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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Yup. The idea of voting what's best for the country or the majority is one for a young and naive person. I used to think that way, but not any longer.

Just remember that when you cant figure out why someone won't vote for or support certain things. At the end of the day most people are simply voting for what is best for them at that time.

I'd hardly call 48 young or naïve. (his age).   And being in his business, I'm sure he's seen a thing or two in his day.

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Yup. The idea of voting what's best for the country or the majority is one for a young and naive person. I used to think that way, but not any longer.

See, this is a little backwards. Then again, I'm an idealist. If you vote for what's best for the country you are voting for your best interests. As the cliche states, a rising tide lifts all ships. Conversely, if you vote only on the basis of your short term interests you get George W. Bush... TWICE!


People voted for his policies because they lowered taxes and put more money in their pockets. Eventually, his policies cost them a Hell of a lot more when the Stock Market crashed and because his policies failed the country as any honest person could see they were bound to.


Vote for the good of the country. A richer and more prosperous country IS your best interest.

Some reject voting for a Democrat because they think it's akin to giving every child at a birthday party a goodie/gift bag. What the fail to realize is that in our lifetimes, voting for a Republican is going to the Heartattack grill, and ordering 2 ten pound bacon cheeseburgers with chili fries a week after being released from the hospital for a double bypass.


You might survive a Republican Presidency, but by the end of it you are going back to the hospital. It happened post Reagan, Post Bush, and post Bush II.

Learn from history.


Edit: In fairness, it happened after Carter too. So, in my lifetime you have a 1/3 chance of taking the country to the emergency room after a Democratic Presidency, but a 3 out of three chance to do so following a Republican one.

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Yup. The idea of voting what's best for the country or the majority is one for a young and naive person. I used to think that way, but not any longer.

If everyone voted his or her own best interest, then wouldn't that result in a vote that's best for the majority?

If the 99.9% voted, then the 0.1% could no longer run things.

Just remember that when you cant figure out why someone won't vote for or support certain things. At the end of the day most people are simply voting for what is best for them at that time.

The truly astounding thing is the number of people voting against their best interests. Consider Mississippi for example. The poorest state is also staunchly Republican; that one is hard to understand.

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So this is the part where the right wingers on this board come to accept Trump and become delusional enough to think he has a chance to even come close to becoming POTUS.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I don't think Trump has a chance against Bernie, but make no mistake, Trump can beat Hillary. Things to consider:

1. The polls show Trump and Hillary in a close race.

2. Hillary provides plenty of fodder for Trump's personal attacks.

3. This is the year of the anti-establishment voter.

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So this is the part where the right wingers on this board come to accept Trump and become delusional enough to think he has a chance to even come close to becoming POTUS.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


If the Reps cannot destroy/expose him he will ride Hillary into the ground.


With a large number of Dems cheering.

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I don't think Trump has a chance against Bernie, but make no mistake, Trump can beat Hillary. Things to consider:

1. The polls show Trump and Hillary in a close race.

2. Hillary provides plenty of fodder for Trump's personal attacks.

3. This is the year of the anti-establishment voter.

Hillary is a pro and a policy wonk. Trump has absolutely nothing on her and will look like the biggest fool on stage when they get a chance to debate. Hilary's phony scandals are nothing in comparison to all the crap Trump has done in his career. He's not getting hammered on it now and it's precisely because we are in primary season. Trump is in soft ball league at the moment.

You guys are seriously getting caught up in primary mania and the short term reactionary thinking that this country is all so prone too.

The Republicans would have easily won the White House this year if all they did was make sure Trump or Cruz didn't get the nomination. Rubio would have crushed both Bernie and Hillary. Trump doesn't stand a chance.

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If the Reps cannot destroy/expose him he will ride Hillary into the ground.

With a large number of Dems cheering.

Let me respond to this as someone on the left who doesn't like Hillary:

I really want to see Hillary lose, but I want her to lose the primary, not the general. I won't be cheering for Trump.

The trouble is I won't be cheering for Hillary either. I'll probably vote against Trump, but not for her, and therein lies Hillary's problem.

Hillary just doesn't have much support from people like me. You won't see us knocking on doors for her, putting out yard signs, making phone calls, etc. The enthusiasm gap between Hillary and Bernie is huge.

But that doesn't mean we'll be cheering for Trump. What it does mean is that Hillary is not the best candidate for Dems to run against Trump.

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You might survive a Republican Presidency, but by the end of it you are going back to the hospital. It happened post Reagan, Post Bush, and post Bush II.

Learn from history.



Such emotional drivel.  Are you working on your next book?  Cuz this sounds like a fantasy novel.


The wealth divide is strong my friend.  Same **** different day.  Now put your blue superhero suit on with the big D on the front, and run out into the world and sell those values your elected Democrats are doing such a great job of selling you on.


2 Americas?




So this is the part where the right wingers on this board come to accept Trump and become delusional enough to think he has a chance to even come close to becoming POTUS.


The march to the white house will be sad, but an amusing thing to watch on this board.  Please don't blame me again while you watch it happen.  That's what you get when you put up Hillary and don't allow anyone else onto the stage.

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So this is the part where the right wingers on this board come to accept Trump and become delusional enough to think he has a chance to even come close to becoming POTUS.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Half and half. They come to the board to accept Trump. Not sure about the delusional part.

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Hillary would have been crushed if her opponent wasn't someone bordering on lunacy. If I were you, I would start preparing for 2020 in the hopes that another lunatic doesn't win the R nomination.

That only happens when it becomes possible to win the R nomination without being a lunatic.

So what will we see in South Carolina tonight?

I'm thinking it's basically a foregone conclusion that Hillary wins the state, unless there's a miracle. But what will the margin be?

I'll put the over under at 20%, and I'll take the under.

I'd go under, on that. Suspect you're going to have to move your line.

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Hillary would have been crushed if her opponent wasn't someone bordering on lunacy. If I were you, I would start preparing for 2020 in the hopes that another lunatic doesn't win the R nomination.


LOL.  The fun part No Ex is watching this unfold.  It will become increasingly obvious leading up to the election.  Kind of like it has so far.  It started as this is a joke, and Trump hiring models to wear Trump election stuff.  Then he would never win in the primaries.  Now he is expected to knock everyone out come Super Tuesday.  The polls are starting to show him overtaking Hillary.

Hope you stay along for the ride, and keep your wits about you ;)

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That only happens when it becomes possible to win the R nomination without being a lunatic.

I'd go under, on that. Suspect you're going to have to move your line.

I think Bernie is closing the margins. He has the excitement right now. Hillary wins, but Bernie will once again be able to claim an underdog victory if he wants. That may not being saying much with Rubio claiming underdog victories by coming in third or only losing by 25 points.

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I'd go under, on that. Suspect you're going to have to move your line.

I already put the line below what the polls say. Hillary is polling +23 in the last poll, with the polling average at +27.

I'll take the idea that I should go lower than 20 as good news. I'm hoping for something in the 10-15 range.

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I'm going to quote myself, and expand on it.

That (Republicans nominating somebody who's not crazy) only happens when it becomes possible to win the R nomination without being a lunatic.


And that only happens if the Republicans are willing to take their voters off of their meds. 


Anybody see them being willing to do that?  Cause the withdrawal symptoms are gonna be a ****. 

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LOL. The fun part No Ex is watching this unfold. It will become increasingly obvious leading up to the election. Kind of like it has so far. It started as this is a joke, and Trump hiring models to wear Trump election stuff. Then he would never win in the primaries. Now he is expected to knock everyone out come Super Tuesday. The polls are starting to show him overtaking Hillary.

Hope you stay along for the ride, and keep your wits about you ;)

Same things were said in 2012 by people like you. And a much better candidate than Trump was demolished by a President who was supposedly "weak, ineffective and destroying the country".

Rinse and repeat. Even the Rs know what a disaster Trump is going to be. Hence the calls for Romney to run again that happened not too long ago.

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LOL.  The fun part No Ex is watching this unfold.  It will become increasingly obvious leading up to the election.  Kind of like it has so far.  It started as this is a joke, and Trump hiring models to wear Trump election stuff.  Then he would never win in the primaries.  Now he is expected to knock everyone out come Super Tuesday.  The polls are starting to show him overtaking Hillary.

Hope you stay along for the ride, and keep your wits about you ;)

Chip, gotta give you props, you've called this thing so far.


So I know you're not a Hillary fan, but also suspect you're pretty jaded by this whole thing.  In a Trump-Clinton election, will you vote for Trump, and if he wins, do you think he'll be a decent president? Or does it really matter?

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It's really entertaining to see Chip and twa thinking that Trump is going to beat Hillary in the general. I get it though. It's GOP primary season, everyone is getting excited. And I guess there are some polls, right now, that show a tight race. PeterMP did a pretty good job highlighting the problems with those polls, so I'm not going to recap it.

If it plays out as Hillary vs Trump, Democrats will take the Senate. It will be an electoral landslide greater than either of Obama's victories. Democrats may even have a shot at the House. And it's because Dems will have nominated an unlikable but qualified politician, and GOP will have nominated a lunatic. He will not hold up in the general.

One of us will be dead wrong. Seriously looking forward to watching this play out in the coming months. I'll try to find this post in November.

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Same things were said in 2012 by people like you. And a much better candidate than Trump was demolished by a President who was supposedly "weak, ineffective and destroying the country".

Rinse and repeat. Even the Rs know what a disaster Trump is going to be. Hence the calls for Romney to run again that happened not too long ago.


Oooh "people like you"?  LOL wow that's an insult.  People "like me" in 2012 would have told YOU that sitting Presidents rarely lose their second term.  You are really white knuckling this topic.

Chip, gotta give you props, you've called this thing so far.


So I know you're not a Hillary fan, but also suspect you're pretty jaded by this whole thing.  In a Trump-Clinton election, will you vote for Trump, and if he wins, do you think he'll be a decent president? Or does it really matter?


I may not vote.

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I'm going to quote myself, and expand on it.

That (Republicans nominating somebody who's not crazy) only happens when it becomes possible to win the R nomination without being a lunatic.

And that only happens if the Republicans are willing to take their voters off of their meds.

Anybody see them being willing to do that? Cause the withdrawal symptoms are gonna be a ****.

If Hillary wins in such a fashion that also flips the House and Senate, maybe they have an awakening of sorts.

I don't think so though. It will be because Trump "wasn't conservative enough." Remember, that's the only reason McCain and Romney lost? The GOP will continue to move further right until President Hillary Clinton, they will continue to embrace crazy, and they will continue to lose people in the middle. There will be fallout at some point, but that really should have happened by now so I have no idea when that might be.

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One of will be dead wrong. Seriously looking forward to watching this play out in the coming months. I'll try to find this post in November.


You wont have to look for this post, there will be plenty along the way...this thread will be one for the ages.  Hopefully people don't get banned from getting too emotionally mad.  It's a message board on the interwebz.

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