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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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This is why the GOP will win the next Presidential Election.




Seems premature to say the Dems have done any such thing.  There was talk of it in 08, but it did not happen.  Now if your saying the D establishment tries to give their favorite an advantage, I think it is pretty clear the Rs do the same thing. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if they adopted the super delegate system after this cycle.

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Referring to Trump's suggestion to torture suspected terrorists and kill their families, Gen. Michael Hayden told TV host Bill Maher, “If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act.”


I wish I could be certain of that. They didn't seem to have a problem with the "torture" part, when W ordered it.


(Heck, I wish I could be certain that it's not continuing.) 

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This is why the GOP will win the next Presidential Election.


I like Sanders a lot, he's my 1st choice, but the notion that the game is totally rigged is not accurate.  Weighted somewhat in her favor, sure, but it was that way going in.


Sanders has had ample chance to snag the momentum he needs.  Yes, the media has been very non-compliant, but that's not exactly necessary.  Cruz won Iowa by going to all 99 counties.  Bernie had some moral victories, but after NH he needed true victories.  The loss in Nevada, and especially if the numbers in SC hold, shows that while Bernie has a strong message, it's not quite enough to win the Dem nomination.  


The weight on the scale isn't enough to make Bernie lose Nevada and then lose SC by a 40+ point margin if his candidacy was truly strong enough to win outright.


The voters are deciding the Democratic nomination.  Unless there's a miraculous turnaround, the Superdelegates won't be necessary.

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This is the beginning of the end for Bernie. I will be voting for him in VA primary but he's toast.

I appreciate that you'll be voting for Bernie! :)

I don't think he's toast though. It's awfully early.

Maybe that's wishful thinking, but the idea of Hillary vs. Trump/Rubio/Cruz is just too depressing. :(

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I like Sanders a lot, he's my 1st choice, but the notion that the game is totally rigged is not accurate. Weighted somewhat in her favor, sure, but it was that way going in.

Sanders has had ample chance to snag the momentum he needs. Yes, the media has been very non-compliant, but that's not exactly necessary. Cruz won Iowa by going to all 99 counties. Bernie had some moral victories, but after NH he needed true victories. The loss in Nevada, and especially if the numbers in SC hold, shows that while Bernie has a strong message, it's not quite enough to win the Dem nomination.

I appreciate that you like Sanders! Vote for him, talk to people.

I'm not really liking the defeatist attitude though. Bernie will snag a few states on Super Tuesday (Vermont, Massachusetts, Colorado, maybe Oklahoma, Minnesota), and after that the map looks much better for him, provided his supporters aren't convinced to give up prematurely.

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Thank God Bernie is done. Now I don't have to look at Hillary on the news again until November when I vote for her in the general election.

He's not done.

There are 46 more states to go, and Bernie is taking this thing all the way to June.

Super Tuesday is Bernie's funeral. The scorecard in states will be 13-3 or something of that sort. Let the Hillary and Trump follies commence.

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Ok. He'll continue to waste the money of his donors until June.

I'm one of those donors, and it's worth every penny to me to try to take our country back from Hillary's donors.

Sure it looks hopeless, but every political revolution, from women's suffrage to civil rights, looks hopeless at first. And the powers that be want us to think it's hopeless.

Hell maybe it is hopeless, but we have to try.

Anyway, it's my money, and it's not a waste to me.

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I'm one of those donors, and it's worth every penny to me to try to take our country back from Hillary's donors.

Sure it looks hopeless. That's what they want us to think. Hell maybe it is hopeless, but we have to try.

Well I guess she could die in the next 3 months or so. He'd have a decent shot at getting the nomination then.

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Just saw that Cruz released something like 9 years of his tax returns

I look forward to Hillary appointing Bernie to head the Fed.

I kid, but seriously Bernie has and will probably continue to run a hell of a campaign and has energized people who often do not care to get involved in politics and brought important issues into play that were not getting a lot of attention and has done so with a mostly positive campaign. He has a lot to be proud of.

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