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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I listened to Trump for 45 minutes - all he did was talk about lying politicans who did nothing for people and are bought off by lobbyists - and he does it in epic fashion with anectdotes, spends his time going in detail on his little stories. Only Trump could invoke a trade war with Mexico and China on the lawn of Wal-Mart.

Listen to 10 minutes of Rubio and he talks about how great Reagan is and how there are awesome folks like himself, young torch bearers for Reagan... and how Trump will destroy conservatism. How free enterprise is awesome. How Trump even used democratic talking points to defend plannef parenthood.

Gave Cruz some time, he was talking to an Evangelical audience about how important the Supteme Courtn is. All these 5-4 decisions.

Trumps not as slick, he is off the cuff, and yet he gains my trust over Rubio and Cruz. They come off like political puppets. When you get attacked for politic puppering.. dont act like it the very next day!!

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He's not done.

There are 46 more states to go, and Bernie is taking this thing all the way to June.

My God people, can we at least let the rest of America vote before we hand our country over to Wall Street's anointed one?

The thing is that the states from March 15th onward are much more favorable for Bernie. He just needs to survive until then, keep it somewhat close, and hope everybody doesn't give up too soon.

Bernie will be in it until the end.Try to tilt Hillary towards his position. Have the platform reflect some of his goals and give his big speech at the convention.


The Dem race will be effectively over Tuesday.  Hillary wins like SC on Super Tuesday and she will have a big delegate edge. She will win an overwhelming majority of the black vote.  Bernie could go on a winning streak but Hillary will have built up such lead Tuesday; Bernie won't be able to catch her.  I also doubt Bernie wins all those states you think he will. Once the voters see Hillary dominate Tuesday; people will either stay home or vote for her.



On the Repub side, similar things. Trump will have such a dominating win; he will just sweep everything else.

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IRS chief: 'Rare' for taxpayer to be audited several years in a row, as Trump claims


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said Friday that it would be unlikely for a taxpayer to be audited for multiple years in a row, a day after Donald Trump maintained the agency had audited him a dozen years running.


Koskinen, in an interview with C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers,” stressed repeatedly that he couldn’t comment directly on Trump’s personal tax situation. But the IRS chief also strongly suggested that the scenario Trump laid out in Thursday’s GOP debate was improbable.


“It would be rare for anyone to be audited every year,” Koskinen said in the interview, which will air Sunday. If there were no issues following an audit, Koskinen added, “it’s a number of years — two or three at least — before you hear from us again."


Trump said during Thursday’s debate that he couldn’t release his tax returns because he was being audited, and that “I’ve been audited every year. Twelve years or something like that.” Following the debate, Trump added in a CNN interview that the IRS might be auditing him because he’s a "strong Christian.”

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Unfortunately so though it's staggering to me how anyone could actually want that to happen...



I'll venture a guess to say that's exactly what is going to happen.


I didn't really care for Obama but didn't mind him too much either, even though I didn't agree with him on a lot.  


4 years of listening to Hillary would suck.  I can't stand listening to her talk, it's nails on a chalkboard.  

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Does Hillary have any chance to win it all?  

If she wins the primary, which is where I'd put my money at this point, then yes. Against Trump, she might as well pull a Broadway Joe and guarantee it.


Just.....**** Trump. Ugh, it makes me depressed that he's what the Republicans have turned in to. Hope Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. are happy with what they've wrought.

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Does Hillary have any chance to win it all?

If the polls are accurate, then no not really. She might eek out a win over Trump, but it will be close, and she'll probably lose to anybody else.


Polling average:

Hillary vs Trump +3

Hillary vs Cruz -1

Hillary vs Rubio -5

Hillary vs Kasich -7

Bernie vs Trump +6

Bernie vs Cruz +5

Bernie vs Rubio tie

Bernie vs Kasich tie

Now wait for the denial . . .

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If the polls are accurate, then no not really. She might eek out a win over Trump, but it will be close, and she'll probably to lose to anybody else.




Now wait for the denial . . .


It isn't denial.  It is reality.  As already has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, national polls are almost meaningless.


We don't elect or nominate people through national popular elections.


Your inability to understand that concept is very alarming.

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Bernie will be in it until the end.Try to tilt Hillary towards his position. Have the platform reflect some of his goals and give his big speech at the convention.

The Dem race will be effectively over Tuesday. Hillary wins like SC on Super Tuesday and she will have a big delegate edge. She will win an overwhelming majority of the black vote. Bernie could go on a winning streak but Hillary will have built up such lead Tuesday; Bernie won't be able to catch her. I also doubt Bernie wins all those states you think he will. Once the voters see Hillary dominate Tuesday; people will either stay home or vote for her.

First of all, thank you for allowing that Bernie will be in this thing until the end. It will be nice to see everybody vote before the DNC gives the thing to she who has been preordained.

But I disagree that the election will be over Super Tuesday. I do agree that Super Tuesday will be a big day for Hillary, and Bernie will be trying to come from behind after that, but I also think the states that vote from March 15th to the end of the primary are much more favorable for Bernie. It's just too early in the race to call it.

As of right now the pledged delegate count is 90-65. We're still a long, long way from 2,382. If this were a football game, then we wouldn't even be 3 minutes into it yet.

And yes, Hillary is still the favorite to win the nomination, as she always has been.

But Bernie still has a chance. He isn't giving up and neither are his supporters. It's worth noting how far Bernie has come already. Remember he started out this campaign as little more than an asterisk fringe candidate. The grassroots have gotten him this far, and let's just hope for all our sake we can get him a little further.

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You get props. You called it.

I didn't see this coming either. How could the polls have been off by 15-25%?

In all honesty this is really depressing. Hillary vs Trump is a no win situation. They are not good people.

Hopefully Bernie does well on March 1st and March 15th.


I guarantee you a lot of pollsters didn't get much sleep last night, while they sat down to figure out what went wrong.


One thing is clear is that at least in SC Sanders has very poor appeal among both blacks and rural democrats.

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It isn't denial. It is reality.

Don't you hate when the empirical facts contradict "reality"?

We don't elect or nominate people through national popular elections.

Your inability to understand that concept is very alarming.

Not that I don't appreciate your snark, but I'm well aware how the electoral college works. Perhaps you could point me in the direction of state by state general election polls. Or are you trying to refute the data we do have with data that doesn't exist?

And I'll even agree the data we have doesn't tell us much, but it does at least tell us Bernie is more popular than Hillary nationally, and thus a stronger general election candidate (as far as we know now).

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Maybe I misunderstood your point, maybe you misunderstood mine.


There was a high voter turnout in Nevada.  Almost 50% voted for Trump.  You then claimed that the high turnout was the anti Trump vote.  I said, well based on results you are wrong.  Then you tried to tie the % Rubio got as a proof that it was anti Trump.  I said Rubio was considered by many to be the future of the GOP and I wasn't shocked at his vote.  You then tried to claim that nobody likes Rubio which is just wrong (although after his latest tweets nobody will like him).


Then you tried to say none of the uninformed voters would vote for Trump because of a Gallup Poll.  To which I said I think there are a number of people who would never admit to voting for Trump because they would be viewed as a racist.


I never said there wasn't an anti Trump vote.  Obviously people voted for Cruz and Rubio.  I am sure some didn't want Trump, but some like Cruz and Rubio which you have a hard time understanding.



Does that mean high Trump turnout was anti Rubio and Cruz?  Are you claiming nobody likes Rubio but anti Trumpers, but Cruz voters were because the liked Cruz?


Yes there was probably a portion o voters who voted for any candidate other than Trump anti Trump.  There are also voters that voted for Rubio and Cruz that like them.


Is Sanders only getting the anti Hillary votes?

What I said was:


There is nothing about Rubio's favorability numbers that suggest as a 2nd/3rd place candidate that he should be pulling in the numbers he is.

That's not that NOBODY likes Rubio. Given his favorability rating and where he's placing, he's pulling in huge numbers of voters.

And in the post I quoted in this response, you clearly said don't get any evidence for an anti-Trump vote.

Either you see evidence for an anti-Trump vote, or you don't.  Which one is it?


I'm claiming that Cruz and Rubio have been pulling in huge numbers partly because some Republicans that would normally stay home are showing up to vote for Cruz or Rubio against Trump.


Yes, there are people that like them that would come vote for them, but that's not all of their vote.


That vote drives up total GOP turnout.


I also didn't say that NO uninformed voters would show up for Trump.  I actually repeatedly said that Trump was going to pull in huge numbers of votes in certain states.  I said he might win some states in landslides.


But given our election system that isn't meaningful.


Don't you hate when the empirical facts contradict "reality"?

Not that I don't appreciate your snark, but I'm well aware how the electoral college works. Perhaps you could point me in the direction of state by state general election polls. Or are you trying to refute the data we do have with data that doesn't exist?

And I'll even agree the data we have doesn't tell us much, but it does at least tell us Bernie is more popular than Hillary nationally, and thus a stronger general election candidate (as far as we know now).


Several state polls for key states have been posted and discussed in this thread in multiple posts by multiple different people with links included.


What SC actually suggests is that there might be an issue with respect to the polls for Hillary and/or Sanders.


I'm actually now not sure what to make of any of the polling related to Hillary and/or Sanders so I'd in general take a step back from discussing what polling means.

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It occurred to me this morning that Sanders showing might have deeper meaning. In a very red state, a very conservative state Bernie's very liberal message had almost no appeal. Now, one could argue that South Carolina is irrelevant. No Dem is going to win it in the general, but underneath that the question is... how many undecideds, purples, and Republicans can Bernie pull away?


I think it's an important question. I think if Trump gets the nom then there will be many looking for an alternative they can stomach. The choice for traditional red and red-purple voters will be vote Trump, stay home, or pick the other guy. We all know that Hillary has a lot of baggage. Conservatives have spent years discovering new ways to hate her. So her ability to pick off reds and purples is in question. The new question is whether Bernie is more able to do so. Socrates' polls suggest he can, but we need to see it in actual voting.


It may turn out that South Carolina was not a representative snap shot. It could just be an aberration based on a toxic demographic mix. Still, for those wary of Trump, Cruz, or Rubio it is something to keep an eye on.

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First of all, thank you for allowing that Bernie will be in this thing until the end. It will be nice to see everybody vote before the DNC gives the thing to she who has been preordained.

I'm pretty sure they will "give the thing" to he who has won the most primaries.

Sorry that doesn't fit the narrative of the valiant underdog being oppressed because the world is against him.

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It occurred to me this morning that Sanders showing might have deeper meaning. In a very red state, a very conservative state Bernie's very liberal message had almost no appeal. Now, one could argue that South Carolina is irrelevant. No Dem is going to win it in the general, but underneath that the question is... how many undecideds, purples, and Republicans can Bernie pull away?


I think it's an important question. I think if Trump gets the nom then there will be many looking for an alternative they can stomach. The choice for traditional red and red-purple voters will be vote Trump, stay home, or pick the other guy. We all know that Hillary has a lot of baggage. Conservatives have spent years discovering new ways to hate her. So her ability to pick off reds and purples is in question. The new question is whether Bernie is more able to do so. Socrates' polls suggest he can, but we need to see it in actual voting.


It may turn out that South Carolina was not a representative snap shot. It could just be an aberration based on a toxic demographic mix. Still, for those wary of Trump, Cruz, or Rubio it is something to keep an eye on.

I think that the problem with your perfectly valid question is that while those hypothetical undecided purples might cross party lines in the general, they don't do so in primaries. So, how well Bernie does in the SC primary doesn't say much at all about how well he will do in the general.

At least, IMO.

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I think that the problem with your perfectly valid question is that while those hypothetical undecided purples might cross party lines in the general, they don't do so in primaries. So, how well Bernie does in the SC primary doesn't say much at all about how well he will do in the general.

At least, IMO.

I agree. I have no idea what the snapshot suggests or rather, I have an idea but don't have strong convictions about it being accurate.

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