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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Several state-by-state polls for key states have been posted and discussed in this thread in multiple posts by multiple different people with links included.

I stand corrected. I'm looking at some of those polls now.

In looking at the latest polls in Virginia, Ohio, and Florida, it looks to me like they support the notion that Bernie fairs better than Hillary.

What SC actually suggests is that there might be an issue with respect to the polls for Hillary and/or Sanders.

I'm having a hard time understanding how the polls could have been off by 20%, but I see a few possibilities:

1. The polling data was not accurate (maybe some flaw in the methodology of most polling organizations, with the exception of Clemson).

2. The people who were polled did not show up to vote (the turnout was awfully low, so that could very well explain it).

3. The voting machines were rigged (believe it or not, it's within the realm of possibility, I can show you some studies by computer scientists and mathematicians if you doubt it).

I'm thinking 2 is most likely (because 1 seems unlikely to me considering all the different pollsters, 2 is supported by the fact that only 10% of eligible voters turned out, and 3 is something I just don't want to believe).

Hopefully we can get better turnout moving forward. If the 99% would vote, then the 1% would lose.

I'm actually now not sure what to make of any of the polling related to Hillary and/or Sanders so I'd in general take a step back from discussing what polling means.

Maybe you're right that the polling data is all useless, but it's the only data we have. Without it all we can do is speculate.

I'm pretty sure they will "give the thing" to he who has won the most primaries.

Great! Do we know who that is yet?

Sorry that doesn't fit the narrative of the valiant underdog being oppressed because the world is against him.

The narrative is not that the world is against him, it is that the establishment is against him. And quite frankly that narrative is true.

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I'm trying to figure out the strong African-American turnover in SC for Clinton. Don't see the appeal there.

It's a mystery to me too.

Granted I'm a East Coast Bullmoose style Progressive Jew..... And Sanders doesn't speak to me.

He doesn't? That surprises me because Bernie speaks a lot like Teddy did.


Bernie Sanders Channels This Great Republican President

The Vermont Senator is not a socialist but a Bull Moose, the reformist party started by Theodore Roosevelt

. . .

Mr. Sanders has never suggested this, so at least Paul Sperry got it half right—Bernie Sanders is “not even a socialist.” Instead, he is the ideological progeny of one of our country’s greatest Republican presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, and his 1912 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party platform.

. . .

The party backed, among other policies:

• Limits on campaign contributions

• An eight-hour work day

• A commission to regulate securities markets

• A workers compensation program

• A “national health service”

• Passage of the 16th Amendment to allow for a federal income tax

• Infrastructure through “the early construction of National highways;”

• An estate tax

. . .

Anyway, if you don't mind my asking, I'm wondering if Bernie doesn't speak to a bull moose, then who does?

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Matt Walsh


Amazing. Trump refuses to condemn White Supremacy and the KKK. Says he has to research them first. What a scumbag.



longer video


WTF.  OK, David Duke ran for president, and who the hell doesn't know what white supremacists are?  Either he's lying or he is an uninformed idiot.


Add:  If this doesn't torpedo Trump what will?  He doesn't know about the KKK?  His opposition ads are already made for the general.  God help us if this guy can win.

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There is a large voting block disaffected and resentful that American policies over the past 20+ years don't work for them - going through Obama, Bush, Clinton. They have been stoked by the conservative right - but the political right always thought they could control it.

His message is essentially, "Both parties are ripping you off, you are getting a raw deal."

I dont buy it - but it is quite refreshing. How is Clinton going to take on a candidate running against free trade when her husband signed NAFTA?!

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GOP voters say Rubio won the debate, but little movement away from Trump so far.


Trump plans to release list of charities he has donated to instead of his tax records


Rubio endorsed by Lamar Alexander


Trump endorsed by Jean Marie Le Pen


WTF. OK, David Duke ran for president, and who the hell doesn't know what white supremacists are? Either he's lying or he is an uninformed idiot.

I guess he forgot. Lol

He seemed to know who he was in 2000.


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Does Hillary have any chance to win it all?

Huh?? Is this a joke? I mean seriously if Trump is the nominee the race is over and we'll know then that Hillary will be the next President of the United States. Trump won't only lose, he will lose big in a general election. Damn shame really as she is easily beatable by most of the other Republican candidates

There are a lot of Republicans who really dislike Trump.  Dislike him so much that they will say it publicly despite the likelihood of him being the standard bearer of their party.



I'm one and I'll never vote for him. I won't stump for Hillary (I'll never vote for a Democrat)but will encourage my colleagues to write in whoever they supported in the primaries.
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You still believe Trump has crossover appeal? If this doesn't do him in in the primaries it is going to wreck the Republican party. "What is this KKK you speak of?"


How could he not have crossover appeal....He is a Democrat supporter and embraces much of their policy  :P


all he needs to do is out promise Hillary (after all it is not like anyone believes her either, and the results lately rather suck to many)


Maybe he will even use Hope and Change like the last liar

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How could he not have crossover appeal....He is a Democrat supporter and embraces much of their policy  :P


all he needs to do is out promise Hillary (after all it is not like anyone believes her either, and the results lately rather suck to many)


Maybe he will even use Hope and Change like the last liar

He is the standard bearer of the Republican Party.  Only Republicans can change that.  Also, this lie is beyond incredulity. He comes off like he's an idiot appearing on Jay Walking.  "Civil War? Was that like, in the 1960s?"

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