clinton family's holdings suggests that their net worth is somewhere in the range of $45 million. Splitting the value of the shared assets in half suggests that Hillary Clinton has a net worth of roughly than $22.5 million.\


How did Hillary Clinton build her net worth?
Hillary Clinton has been a visible public figure for decades. However, the great majority of her wealth was built within the past 15 years.


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