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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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You are really white knuckling this topic.

The popular perception is that Hillary is more electable than Bernie. The people who believe this have proven amazingly impervious to reason and evidence. They aren't persuaded by polls that show otherwise, the fact that the vast majority distrusts her, the history of Hillary's campaigns trending in the wrong direction, the fact that she has numerous scandals hanging over her head, the huge enthusiasm and likability advantage Bernie has, or common sense.

Hopefully they'll take their heads out of the sand and help nominate Bernie before we're saluting President Trump.

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That only happens when it becomes possible to win the R nomination without being a lunatic.

I'd go under, on that. Suspect you're going to have to move your line.


Based on the polls, over 20% seems like a pretty safe bet.  Since Feb 10, only 3 polls put her under 20% and the average is 27.5%, and there is no clear trend down to indicate the gap has been closing in that time.  If anything, the gap seems to be growing.


A lot of them are close to 20% so margin of error the difference between them and 20% probably isn't significant, but if she's under, she has to be disappointed.


If it is 19%, it wouldn't be shocking, but based on the polls, it would be surprising.  Given the polls, 15% would be a win for Bernie.


I'm not sure it would be enough of a win to change anything, but you'd have to start looking at the polling in other states a lot more carefully.

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You're so mysterious!


Glad you aren't white knuckling it.  Bow your head.  Let us pray.




On Super Tuesday, I will be voting against Donald Trump. If he happens to become the Republican nominee, I'll have to do the same. Prayer is the most powerful tool I have, and I’ll be doing that to. I would prefer to vote FOR someone. I would prefer to find the candidate who most closely aligns with my Christian beliefs. But, not this year. This year I’m choosing to do what little I can to protect us from a Trump presidency.


Jesus is Lord. He reigns no matter what, and nothing can shake his Throne. And, at the same time, evil triumphs when good men remain silent. I trust in the Lord, and I must speak out.


Funny in this article:


I do not believe that Donald Trump has the best interest of our country in mind. Rather, I believe he has shown concern only for himself and his personal advancement. His focus on himself as a “winner” and others as “losers,” his obsession with polls, his demagoguery (“I could kill someone and people would still support me”), and more lead me to this conclusion.


Then this article:



I am under the strong suspicion that Sanders does not have America's best interests at heart. He is a screaming example of a demagogue.


So many demagogues in this election not having America's best interest at heart.  God I love this election.  The only thing left to do is vote for Hillary.  Is this some mass left leaning media bias or what!

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You mean there is anti-Trump out there.  That there are people that are going to vote in the Republican primary just to register a vote against Trump.


I'm shocked!  


I mean that isn't possible.  I thought for sure all of those people in the polls that say they really dislike Trump were really just lying because of social pressure to dislike, and all of those people that are showing up to vote for Rubio were doing it because they really loved Rubio and think he's the future of the GOP.

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I mean that isn't possible.  I thought for sure all of those people in the polls that say they really dislike Trump were really just lying because of social pressure to dislike, and all of those people that are showing up to vote for Rubio were doing it because they really loved Rubio and think he's the future of the GOP.


Peter, your posting prowess lately leaves a lot to be desired.  I never said nobody dislikes Trump.  What I said was it doesn't make sense to admitting liking Trump because you will be called a racist.


And in case you missed it because of your time on ES, a lot of folks like Rubio, many thought he was the future of the GOP, this election and the last election.

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Former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who is well-known for her stance against illegal immigration, endorses Donald Trump for president

1:17 PM

Christie going after Rubio hard now at Trump rallies.  

Christie make Trump's case much much better than he does.  

Of course Christie was barely getting any votes himself.

I think Trump may be getting tired of letting Christie speak though.

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Trump really going after the media now, saying he's going after them as soon as he becomes president.

This should absolutely scare the **** out of EVERYONE, right, left, up, down, whatever you believe. Can you imagine if Obama said something like this? This is a presidential candidate who is saying that, once he is in power, he wants to actively curtail the 1st amendment to silence media that say bad things about him. I've joked about being terrified by Trump in the past, but this honestly makes me scared. 


And please, I don't want to hear any ****ing excuses for this bull****.

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Airing Trump speech in full, but not the Bernie one. That goes in the little box on the side.

1:44 PM





Cruz misses self-imposed deadline for releasing tax returns


Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz missed his self-imposed deadline for releasing his tax returns.


The Texas Senator said in this week's presidential debate that he would release them on Friday, as he pressed rival Donald Trump to release his own returns. A Cruz spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


In the same debate, Sen. Marco Rubio said he would release his returns by Saturday. A Rubio spokesman said the campaign aims to release them Saturday afternoon.

Both Cruz and Rubio are trying to increase pressure on Trump, the GOP frontrunner, to unveil his tax documents. Trump has declined, saying he is being audited.

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This should absolutely scare the **** out of EVERYONE, right, left, up, down, whatever you believe. Can you imagine if Obama said something like this? This is a presidential candidate who is saying that, once he is in power, he wants to actively curtail the 1st amendment to silence media that say bad things about him. I've joked about being terrified by Trump in the past, but this honestly makes me scared. 


And please, I don't want to hear any ****ing excuses for this bull****.

Me too... but it is red meat for most republicans who've been taught to hate the msm.

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This should absolutely scare the **** out of EVERYONE, right, left, up, down, whatever you believe. Can you imagine if Obama said something like this? This is a presidential candidate who is saying that, once he is in power, he wants to actively curtail the 1st amendment to silence media that say bad things about him. I've joked about being terrified by Trump in the past, but this honestly makes me scared.

And please, I don't want to hear any ****ing excuses for this bull****.

What exactly did he say? I didn't see.

I would certainly agree with your outrage if he is talking about restricting freedom of the press.

But if he is talking about breaking up media monopolies and going after the corporate PR machine, then I would have to admit he has a point.

Me too... but it is red meat for most republicans who've been taught to hate the msm.

It's not just republicans. A sizable majority of Americans distrust the press.


And quite frankly I think they should.

Case in point. Imagine if Bernie was getting a third of the press Trump gets . . .

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Me too... but it is red meat for most republicans who've been taught to hate the msm.


Talking about the NY Times:
“If I become president, oh, do they have problems. They’re gonna have such problems,” Trump said.
"One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win … is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws."
“With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people… We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never got sued before,” he said.
I'm sure he will get his defenders here and elsewhere. "Oh he was just talking about making it easier to sue", etc etc. The very fact that he thinks he'll have the power to "change the laws" when it comes to the freedom of the press and that he's willing to say this stuff out loud right now should tell you a hell of a lot about him. Do you think this emotionally stunted bully wouldn't abuse any sort of potential power he could have? He absolutely can't stand even the smallest slight against him. Its honeymoon time right now. But as president, he'd be in for regular media bashings I'm sure. And there's no way he would be able to handle it without trying to use his power to shut people up.
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Again I didn't hear what he said, but if all he said is he wants to open up libel laws, then I think it's a stretch to interpret that as an attack on the 1st amendment. Freedom of the press doesn't protect you from being sued for libel.

I don't like Trump, and I'm just as terrified of a Trump presidency as the next guy, but I don't think we need to misconstrue what he says to prove he's an asshole either.

And as an aside, I think it's somewhat ironic for Trump to attack the press, considering that their 24-7 attention to him has been a big part of his rise.

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